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Posts tagged naming-conventions
In a C implementation in <stdio.h> on Linux I saw something like: extern FILE *__stdinp; extern FILE *__stdoutp; extern FILE *__stderrp; And then: #define stdin __stdinp #define stdou...
For my company, I'm writing naming conventions for embedded code in C language. Function names must be named in lowerCamelCase() and start with a verb. Global variables are in Maj_started_lowe...
Can a Go package name validly contain a hyphen and/or an underscore? The godocs say that By convention, packages are given lower case, single-word names; there should be no need for underscores or...
Sometimes, either to reduce the amount of typing big table names or when joining a table to itself one will need to alias a table. Personally I find SQL statements with aliases harder to read and a...