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Posts tagged dom
If I am not mistaken any DOM "tree" node is actually a "branch", which would be an HTML element or perhaps a CSS pseudo-element, of course. If that's true what are the different node types and esp...
If I execute in browser console: document.write("Hello"); A new DOM document with the text Hello appears in the same browser window. From MDN documentation: Note: Because document.write() w...
I want to ensure I understand the following code; credit to user:m3g4p0p on Sitepoint, for this code: const walker = document.createTreeWalker( document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT ) let...
I have a .html file containing only the following data, and I keep that file on top of my website's directory. <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/mobile_general_structure.css"></link> ...
All the ways I know of to mutate a DOM are JavaScript. Just for broadening general knowledge I want to know if there is any common way to mutate the DOM via HTML itself, without involving any Java...