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questions about which tools, frameworks, or technologies to use, unless they are directly related to development (e.g. code, schema changes documentation tools) Don't understand. Frameworks or ...
questions dealing with how to write software documentation This seems overly broad. I mean this would include Mark Bakers entire book, but technical writing has an established codidact community,...
I am getting a white screen issue for my angular portal, only if I am not using "USB tethering". When I use home/office wifi, and mobile hotspot, I get a white screen when I use USB tethering fro...
The use of the terms expression and statement could vary between programming languages. However, the following distinction is widely used: Expressions are syntactic forms that allow software auth...
In my browser's JavaScript console I can add to the <body> element one file (index.html) with the following AJAX code: const whereToLoad = document.querySelector("body"); const ajax = new X...
#include<stdio.h> struct Book { char title[20]; char author[20]; int pages; }; void init_Book_types(struct Book* aTitle,struct Book* aAuthor,struct Book* aPages){ aTitle->ti...
I consider to migrate a large MediaWiki website to Drupal 9. All the webpages include MediaWiki syntax, just one example is the link syntax: [[ARTICLE NAME|LINK_TEXT]] for internal links [URL ...
I'm still in the process of making MarkFuncs and having given up from copy-pasting open-source interpreters, them using OOP too, I decided to make one without OOP and with scratch alongside with th...
You may know me so I am answering :P (someone close to you but you can't find me directly). Is it a good idea to have a permanent branch for a feature? Suppose, you have a permanent branch th...
I had installed Ruby. rvm install 2.6.6 I had Ruby which version was 3.0.0. I had removed it. Then, installed 2.6.6. When I try bundle install I got no error. When I tried following command...
In Eclipse, is it possible to setup custom errors or markers in the editor, for annotation processing? For example, the standard squiggly lines with descriptions. This question is not important. ...
Much of this is already covered in various sources like https://docs.python.org/3/howto/unicode.html. Although there are issues with relying on links, I figure official documentation is probably fa...
A page is very slow and laggy in Firefox. I am certain it's one of the many Javascripts slowing it down. Out of curiosity, I'd like to figure out which script is creating the heaviest load. Note t...
const script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = `your.script.url/?_bustcache=${Date.now()}`; script.async = true; script.onload = doSometh...
I can't recommend anything specific because the ones I used around 2012 and before, Magic Form Mail and Form World they've both shut down. However there's lots of good ones for sale on Code Canyon.
The kind of comments telling you to add checks against null are typically coming from programmers mostly used to deal with higher level programming languages. They think that generally, more explic...
I have a page to change the user password in my website, this page can only be used if the user have a logged in! The change password page have 3 inputs: Old Password, New Password and Con...
I wish to display the first and second branches of a link tree with JavaScript. I want to show these branches in a single action, instead of clicking each vertical arrow (link) anew. HTML examp...
In a dense DOM tree created by a content management system which I didn't create and don't know much about there might be pseudo elements hiding in various places. To ensure that, I want to run so...
I am trying to check a JSON array for a certain element. However, when I try to instantiate a JsonElement to search the list for: JsonElement builderElement = JsonParser.parseString( "{\"disc...
A few of my services rely on LazyCache and they use it by injecting IAppCache. For unit testing, I would like to mock this. I have found MockCachingService, but it does not do any caching (as spec...
So I just started learning how to use file-streams in C & decided to attempt a question which is to do with library management in C, however I am currently encountering some problems and feel l...
Changing @media screen and (min-width: 922px) to @media screen and (min-width: 720px) helped. Since the iframe wrapper is smaller than 992px the iframe children appeared relative to the wrapper ac...
I think that adding this to the original code helps: iframeToWorkOn.height = parseInt(iframeToWorkOn.height) + 50; This adds 25px top and 25px bottom compensating for CSS padding. I also wra...
This program creates a child process and shares two integers (base and height) through the shared memory. The parent process asks four times to insert two integers and wait for the child process t...