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General Q&A about programming, scripting, software design & architecture, process, tools, testing, and more.
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I'm currently working on an architecture for a microservices-based platform and I would like to get some feedback in this regard — best way to handle integrations between the internal microservices...
Can I programmatically get the name of the remote branch which my local branch is tracking? I'm interested in scripting around git-range-diff(1), so that I could do something like this: [alias] ...
How to list all available helm charts in a helm repository, preferrably using the native helm CLI tool? This command lists the repos themselves, but I've yet to discover how to list their contents...
I came across the following code snippet on the SEI CERT C Coding Standard wiki: Compliant Solution Any valid pointer to void can be converted to intptr_t or uintptr_t and back with no change i...
I have an array of struct: static struct basket baskets[MAX_ITEMLEN + 1]; struct basket { char *items; // malloc(itemlen * itemcount) int itemcount; }; char *items does all I nee...
Occasionally I run into some strange pre-processor code with a list like this: #define LIST \ X(1) \ X(2) \ X(3) \ And then code followed by other obscure macros and ...
It seems like pods created by a Kubernetes CronJob (or rather Job) are deleted as soon as they fail. This makes it difficult to figure out what went wrong (unless you have Prometheus or some other ...
In vscode, when I hit a breakpoint it automatically opens "Run and Debug" window. I don't want that because I am using a small screen (and that sidebar takes up space) and I don't always need to us...
I'm working with GitLab CI. The pipelines I'm designing contain several jobs that, once executed successfully, there shouldn't be any reason to retry/rerun them. This is an example: default: # ...
Suppose I have the following directory structure: folder/ aaa/ f.txt bbb/ f.txt I want to compare the file f.txt as it is common to both directories. So in zsh I type this: % d...
I asked this in SE years ago. I'm aware of two methods in order to access all the pixels in a QImage called img. Method 1 for (int y = 0; y < img.height(); y++) { QRgb *line = (QRgb *)...
I'm getting the following exception with deserializing a json file using jackson. Any tips on how to fix it? com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: No enum constants for class com.dp...
In init.vim, I have a Vimscript function that calls a Lua function and returns its value: function! CallLuaFunction() return luaeval("require('functions').say_hello()") endfunction The Lua ...
I asked this question a while ago over SE. When I use a for loop with a uint64_t as a counter, it gets stuck forever, even though the condition seems to be well defined. Offending MCVE #includ...
I asked this question in SE a while back. TL;DR I need to emulate a timer in C that allows concurrent writes and reads, whilst preserving constant decrements at 60 Hz (not exactly, but approxima...
Does the case of an email address make a difference? I.e. would sending emails to these addresses all lead to the same inbox? account@example.org, ACCOUNT@EXAMPLE.ORG, ACCOUNT@example.org, Account...
This question was originally asked in SE. I have a program that draws lines using line drawing algorithms. I use gcc 5.2.1 on Xubuntu 15.10 to compile it. Executing it throws a "Segment violati...
Is there a command I can run to get the path of global gitconfig for a user? Like git config --global --edit, but I want the path, not an editor window. I want the right path whether or not this f...
(Brought over from SE.) The problem I have followed this procedure in order to run Java applications as root when needed from Eclipse (as I use Xubuntu, for instance, when using jnetpcap to cap...
I have a QR code which needs to read through Google's ML kit for Android since Zxing.MAUI doesnt read it. I followed the code in ml-kit/vision/barcode-scanning/android and VinayByte/mlkit-qr-code-s...
(Brought over from SE) The problem I'm coding a Java Swing application dealing with XML files, so I'm using JAXB in order to marshal classes into documents and unmarshal the other way around. ...
I'm working on a proof of concept for a Spring Cloud Stream application. I want to define my processing logic using classes that implement Function, Consumer, or Supplier. I understand that Spring...
I have two vps: First one is used for vpn/proxy. It runs 3x-ui that, simply saying, allows to create and manage vpn/proxy with UI. VPS' ip is connected to https://new-york.vpn.utils.example.co...
Credit for User:Meriton for developing the following code (first published here). function replaceIn(e) { if (e.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { e.nodeValue = e.nodeValue.replaceAll("a", "");...
Note: This is a general question about Markdown formatting for any Markdown renderer (e.g., Gitlab, Github, Codidact). So this is not just a question about Codidact's renderer. When displaying she...
Since setState is asynchronously executed, how to dynamically do something after a useState variable has been set? Consider import { useState } from "react"; const [myVar, setMyVar] = useState("...
I'm trying to implement bases and overlays for some Kubernetes configurations that I have, but I'm running into an issue where labels and annotations are not being applied correctly to some specifi...
I did git fetch to quickly get latest commits. I did this instead of git pull so I could deal with merge conflicts offline. But my repository is still stuck on the old commit, and now git pull fail...
Until recently, I'd yet to come across a situation in which I'd had any reason to qualify a DNS namespace further than its TLD. Then, I authored softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/revisions/456...
Helm keeps track of releases and their revisions by creating a kubernetes Secret each time a chart is installed, upgraded etc. These are of course useful in case you want to rollback, but they do p...
Inspired by https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/432242, and the relevant main-space questions. I have heard that C and C++ something called the "strict aliasing rule", which means for exa...
I have a program that reads a hexadecimal string representation from a configuration file, turns it into a GdkRGBA struct from Gdk, uses gtk_color_dialog_button_set_rgba () to set it as the default...
Why is spacy word vectors showing unexpected similar words? Here is the code I am using: import spacy import numpy as np nlp=spacy.load('en_core_web_md') with open ('data/us.txt') as f: ...
I'm currently working with Apache Camel in a Quarkus application. I would like to configure the application to not discover any routes by default, and only include those defined in specific package...
I run a small website and Im considering blocking proxies and vpns with ipquery to cut back on spam. I keep having bots autofill the contact us even though im using recaptcha. Does anyone have any ...
When I make a separate commit for code cleanup / style changes, I can suppress that commit from git blame so that I can follow a file's history easily without getting distracted by pure style chang...
Used to work with PhantomJS. Want to upgrade to Puppeteer. Started with some code: "use strict"; const puppeteer = require("puppeteer"); const capture = async () => { let browser; try {...
According to Which functions in the C standard library must always be avoided?, the atoi family of functions is dangerous and should never be used for any purpose. The rationale given in the answer...
In the current version of OpenJDK's JEP 401: Value Classes and Objects (Preview), it is said that value classes can leak data stored in their fields, and that this is potentially a security concern...
In tmux I have the following command in my .tmux.conf, which will save a double-clicked line to the file /tmp/tmux_line.txt: bind-key -n DoubleClick1Pane select-pane \; copy-mode -M \; send-keys -...
Many programming languages either have keywords like or and and used for logic, or equivalent operators such as || or && - which are referred to as "logical or" and "logical and" respective...
When doing something simple such as this int a=1; int b=2; int c=3; printf("%d\n", a + b * c); then I was told that operator precedence guarantees that the code is equivalent to a + (b * c)...
I am trying to capture the content outside square brackets in groups, using this regex: (.*)\[.*?\](.*) And it works perfectly for a simple string like this: testing_[_is_]_done This is the...
I'm building a Flask application with user login functionality using Flask-WTF for form handling and Flask-Login for user authentication. However, I am unable to log in successfully. The page does ...
I need to have 2 different models to create projects and to-do lists. I've figured out, that for HTML there is only one dialog menu that can be invoked with window.dialog.showModal(); directly. So ...
I have a generated file that I want Tilt to ignore for re-building. However, when that file changes, Tilt also detects that the parent directory has changed based on its contents changing. I can fi...
These are the methods I know of: Set the form's target attribute to _blank. Add submit event listeners (e.g., this SO thread). In the proprietary web app that I have to work with, every form...
I'm trying to use the "hexagonal architecture" and "domain-driven design" paradigms together, in a Java application using Spring. I understand that my application should have a structure with 3 la...
In C++11 the nullptr keyword was added as a more type safe null pointer constant, since the previous common definition of NULL as 0 has some problems. Why did the standards committee choose not to...