Welcome to Software Development on Codidact!
Will you help us build our independent community of developers helping developers? We're small and trying to grow. We welcome questions about all aspects of software development, from design to code to QA and more. Got questions? Got answers? Got code you'd like someone to review? Please join us.
Discussions and feedback about the site itself in Q&A format.
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Some Codidact communities have MathJax enabled, which allows using mathematical notation in posts. For examples of what this looks like, see the end of the Mathematics Codidact formatting help. Wo...
A recent answer on Software Development was correct, but was included spam / self promotion (unrelated to the question or the answer). The answer was edited to remove the spam, but it was suggeste...
The Software Development community on Codidact recently reached an important milestone. Thank you to everyone who invests in building this community. We'd like to ask for a little more help. Ale...
When we launch a community on our network, it starts in "new community" mode to ease bootstrapping. This means that all users start with the Participate Everywhere ability, which lifts new-user re...
Editing one's profile on codidact is problematic. Evidently it needs to be 30 characters or more, but there's no error message, there's just a red box around the profile post and then the save but...
We've had discussions before about the site's intended scope (range of permissible topics and questions), but for new users coming from the Stack Exchange network, I think it would be useful to dra...
I found two tags: back-end and backend. Should we merge them?
How can i get a per-tag RSS feed? I only see the general feed at the main pages and i don't want to subscribe to tags via email.
Codidact's communities have a lot of great content that is helping people on the Internet. Our communities are small, though, and sustainable communities depend on having lots of active, engaged p...
Where can I see the number of views for a specific question/answer? It motivates if i know more people are seeing the Question or Answer
I have noticed that virtually any question containing an image of some code or error got a comment asking to replace it with the actual code, error text. Why is it so bad to include an image inste...
I have a hard time deciding if How to get conditional running cumulative sum based on current row and previous rows? should be closed or not. As mentioned in the comments, it was already flagged t...
I created stream tag, but can't edit it. It should at least have java as parent tag.
Currently we have composite tag names like node:stream. That tag have Node.js as its parent. I propose to display child tag with its parent, for example `Node.js:node:stream'. It will require ren...
It seems that year over year, computers constantly get easier to use, and it becomes easier for people to start learning to program who have never touched it before. This comes with the consequence...
As part of a general effort to produce basic Q&As for Python, recently I've been focused on issues related to starting up an interpreter and running the code - so, questions about setting up an...
tl;dr: When a question is unclear, don't close right away, especially if it's possible to discern what they are trying to ask. Instead, use comments and edit suggestions to work with the asker and ...
I was trying to ask a code review question but I have observed that it does not support the "Monospace font" for code excerpts properly. It is only considered partially and I see this particularly ...
I've seen that recently two requests to add syntax highlight to some languages were deferred (this and this). According to the status-deferred tag description: "the requested feature will not be i...
Is software system design on topic for the software development site? For what I mean by system design, consider the "system design interview" commonly held these days when recruiting software eng...
How can I get an email when I get a notification on Codidact? I missed an answer because I thought I would get an email for it.
I noticed I have the ability Participate Everywhere even though I do not meet the requirements (Having roughly 75% of my posts to be positively received, with a minimum of 5 positively-recieved pos...
After enabling two factor authentication (2FA) for my account I'm only notified It is successfully turned On. I think it should include some recovery codes as well (to be used in case I can't acce...
The problem described below occurs in Windows 10 and Chrome 87.0.4280.66 (64 bits, JavaScript enabled). I could post this question only in mobile (Chrome/iOS 14.2), where the problem doesn't occur....
When we launched this community, we did not yet have the ability to set different reputation grants for different categories. We've had this for a while but we failed to follow up before now, sorr...
TL;DR If we allow answers to be tagged with technologies and version numbers, people can more easily check if an answer is applicable to their technology stack. A few days ago, I had a problem in ...
The way I tried to mark up code did not work. What is the right way to do it? The line break after the first signal is ignored. Some languages use a hash as a comment. Here, it bolds the line, ac...
We have special features/sections on Codidact, so maybe this is a nice use for them. What if we had a section named something like "clinic" or "case study" or "debugging"? (name suggestions welcom...
Background This is inspired to some extent by https://software.codidact.com/posts/289597 . I'm trying to provide a large amount of content (gradually!) that novices (mainly to Python) will find u...
Looking back at my own Q&A How can I build a string from smaller pieces?, the answer is incredibly long. I'm essentially showing five different ways to solve the problem - because they all exis...
I just noticed this question about data structures in the Q&A. Although algorithms and data structures are often (part of) a solution to a problem when writing software, this question is const...
My favourite tags is empty. Although, some tags are highlighting. Usually, I was using another account earlier. I forgot (lost that gmail address) password (I can reset but, I don't want to use tha...
So far, existing Meta discussion seems to have at least hinted at the possibility of using separate categories here: To shuffle closed questions out of the way (globally for Codidact) (also) Fo...
Would it discourage others from posting answers, if they saw that a question had an answer with a "works for me" indication applied immediately? (More so than just seeing an immediate, comprehensiv...
Context We have recently received a suggestion to allow questions about recommending books directly connected to software development. The way I see this now (pros and cons) Pros: allow more ...
I want to write one or more self-answered Q&As on the topic of text encoding in Python, to serve as canonicals and preempt future lower-quality questions. I can think of the following things th...
Ok so we have fairly lax tagging rules here, as do most Codidact sites. Recently the Electrical Engineering community has started a clean-up of strange and off-topic tags. I wrote this over there: ...
In addition to Q&A, Codidact supports another post type, article. Articles can be used for blog posts, wiki pages, and other resources. Articles, like questions, use tags, so searching for a ...
This scenario is not yet a problem for this site, but we will get there, since it's a huge problem for Stack Overflow: Someone just picks up a well-known programming language for the first time. T...
Stack Overflow has recently announced OverflowAI and I think this video summarises pretty well this. The main drawback is that the users are less incentivized to put effort into answering questions...
New LLMs like ChatGPT are now creating competition with Q&A sites like Codidact and StackOverflow. Moreover, this is parasitic: LLMs get "boosted" by Q&A sites because they can use them for...
Some of you may know me from Stack Overflow or the broader network. In light of recent actions by the company, I finally decided to move over to Codidact. I am a subject matter expert on Google App...
Recently, AI models like ChatGPT have shown themselves capable of generating content and even source code. Just like with human helpers, clear and precise communication is key (especially when aski...
I had problems following the directions of a Google Apps Script API quickstart. I think that the quickstart instructions and code is incomplete. After a while, I finally realized that there was mis...
I am trying to find how tabular data is presented in Software Development. So far, I have found one question, How to pivot text?. The question presents tabular data using code blocks, dash to indic...
I asked this trivial question recently: DocuSign eSignature API SDK: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError errors. It turns out, my problem was because I did not do enough research before asking a quest...
I have found Can we migrate office suite related questions to the Power Users community?, apparently, with a score of +7, 3 answers, but it looks like no decision have made so far. Despite not hav...
Codidact's Software Development has multiple tags for spreadsheet formulas: excel-formula libreoffice-calc-formula openoffice-calc-formula sheets-formula It has formula with the tag usage ...
As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm new here and looking around. I suggest to "merge" functions with function. I don't know how exactly this should be done here. I think the word's singular for...