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109 posts
+2 −0
Q&A Is it okay to use python operators for tensorflow tensors?

TL;DR Is (a and b) equivalent to tf.logical_and(a, b) in terms of optimization and performance? (a and b are tensorflow tensors) Details I use Python with Tensorflow. My priorities are Make t...

1 answer  ·  posted 10mo ago by daniel_s‭  ·  edited 10mo ago by meta user‭

+1 −0
Q&A Command to format code from repo into single markdown file

I'm trying to flatten a repository of Python code into a Markdown file where each file is formatted like: relative/path/to/ # contents of I'm using this command: find . -name...

2 answers  ·  posted 8mo ago by ShadowsRanger‭  ·  last activity 5mo ago by Michael‭

Question bash
+1 −0
Q&A Why does `distutils` seem to be missing or broken? Isn't it part of the standard library?

Sometimes when I try to install a third-party library for Python, I get an error saying that either distutils, or some part of it like distutils.core or distutils.util, could not be found. It's sho...

1 answer  ·  posted 2mo ago by Karl Knechtel‭  ·  last activity 2mo ago by Karl Knechtel‭

+5 −0
Q&A Reinstall old Python libraries after update

Recently, Python updated from 3.11 to 3.12 and now all my libraries are gone. Actually they're in the old 3.11 site-packages, but now that python points to 3.12 those are not active. Every time I r...

3 answers  ·  posted 30d ago by matthewsnyder‭  ·  last activity 15d ago by Karl Knechtel‭

Question python-3
+2 −0
Q&A How can I access and use command-line arguments in Python?

In many other programming languages, the execution of code starts in a specifically named function (such as main) which is expected to have a specific signature, which allows that function to recei...

1 answer  ·  posted 15d ago by Karl Knechtel‭  ·  last activity 15d ago by Karl Knechtel‭

+2 −0
Q&A How do I configure log4net from an arbitrary data structure?

I'm used to working in Python, but my current project is in C#/.NET and uses log4net for logging. Out of the box, log4net uses an XML file for configuration. I dislike XML and want to use something...

1 answer  ·  posted 3y ago by ajv‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by Peter Taylor‭

Question .net log4net
+4 −0
Q&A Is it possible to write protocols for enumerations in Python?

Having recently learned about protocols in Python, I now wonder if you can write a protocol for enumerations. That is, a protocol that says that you are supposed to pass an enum that has certain it...

1 answer  ·  posted 2y ago by celtschk‭  ·  last activity 2y ago by r~~‭

+4 −0
Code Reviews A state machine in Python

I've written the following code implementing a state machine in Python, and I'd like some feedback on it. The basic idea is that each state has a set of corresponding actions that trigger a state ...

2 answers  ·  posted 2y ago by celtschk‭  ·  last activity 2y ago by Nick Alexeev‭

+5 −0
Q&A How can I schedule a later task in Python?

I want my CLI Python program to schedule a task, and then exit. After some times has passed (say 10 minutes) the task should execute. The task can be a Python method or a shell command, whatever i...

3 answers  ·  posted 10mo ago by matthewsnyder‭  ·  last activity 10mo ago by H_H‭

+5 −0
Q&A How is this code "dividing" by a string?

I found a strange expression in some Python code: from library import HOME_DIRECTORY file = HOME_DIRECTORY / "file.json" It seems to be dividing a string by another string in order to do som...

3 answers  ·  posted 25d ago by Andrew Ray‭  ·  edited 23d ago by hkotsubo‭

+1 −0
Q&A Understanding Virtual Environments for Python

Several times now, I've seen advice in tutorials, setup/install instructions for Python-based projects, etc. to use a virtual environment to keep things organized and make it simpler to manage the ...

1 answer  ·  posted 16d ago by Karl Knechtel‭  ·  last activity 16d ago by Karl Knechtel‭

+2 −0
Q&A Understanding the `if __name__ == '__main__':` idiom

I've seen many examples of Python scripts that include a line that says: if __name__ == '__main__': Sometimes the following block contains a bunch of code, but other times it just makes a singl...

1 answer  ·  posted 15d ago by Karl Knechtel‭  ·  last activity 15d ago by Karl Knechtel‭

+0 −0
Q&A Why does `venv` seem to be missing or broken? Isn't it part of the standard library?

I understand the benefits of virtual environments in general, and specifically I want to use a virtual environment so that I'll have access to Pip without exposing the system Python (i.e., included...

1 answer  ·  posted 12d ago by Karl Knechtel‭  ·  last activity 12d ago by Karl Knechtel‭

+2 −0
Q&A What happened, or is happening, to other parts of the standard library? Why are they going missing?

In Python 3.12, I noticed that some libraries seem to be missing or "deprecated": >>> import asynchat Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module&gt...

1 answer  ·  posted 12d ago by Karl Knechtel‭  ·  last activity 12d ago by Karl Knechtel‭

+0 −0
Q&A How to make Box drive have the files prepared for access when I need it?

I have Box drive on Windows. I use it as a regular folder on the computer. I can store images there. When I store a small number of images (on the order of a couple hundreds) and I do not wait lon...

0 answers  ·  posted 6d ago by Ivan Nepomnyashchikh‭  ·  edited 5d ago by trichoplax‭

+3 −0
Q&A Keras model evaluate returns triggered tf.function retracing warning

I am training the following model using Keras as shown: model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, (3,3), activation='relu', input_shape=(256, 256, 3)), tf.keras.layers.MaxPooli...

0 answers  ·  posted 3y ago by Guilherme Costa‭

Question keras tensorflow
+9 −4
Q&A Is omitting braces for single statements bad practice?

Consider this code: while(arr[index] != 0) index++; vs while(arr[index] != 0) { index++; } Personally, I prefer the first. The fact that the braces are not needed makes them -- u...

6 answers  ·  posted 3y ago by klutt‭  ·  last activity 10mo ago by H_H‭

+5 −1
Q&A Where did my proper divisor sum program went wrong?

Here in Python, I created a program for this challenge and I'm having trouble debugging it. I already fixed most errors I have on my program but here's what I have left: x=y=z=[];i=0.0;a=int(input...

1 answer  ·  posted 3y ago by General Sebast1an‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by hkotsubo‭

Question python debugging
+0 −1
Q&A How to initialize variable assignment in a non-OOP interpreter?

I'm still in the process of making MarkFuncs and having given up from copy-pasting open-source interpreters, them using OOP too, I decided to make one without OOP and with scratch alongside with th...

1 answer  ·  posted 3y ago by General Sebast1an‭  ·  last activity 3y ago by Canina‭

+1 −2
Q&A Objection CLI - SVM Conception - Freezing prompt

Now I build a Python script to execute automaticaly a dynamic analysis on apk and I block because I use this library and call objection. When I run my script, the objection command creates an inst...

0 answers  ·  posted 2y ago by Link213‭  ·  edited 2y ago by Alexei‭

+4 −2
Q&A Separate digits of a number in groups with different sizes

I have a list of 11-digit numbers stored in one single column in Excel, and I need to separate the digits according to this pattern: 2-2-1-3-3. Example: 00002451018 becomes 00 00 2 451 018. How c...

2 answers  ·  posted 2y ago by sfrow‭  ·  edited 2y ago by Alexei‭

+3 −1
Q&A Python looping 300 000 rows

Based on my last question comes new one. How to loop over 300 000 rows and edit each row string one by one? I have a list of 11-digit numbers stored in one single column in Excel, and I need to s...

1 answer  ·  posted 2y ago by sfrow‭  ·  last activity 2y ago by NoahTheDuke‭

+5 −0
Q&A What is the Python Global Interpreter Lock?

What exactly is the Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)? As someone who is relatively new to Python, is this something I need to be aware of, or is this just some implementation detail of the inte...

1 answer  ·  posted 2y ago by Moshi‭  ·  last activity 2y ago by Derek Elkins‭

Question python python-gil
+3 −4
Q&A Create a list of Niven numbers in Python

There's this new challenge on Code Golf CD and I'm using Python to do it. A little bit of golfing already took place, so the code might look a bit messy for you. Anyway, I'm proud of what I've writ...

2 answers  ·  posted 2y ago by General Sebast1an‭  ·  last activity 2y ago by Dirk Herrmann‭

Question python function
+4 −0
Q&A What's causing mypy to give an `[assignment]` error in this nested for loop?

I started adding types to my (working) solution to Exercism's "Kindergarten Garden" exercise, to learn how typing with python and Mypy (strict) works. While doing so, I ran into a Mypy error that I...

2 answers  ·  posted 1y ago by true_blue‭  ·  last activity 1y ago by Moshi‭

Question python mypy