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There's nothing as elegant as if constexpr, unfortunately. However, it is possible to achieve the practical effects (member functions and data only present conditionally). Start by creating a clas...
#ifdef sections can, of course, be used to include or exclude chunks of code based on some criteria known at compile time. One big problem is that when the condition is evaluated to false, the chun...
I've seen many examples of Python scripts that include a line that says: if __name__ == '__main__': Sometimes the following block contains a bunch of code, but other times it just makes a singl...
venv is indeed part of the standard library. However, some Linux distros modify Python to exclude some parts for various reasons, and venv might be among them. On Debian-based Linux distros you ...
From PureScript's Data.Functor.Invariant documentation (emphasis mine): A type of functor that can be used to adapt the type of a wrapped function where the parameterised type occurs in both the...
I already know that the pip command might not correspond to the same Python that python runs. But in my case, it seems not to exist at all. I can't even run it as a Python module: $ python -m pip ...
I tried installing package-installation-test[1] using Pip, and it appeared to be successful. But I can't use it as advertised, either by itself or by importing it from my code: Failed attempts ...
At startup, Python loads the sys standard library module (without waiting for any code to import it) and sets up several useful values. Among these is sys.argv, which stores command-line arguments ...
In many other programming languages, the execution of code starts in a specifically named function (such as main) which is expected to have a specific signature, which allows that function to recei...
Whenever Python loads code from a .py file, that code gets its own namespace for global variables - so they're not truly global, but per-file values. (When you look at an imported module "from outs...
As per the troubleshooter I updated to the latest SDK Platform Tools (35.0.1) and it detected the device. The Xenial VM has 35.0.0 so I'm not convinced, but it's working.
First, we need to define some semantics. While it may not matter for your actual inputs, I propose that it should be valid for the output elements - the parts of the text found outside of brackets ...
Python has inbuilt list filtering syntax: l = [1,3,5,6,7,8] trimmed_list = [item for item in l if item > 4]
The pip freeze command may output individual dependencies with format zipp @ file:///Users/abcxyz/work/recipes/ci_py311/zipp_1677907997878/work Using this output will not work (unless you happen ...
Python allows for operators to be overloaded (the subject of a separate future Q&A). The / operator doesn't strictly mean division in a mathematical sense; it means whatever the operands define...
Mac/Linux In this environment, Python scripts can be given a shebang line that tells the operating system that the file is a script, and what interpreter (i.e., Python) to use for it. Because # st...
This probably makes for a thoroughly unsatisfying answer, but there's probably far stronger cultural pressure than technical pressure. In European-derived cultures, we mostly group numbers by powe...
A handful of standard library modules either have been, or will soon be, removed from the Python standard library, as part of a general cleanup effort. These modules are seen as out of date and no ...
There's not always a Spark cluster on hand to test Spark code. Is there some simple program that you can install locally, which has the same behavior as Spark (can run normal Spark scripts) withou...
include_directories works on all targets in the current CMakeLists.txt file, whereas target_include_directories only adds them for the specified target. include_directories is fine to use for simp...
It depends on what you are distributing. There are two types of distributions: Binary (application is already compiled) Source (users download raw source code and compile themselves) Becaus...
Although they sound similar, they serve different purposes. You are correct in thinking that putting uiMode into your android:configChanges allows your app to handle light/dark mode changes. It al...
I was reading the Wiki of Decibel. Unfortunately, I "forgot" there's different between amplitude ratio and dB level. After reading the wiki. When I looked at my source code, I saw sounddB was unuse...
I know I can change the font of each cell individually by overriding getCellRenderer(row, col) in JTable but I want to be able to change the font of an entire column at once and, ideally, have the ...
A shared hosting based Apache PCRE public_html/.htaccess file for a website with the common features: MediaWiki based (most of the website interaction is backendish --- there barely are any fron...