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Welcome to Software Development on Codidact!

Will you help us build our independent community of developers helping developers? We're small and trying to grow. We welcome questions about all aspects of software development, from design to code to QA and more. Got questions? Got answers? Got code you'd like someone to review? Please join us.

Posts by meriton‭

63 posts
+11 −0
Q&A How should we share some content between two otherwise-independent git repositories?

Generally speaking, if two groups of people collaborate on the same software, I'd recommend they put everything in a shared git repository: Documentation is intimately tied to the version of the ...

posted 4y ago by meriton‭

+9 −0
Q&A What's the correct way to merge a branch and its dependent branch back to master?

I think a branch is a set of commits and a commit is a set of deltas, so my concern is that merging feature-B to master would reflect only the work that is unique to feature-B Not quite: a bra...

posted 3y ago by meriton‭

+8 −0
Q&A What are the pros and cons of a composite primary key versus a unique constraint?

Facts In relational theory, each row in a relation is uniquely identified by a primary key. That's why some purists say that every table should have a primary key. Foreign keys usually reference a ...

posted 4y ago by meriton‭  ·  edited 4y ago by meriton‭

+8 −0
Q&A What is a good modern language to use for a Business Rules project?

Caveat When making a decision of such lasting impact, you should conduct your own evaluation according to the criteria that matter to you. This post does not attempt to replace such an evaluation,...

posted 3y ago by meriton‭

+8 −0
Q&A How to set text-align for whole column of HTML table?

In addition to what Moshi already told you: Among web designers, W3Schools has a somewhat tainted reputation, because it often makes things simpler than they really are. In my experience, this lac...

posted 4y ago by meriton‭

+7 −0
Meta Community feedback: What type of questions can I ask here?

questions about software design, software architecture, or modeling questions related to software design/review - what item goes where when using a certain technology stack These seem redundant...

posted 4y ago by meriton‭

+7 −0
Meta Community feedback: What type of questions can I ask here?

questions about best practices as long as enough detail is provided to answer using external references or expertise consensus It's not a "detail" if it is essential, is it? Can we explicitly sta...

posted 4y ago by meriton‭

+7 −0
Q&A Is there a problem in making Captcha an HTML builtin with an attribute setting which type of Captcha

As the comments in that thread mention, Captcha is a service, not mere software. The distinction is that Captcha are in an arms race with spammers, and must continually evolve to remain effective. ...

posted 4y ago by meriton‭  ·  edited 4y ago by meriton‭

+7 −0
Meta Why do I, a logged in user, have to solve a captcha to post?

You should know I am not a bot by now ;-)

1 answer  ·  posted 4y ago by meriton‭  ·  last activity 4y ago by ArtOfCode‭

Question bug
+6 −0
Meta Asking software architecture related questions on Software Development community

Personally, I'd say that it depends on the question. Over on that other site, this ban was instituted to avoid opinion-based questions. For instance, suppose you asked: Is Angular a great framewor...

posted 4y ago by meriton‭

+6 −0
Q&A How to unittest method that involves contacting remote servers?

I'm actually mainly interested in testing foo() Ok, so let's do that. I could make it public, but I really don't want to do that just so that the test class can access it Java has 4 diff...

posted 3y ago by meriton‭

+6 −0
Q&A Using nested paths vs. flat ones for API resources

Actually, while REST mandates a great many things, it does not constrain the structure of URLs. To wit: The paper that coined the term "REST" describes resource identifiers as black boxes, and make...

posted 3y ago by meriton‭  ·  edited 3y ago by meriton‭

+6 −0
Q&A Dye all label asterisks Red with vanilla JavaScript

In HTML, style information is applied to elements; it can't be applied to individual characters in a text node. Therefore, if you want to style the * differently, it needs a dedicated element. You...

posted 4y ago by meriton‭  ·  edited 4y ago by meriton‭

+5 −0
Q&A Is it worth using the Java Platform Module System in application code?

Is it worth using the Java Platform Module System introduced in Java 9 to structure application code? Given that the Java Platform Module System introduced in Java 9 doesn't manage dependency vers...

1 answer  ·  posted 4y ago by meriton‭  ·  edited 2y ago by __blackjack__‭

Question java architecture
+5 −0
Meta Are general questions (hopefully resulting in comprehensive, 'canonical' answers) in scope

I think that questions about programming paradigms fall under the umbrella of "questions about software design or software architecture" and are thus on topic. There have also been several questio...

posted 3y ago by meriton‭

+5 −0
Meta Do we need more specific up/down vote reasons for Software Development community?

I agree that these buttons should have tooltips explaining what the buttons are for. That would be far more useful than showing the result of a simple calculation on the displayed votes, and seems ...

posted 4y ago by meriton‭

+5 −0
Meta Etiquette for posting comments

Proposal: Can Include Helpful feedback I'd refrain from restricting the topic of feedback, because there are many possible topics: Clarifying the question Explaining why OP would be ...

posted 4y ago by meriton‭

+5 −0
Q&A Why often times data compression causes data loss?

I understand data compression as making data structures nearer (if they are mere machine code without any abstract representation) or representing them in less and less abstract computer languages...

posted 4y ago by meriton‭

+5 −0
Meta Community feedback: What type of questions can I ask here?

questions about the system, network, or server administration Which system? I think it is clearer without "the": questions about system, network, or server administration

posted 4y ago by meriton‭

+5 −0
Meta Are reference requests welcome here?

On that other site that shall not be named, reference request questions are outlawed as "asking for an off-site resource". What do you guys think about such questions? Should they be welcome here?...

4 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by meriton‭  ·  last activity 4y ago by dmckee‭

Question discussion scope
+4 −0
Meta How much research effort is expected from the asker by the community?

Should someone be warned when their question lacks for effort? Actually, we don't know about their effort. Nor do we actually need effort, itself. What we need are particular results of effort...

posted 3y ago by meriton‭

+4 −0
Q&A How to properly deal with impersonation in a Web application? (security vs. usefulness for tech support)

My first instinct would be to track both identities, using one for access control, and the other for audit purposes. For instance, rather than storing: User createdBy; you'd store User create...

posted 4y ago by meriton‭

+4 −0
Q&A Can I set a memory limit for the .NET Core garbage collector to collect objects more aggressively?

Generally speaking, the frequency of garbage collection is a space / time tradeoff: collection effort live object size GC overhead ~ ----------------- = ---------------- ...

posted 3y ago by meriton‭

+4 −0
Q&A How to create an object, call one of it's methods and pass it as an argument as a oneliner?

It seems to me that you are hobbling yourself by making design constraints more absolute than they need to be. For instance: You don't want to change the code under test, not even a tiny little ...

posted 3y ago by meriton‭

+4 −0
Q&A Delete all occurrences of a character in a webpage with vanilla JavaScript

With the help of a little recursion, it's straightforward to go through all text nodes and replace their contents: function replaceIn(e) { if (e.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { e.nodeValue =...

posted 3y ago by meriton‭  ·  edited 3y ago by meriton‭
