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Welcome to Software Development on Codidact!

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Posts by Derek Elkins‭

51 posts
+13 −0
Q&A Behavior of Pointer Arithmetic on the Stack

This is absolutely undefined behavior. The C standard doesn't say anything about stacks or how they should behave or how local variables should be allocated on them. The word "stack" doesn't even ...

posted 3y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+11 −0
Q&A Is `git pull` dangerous?

While any piece of software receiving input from an untrusted source is additional attack surface, generally speaking git pull is not a security threat. Three things happen when you git pull: a gi...

posted 7mo ago by Derek Elkins‭

+11 −0
Q&A What is the point of pipx?

Well, to start, it is not an alternative to pip. It's built on top of pip and exclusively deals with applications. pip is more of a development tool, while pipx is aimed at end-users (who may also ...

posted 1y ago by Derek Elkins‭  ·  edited 1y ago by meta user‭

+10 −0
Q&A Is it possible to undo a git reset?

If you've committed, then the commit is in the git repo regardless. All git reset does is change what commit the HEAD references. If you find the hash corresponding to the commit you'd like HEAD to...

posted 3y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+20 −2
Q&A Is it wrong to demand features in open-source projects?

As you have worded it, for most open source project, particularly small ones, I would say "yes", it is "wrong" to demand features. Or rather, it's extremely rude. Most of the time open source soft...

posted 4y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+9 −0
Q&A When would one not want to return an interface?

From simple subtyping concerns, you want the arguments of your methods to be as abstract/imprecise as possible while still allowing you to efficiently accomplish your goals. This allows your method...

posted 2y ago by Derek Elkins‭  ·  edited 2y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+9 −0
Q&A Is it dangerous to use json.loads on untrusted data?

Short answer: No, it's not dangerous. Short of bugs in the implementation or monkey-patching, there's no reason it would or should allow executing of anything other than the JSON parsing code. Thi...

posted 3y ago by Derek Elkins‭  ·  edited 3y ago by hkotsubo‭

+8 −0
Q&A Reusing HTML without rewriting it

Use a static site generator. There are other possibilities, but they seem more complicated or worse for your use case. A static site generator takes in source data in some combination of markup fo...

posted 8mo ago by Derek Elkins‭  ·  edited 8mo ago by Karl Knechtel‭

+8 −0
Q&A What is the Python Global Interpreter Lock?

The Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) is a mutex in the primary Python implementation (CPython) that is acquired whenever Python (byte)code is executing. This means within a single (OS) process ...

posted 2y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+7 −0
Q&A Kotlin FloatArray from Iterable<Float>

In your situation, the most obvious thing to do is use a for loop over the Iterable or the Iterable.forEach extension method depending on your preference, and directly put floats into the FloatBuff...

posted 3y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+7 −0
Q&A Can you have syntax highlighting for streaming text in Python?

The answer is "it depends". It depends on the language, how much buffering you're willing to allow, how much you're willing to accept some approximate/incorrect syntax highlighting, and whether you...

posted 9mo ago by Derek Elkins‭

+7 −0
Q&A Dealing with GETs with long query strings in ASP.NET Core

tl;dr Just use a POST. There's likely literally no reason not to in your situation. REST is not a standard. Being RESTful in and of itself is not a virtue. I strongly suspect that your current...

posted 3y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+6 −0
Q&A Are generic enums completely abstract?

Your question is a bit ambiguous. Usually when one talks about something being "completely abstract", one means the details of the representation are opaque. This is the sense of "abstract" in "abs...

posted 4y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+6 −0
Q&A When stored procedures are preferred over application layer code?

(This answer became more ORM v. "direct" SQL. If you're very narrowly focused on just stored procedures, then it's not super important to me that the logic be packaged up in stored procedures. That...

posted 3y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+5 −0
Q&A What advantages does Agner Fog's VCL have over OpenMP?

The point of VCL is to allow you to work with SIMD operations explicitly. OpenMP simd is more or less just a way to provide hints to the auto-vectorization the compiler is doing, so to some degree ...

posted 3y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+5 −0
Q&A Why static code analyzers such as SonarQube indicate a high code complexity for switch statements?

It depends on why you have a large switch statement. I'm going to assume it's because you have a large enum. If not, then you probably have some complicated logic, and you should endeavor to break ...

posted 3y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+5 −0
Q&A Is it a good idea to have a permanent branch for a feature?

Your first diagram illustrates a pattern that doesn't really make sense and most likely doesn't reflect what you're actually doing. Specifically, it illustrates a pattern where the feature branch n...

posted 3y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+5 −0
Q&A updating a function within a struct

You are correct in your analysis (though I would not call new_b a "parameter" but a captured variable). What you want is for the closure (anonymous function) to take responsibility for new_b and n...

posted 3y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+5 −0
Q&A Use cases for raising a 'NotImplementedError' in Python

NotImplementedError should generally be viewed as indicating some design problem. You should not be reaching for it as a matter of course. Here are some potential times you might feel a desire to ...

posted 9mo ago by Derek Elkins‭

+5 −0
Q&A When should I use wait() instead of get() when using C++ threads

tl;dr If you don't have a reason otherwise, you should use get. More precisely, if you will be done with the future, you should use get. You should use wait only if there is some separation between...

posted 4y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+4 −0
Q&A Handling high frequency requests with cancellations in an ASP.NET Core application

There are two issues here. A performance problem and a correctness problem. The approach you suggest seems like it will help mitigate the performance problem while doing nothing for the correctness...

posted 3y ago by Derek Elkins‭  ·  edited 3y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+4 −0
Q&A Is there any justification for having a single tempdb database to be used by all databases on a SQL Server intstances?

I can't speak for the designers' motivations, but here are some possible reasons: It's simple. Having one tempdb for everything is likely simpler to implement and simpler to configure. It works...

posted 3y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+4 −0
Q&A How do I find disjoint sets in a dataset

One way of specifying what you want is that you want the equivalence classes of the equivalence relation generated by saying that pairs (a, b) and (x, y) are equal when either a = x or b = y. The f...

posted 1y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+4 −0
Q&A Permutations of an array - APL

I assume the built-in definition you're referring to is pmat. That illustrates how to solve your problem near the bottom. The idea is simply if σ is a permutation of length N and A is an array of l...

posted 4y ago by Derek Elkins‭

+4 −0
Q&A What do the number entries mean in the sympy poly.diff(...) tuple syntax?

Based on the source code which delegates to this implementation among others, base.diff((x, n)) means to compute the n-th derivative of base with respect to x. Any arguments to diff which aren't tu...

posted 4y ago by Derek Elkins‭  ·  last activity 4y ago by Derek Elkins‭
