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Comments on Detecting balanced parentheses in Python
Detecting balanced parentheses in Python
The problem
Given a string s containing just the characters
, determine if the input string is valid.An input string is valid if:
- Open brackets are closed by the same type of brackets.
- Open brackets are closed in the correct order.
The solution
def isValid(s: str) -> bool:
if len(s) % 2 != 0:
return False
for i in range(len(s) // 2):
s = s.replace("()", "").replace("[]", "").replace("{}", "")
return len(s) == 0
My approach to the problem is replacing the pairs. The string is balanced if the string is empty after replacing len(str) // 2
times. Is this a good approach? How can I improve my algorithm?
Use a stack while just scanning your string once from left to right. No need for multiple (performance-wise) expensive s …
4y ago
Instead of replacing the brackets, you could do just one loop, and keep a stack with the opening brackets. Every time yo …
4y ago
> Is this a good approach? How can I improve my algorithm? Your code is correct and simple. That is good, and it may …
1y ago
Command-line timing Rather than using separate code for timing, I tried running the `timeit` module as a command-line …
1y ago
You've got an inefficiency in your code, as you always do replacements 3/2 times the length of the string. That is unnec …
3y ago
Instead of replacing the brackets, you could do just one loop, and keep a stack with the opening brackets. Every time you find a closing bracket, check if it corresponds to the stack top: if it's not, the string is invalid, else, pop the opening bracket and proceed to the next character.
Do it until the end of the string, and the stack will be empty if it's a valid one:
def is_balanced(s, brackets={ '(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}' }):
if len(s) % 2 != 0:
return False
open_brackets = set(brackets.keys())
close_brackets = set(brackets.values())
stack = []
for c in s:
if c in open_brackets:
elif c in close_brackets:
# close bracket without respective opening, string is invalid
if len(stack) == 0:
return False
# close bracket doesn't correspond to last open bracket, string is invalid
if c != brackets[stack[-1]]:
return False
else: # invalid char
return False
return len(stack) == 0
I put the keys
and values
inside set
's (because searching with the in
operator is O(1)), but it didn't make much difference. You can remove it if you want.
I admit I initially thought that calling replace
3 times per iteration, and always do it N / 2 times, would be slower, but to my surprise I found out that it depends on the string being tested. A quick test with timeit
module (using your isValid
function and is_balanced
as defined above):
from timeit import timeit
# run 10 times each test
params = { 'number' : 10, 'globals': globals() }
s = '{[(())]{()[()]}}' * 1000
s += '))'
s += '{[(())]{()[()]}}' * 1000
print('--------------\nUnbalanced in the middle')
print(timeit('isValid(s)', **params))
print(timeit('is_balanced(s)', **params))
s = '))'
s += '{[(())]{()[()]}}' * 1000
s += '{[(())]{()[()]}}' * 1000
print('--------------\nUnbalanced in the beginning')
print(timeit('isValid(s)', **params))
print(timeit('is_balanced(s)', **params))
s = '{[(())]{()[()]}}' * 2000
s += '))'
print('--------------\nUnbalanced in the end')
print(timeit('isValid(s)', **params))
print(timeit('is_balanced(s)', **params))
s = '{[(())]{()[()]}}' * 2000
print(timeit('isValid(s)', **params))
print(timeit('is_balanced(s)', **params))
In my machine, I've got these results:
Unbalanced in the middle
Unbalanced in the beginning
Unbalanced in the end
For a balanced string, surprisingly - at least to me - the replace
approach is faster.
For unbalanced strings, it depends on where the unbalanced brackets are. If they are in the beginning or in the middle, the stack approach wins (with a huge margin if the problem is in the beginning, due to the else
clause that checks an invalid char as soon as it finds one). But if they are in the end, the replace
approach wins.
I really thought that using replace
would always be slower, because each call to replace
needs to scan the whole string, searching for the substring to be replaced (and return a new string). Even if you're looping N / 2 times, you're calling replace
3 times per iteration, which I really thought it'd have a huge cost. But that wasn't the case, and this really surprised me.
The only case where the difference is really huge is the aforementioned case, when the unbalanced bracket is in the beginning. One particular case is curious:
s = '{[((ab))]{()[()]}}' * 2000
With this, the replace
approach took 4.5 seconds, while the stack approach took around 0.00001 seconds. Not sure if there's an implementation detail for the replace
method, that makes this particular case very slow (tested on Python 3.8.5, Ubuntu 20.04).
Another case where the stack approach wins by one order of magnitude is:
# lots of opening brackets, followed by lots of closing brackets
s = ('(' * 2000) + (')' * 2000)
But as I said, I was expecting this difference in all cases. Anyway, that's why we should always test everything, instead of trusting on what we believe to be "obvious".
BTW, testing in another environments, the results vary. In IdeOne.com, the stack approach is always faster for unbalanced strings, and almost the same for balanced ones. And in Repl.it, the results were similar to my machine's.
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