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(Brought over from SE.) The following code implements a simple interface to operate on mutable* Strings in C. It is composed of two files: one for the structure definition and the available oper...
#1: Initial revision
A simple implementation of a mutable String in C
_(Brought over from [SE](https://codereview.stackexchange.com/q/156339/98306).)_ <hr /> The following code implements a simple interface to operate on mutable* `String`s in C. It is composed of two files: one for the structure definition and the available operations, and the other with the actual implementation. _* = This can be inexact, as only adding characters to the end is implemented._ Any comments on coding style and improvements are greatly appreciated. ## `String.h` #ifndef __STRING_H__ #define __STRING_H__ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define BLOCK_SIZE 256 typedef struct { char *data; int length; int blocks; } String; String * string_create(); void string_dispose(String *str); bool string_empty(String *str); void string_append_char(String *str, char c); char * string_get_all(String *str); char string_get(String *str, int pos); int string_find(String *str, char c); #endif /* __STRING_H__ */ ## `String.c` #include "String.h" /** Create a String */ String * string_create() { String *ans = calloc(1, sizeof *ans); if (ans != NULL) { ans->data = malloc( BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof *(ans->data) ); ans->length = 0; ans->blocks = (ans->data == NULL) ? 0 : 1; } return ans; } /** Free the memory associated with a String */ void string_dispose(String *str) { if (str != NULL) { free(str->data); free(str); } } /** Is the String empty? */ bool string_empty(String *str) { if (str == NULL) return true; if (str->length == 0) return true; return false; } /** Add a character to the end of the String */ void string_append_char(String *str, char c) { if (str != NULL) { if (str->length == str->blocks * BLOCK_SIZE) { char *new_str = realloc( str->data, BLOCK_SIZE * (str->blocks + 1) * sizeof *(str->data)); if (new_str != NULL) { str->data = new_str; ++(str->blocks); } } if (str->length < str->blocks * BLOCK_SIZE) { str->data[str->length] = c; ++(str->length); } } } /** Get a C-String with the proper null-terminator */ char * string_get_all(String *str) { char *res = NULL; if (str != NULL) { res = malloc((str->length + 1) * sizeof *str->data); if (res != NULL) { memcpy(res, str->data, str->length); res[str->length] = '\0'; } } return res; } /** Get a character at a given position in the String */ char string_get(String *str, int pos) { char res = '\0'; if (str != NULL) { if (pos >= 0 && pos < str->length) { res = str->data[pos]; } } return res; } /** Get where the first occurrence of a character in the String is */ int string_find(String *str, char c) { int pos = -1; if (str != NULL) { pos = 0; while (str->data[pos] != c) ++pos; if (pos == str->length) pos = -1; } return pos; } ## `test_string.c` This is a test file that uses some of the core methods implemented in a `String`. #include <stdio.h> #include "String.h" int main() { String *str = string_create(); char i; for (i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) string_append_char(str, i); char *cstr = string_get_all(str); printf("%s\n", cstr); int pos = string_find(str, 'f'); printf("Character 'f' occurs at position %d.\n", pos); printf("Reading from the String, we get \"%c\".\n", string_get(str, pos)); free(cstr); string_dispose(str); return 0; }