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All of these projects use Microsoft's OpenXML SDK for Office behind the scenes: 1. .NET (F#, C#) The F# Guide recommends NPOI, which also seems to be the most popular and most up-to-date, but the...
I've seen macros use parentheses to enclose its arguments. Most of these make sense, as in #define sum(a, b) ((a) + (b)) The outer prevents the following: #define sum_bad(a, b) (a) + (b) ...
TL;DR: Use wslpath and hope for the best. You can use it like this in Powershell: wsl wslpath -u 'C:\\some\\path\\to\\folder\\or\\file.txt' Long answer Converting them is hard. There is windows...
According to the standard (C17 draft, The function calloc void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size); "allocates space for an array of nmemb objects, each of whose size is size [and] i...
I want my CLI Python program to schedule a task, and then exit. After some times has passed (say 10 minutes) the task should execute. The task can be a Python method or a shell command, whatever i...
I am writing a Python package where I have two classes in different files that (indirectly) depend on each other. If I wouldn't care about type-hints, there would be no problem, but unfortunately,...
I have a very simple source file -- HelloWorld.java public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("hello world"); } } I have th...
So far, existing Meta discussion seems to have at least hinted at the possibility of using separate categories here: To shuffle closed questions out of the way (globally for Codidact) (also) Fo...
Use at to schedule the command, using subprocess from Python to invoke at. It doesn't even require shell=True. For example: import shlex, subprocess subprocess.run( # `at` command to run n...
It's not clear where this stack trace comes from (either from an exception or the current thread), but it doesn't matter, the way to do it is the same. Both Exception's and Thread's have the getSt...
When looking at this, we might pretty soon note that storing strings in the same buffer by using null terminators as separator is quite clunky. It blocks us from using handy functions like strtok, ...
A lot of people who maintain FOSS projects would like to get more contributions. What can the maintainer do to ensure that potential contributors are converted into actual contributors? There are...
How to delete a branch from a remote in git? E.g. maybe you had this branch locally too, but you deleted it already according to this question. Now you want to get rid of the corresponding remote ...
From your description ... I have text (xml actually) files. Some files contain 'foo', some contain 'bar', some contain neither and some contain both. It's the both I'm interested in. ... I co...
I asked this trivial question recently: DocuSign eSignature API SDK: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError errors. It turns out, my problem was because I did not do enough research before asking a quest...
The best approach is probably to just check the script beforehand, something like the following grep import script.py should list all imports and you can then evaluate and install them. If you...
The reason to put tests in a separate module is so they are grouped. Another advantage is that you can put helper functions that are only needed for tests, but are not themselves tests in the modu...
Context I have started working on an Angular upgrade for a medium-sized project (from v. 10 to v. 15) and this is a rather long activity that is interrupted by other changes that need to be perfor...
When I run pip install foo, pip looks for foo in PyPi. I want it to look for it first in a private repo, let's say pypi.bar.com. Only if foo cannot be found in pypi.bar.com, should pip then look f...
I think the main reason to do this is when the interfaces fail to account for some subtlety of the contract between caller and implementation. For example, let's pretend for a moment that your use...
Perl is by far the language I have the most experience with, and I have (big) parts of the functionality I want in the new program in existing programs. So I'm looking for a way to do this in perl,...
I get an error page with server error 500 when clicking the link to view my suggested edit activity on my activity page. The suggested edit has the status helpful. Error ID 6ca4f8c8-4a0d-425d-8e09...
If you are planning to share the application with individual users (rather than deploying it to a server), declaring your module dependencies explicitly allows jlink to create a stripped-down Java ...
Context Using the lemmy API, I'm trying to get a list of sublemmies (lemmy communities) that a user is following. Reading the documentation, I using the /site endpoint, I should be able to get a ...
I am looking for a way to programmatically edit and save .dbc files that are meant for J1939 CAN communication. I have a few large files that need to be compared/edited. Being able to import, edit...