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from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox, filedialog import pyttsx3 import PyPDF2 import os import webbrowser root = Tk() # root.geometry("500x500") root.title("Audio Book") ...
No. Short Answer No, it is not possible to mutate the Document Object Model (DOM) via HTML. You can mutate via JavaScript. Long Answer The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface...
Since in your question you seem to be surprised about OOP being done in C, I'll add some more information. There is a difference between Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and an OOP language, such...
Whenever I click on edit button it is redirecting me to that answer. This is happening for the answer. Here's a video
1. = = is an assignment operator in JavaScript, it is used to assign a value to a variable. e.g: const test = 1; console.log(test); // expected output: 1. In the above example, we have ass...
Problem was my_line is owned by _model and cannot be moved. Copying the entire my_line is apparently not possible, but what worked is making an element-wise copy of my_line, which is of type (Poin...
I'm new to D and am planning to use it for golfing. I want to make a ROT13 converter and I want to determine the length of an inputted string. Is there a function for this? If not, what ways can I...
I am guessing a little here. By not preventingdefault, the form will POST the data to the server. If you switch to AJAX you have to provide the body as per documentation. However, I do not rememb...
This is weird: I tried to edit the tags on your post to see if I could reproduce it, and the editor showed the C++ tag there even though the post did not show it. I deleted and re-added it and sav...
I edited the tags of my very first Codidact question: https://software.codidact.com/posts/281486 Someone proposed the "python" tag. Since I am working with C++, I removed the "multithreading" tag...
I am fairly new to working with @ngrx pattern in Angular which is a state management pattern relying on Reactive Extensions. One of the convenient structures is @ngrx/entity which helps with manag...
Actually, TypeScript is perfectly able to type check the code you posted. Here's what the compiler thinks: const functionName = disable ? "disable" : "enable"; // inferred type: "disable" | "enabl...
Estela's answer provides great insight about how to do it also in SQL Server. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a build-in array functionality, so one way is to rely on strings as shown here...
For small tables you can bound the recursion depth: WITH my_cte(childId, parentId, depth, max_depth) AS ( SELECT r.childId, r.parentId, 1, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM My_Table) FROM My_Table ...
From time to time, I am filling in some information for the Software Codidact tags and I realized that for some tags I filled the information twice. An example would be winforms which I almost cer...
Generally speaking, switching data access technologies to avoid a naming conflict seems overkill. Doing that will increase the set of technologies contributors must be familiar with, and impede cod...
All the ways I know of to mutate a DOM are JavaScript. Just for broadening general knowledge I want to know if there is any common way to mutate the DOM via HTML itself, without involving any Java...
Context Our product owner has realized that some entities are duplicated from time to time and that a merge is required. This should clean up existing duplicates and also allow special users to me...
Last year, I started working on a language I named SuperCode but then decided BMPL (Builder's Multi-Purpose Language) as the final name. The language would be written using C and up until now, the ...
Well, actually I didn't use SqlAdapter to work with DB since I prefer using ORM or write everything by myself (without DataSet, DataTable, SqlAdapter, etc) but I still can give some advices. Here,...
Just to have a differing viewpoint represented. Addressing questions and answers The stated reason for stripping politese Somewhere Else (which I largely agree with) is that while posts are creat...
Your pointer function is uninitialized. From some documentation pages for scanf at https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/scanf.3.html : s Matches a sequence of non-white-space characters; the...
As you're using userscripts, I'm assuming this code is supposed to run in a browser. Hence, you could download the scripts and add its contents to the page's DOM (by using a script element). For t...
I wouldn't. Not unless you intend to keep developing on every branch independently! Presumably you're not doing that. In that case, I think it makes your intent clearer to just use a tag to mark t...
I've seen that recently two requests to add syntax highlight to some languages were deferred (this and this). According to the status-deferred tag description: "the requested feature will not be i...