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Primarily for learning, I would like to try to delete a specific character (letter or number or special character), wherever it is in a webpage, with vanilla JavaScript. The webpage won't change a...
What does ptr() mean in this code? #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void PrintHello() { printf("Hello\n"); } int Add(int a, int b) { return a+b; } int main...
The basics of good vs bad program design All programs are divided in classes. (Or modules/abstract data types/interfaces etc - a rose by any other name.) Each class should only be concerned with i...
In SQL Server 2022+, there's a dedicated binning function called DATE_BUCKET. Each of these statements increments DATE_BUCKET with a bucket width of 1 from the origin time: DECLARE @date DATETI...
I have a project I normally build with nix and cabal, however I also want to publish my documentation onto gitlab pages. It's impractical to run my nix on the gitlab CI, so I've just been using cab...
Is there a "cleaner" implementation similar to map's? Yes: let map f = id >=> switch f This follows from two of your other equations: map f = bind (switch f) g >=> h = g >...
Since Matrix messenger offers only a protocol,[1] as a software engineer I can choose to: Write my own client or use an existing client Write my own server with my own server logic or join an e...
The documentation for git stash list says list [<log-options>] List the stash entries that you currently have. Each stash entry is listed with its name (e.g. stash@{0} is the latest entry...
I'm trying to build a proper understanding of what an OLAP[1] datastore vs an OLAP data engine is. I tend to put too much value on keywords like "engine" vs "data store." If it has "engine," I thin...
I'm working on the architecture, where the assumption is to easily extend the options in the system and also to provide some kind of encapsulation (from the main we could only access the type1 / ty...
I browse deviantArt from time to time and I wanted to make images display bigger, because there is so much useless whitespace on that site. On first glance that would be simple - remove the set di...
My Android app needs to process lists that contain nullable elements. I am using JUnit 4.13.2 for unit testing. I am using Android Studio Flamingo | 2022.2.1 Patch 2 . I have a failing test,...
Yes, but with some notes I think this a good idea, but we will need to provide more details and agree on some details. A tag must be named appropriately, considering Tag naming guidelines. ...
Are books special? When I see a question like this, I naturally transform it into a more general question about resources. Printed books aren't necessarily the best way to learn about programming ...
I have been informed that my question is actually a duplicate. Here is a link to the original question. https://stackoverflow.com/a/52065145/131872 But I can streamline the answer a little bit. ...
TL;DR Is (a and b) equivalent to tf.logical_and(a, b) in terms of optimization and performance? (a and b are tensorflow tensors) Details I use Python with Tensorflow. My priorities are Make t...
On a live boot of Ubuntu 20.04, I was trying to clone into a private GitHub repository. I went through the hassle of installing git, and then gh, and making sure I was signed in through the termina...
While there are already good answers, i want to give yet another reason to always use {}: Macros. Lets consider this code: #include <stdio.h> #define FOO(n) puts(n[1]); puts(n[0]); in...
I have created a directory named Temporary_add_to_version_control on Desktop. Now I am trying to reach that directory by typing the following in git-bash: cd ~/Desktop/Temporary_add_to_version_con...
I have git repo where the .git is deleted. I didn't realize it until after I made some changes to the code. I want to re-create the .git by cloning. However I don't want it to touch the files that...
In Godot 4.1.1 I moved some scenes and started getting parenting errors. I think I got that fixed, but I'm mentioning it in case it is important. I have an Area2d called House. house.gd has two c...
Manually editing the .fsproj file followed by dotnet build worked because some dotnet commands have an implicit restore. I think this is the fastest way to add a dependency when you know its versio...
The equivalent in Chart.js would be: xmin = chart.scales.x.min; xmax = chart.scales.x.max; This can be found in the docs as an option common to all axes.
With macros, you are better off using parens at any time you use one of the parameters in an expression context. The problem with operator precedence is not limited to + and *. Did you know that c...
Just getting into F#, finally figured out how to add .NET packages to projects, but the way I managed to get it to work doesn't make sense. Once the package is installed (either with nuget or paket...