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2.6k posts
+2 −0
Meta console.readline tag does not look good to me

While I tend to agree with @Alexei that reading from the standard input is quite a common issue I also think that console.readline tag is too narrow and therefore it shouldn't exists. On the other...

posted 3y ago by FoggyFinder‭

+2 −0
Meta Etiquette for posting comments

Proposal: Can Include A link to a chat room related to the question or answer. Even if tangentially. I've always found SO to be too dry. Sure, pleasantries are as helpful in a question o...

posted 3y ago by Estela‭

+2 −0
Q&A How can I emulate regular expression's branch reset in Java?

Currently, Java 16 is the latest version, and there's no support to branch reset yet. But one - still far from ideal - alternative is to use lookarounds: Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("([aeiou...

posted 3y ago by hkotsubo‭

+2 −0
Code Reviews Detecting balanced parentheses in Python

You've got an inefficiency in your code, as you always do replacements 3/2 times the length of the string. That is unnecessarily expensive. By instead testing in each iteration whether the length ...

posted 3y ago by celtschk‭

+2 −0
Q&A What's the better way to store base64 in SQLite Database?

What's the better way to store base64 in SQLite Database? I was thinking to put base64 as TEXT since base64 has lots of chars. CREATE TABLE name (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, image TEXT)...

1 answer  ·  posted 3y ago by Anonymous‭  ·  edited 3y ago by Anonymous‭

Question sql base64 sqlite
+2 −0
Q&A Validating xsd schema that contains import from external http source in Java 11

In the example.xsd file I have an import to an external xsd file that looks like this: <schema xmlns="" targetNamespace="" ...

0 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by Janar‭  ·  edited 4y ago by Monica Cellio‭

Question java spring xsd
+4 −1
Meta Meaning of the tag software practices?

Some new tag "software practices" just popped up, no wiki. What's the purpose of this tag and how is it useful? What exactly in software development is not "software practices"? Seems quite superfl...

1 answer  ·  posted 4y ago by Lundin‭  ·  last activity 4y ago by Moshi‭

Question discussion tags
+2 −0
Q&A Nodejs wrap async function in synchronous function

I am writing a spoof of the fs module; the actual storage mechanism is not the the filesystem but rather a database. Overall, however, the api will function exactly like fs. So far my code is compa...

1 answer  ·  posted 4y ago by Gershy‭  ·  last activity 4y ago by Moshi‭

+2 −0
Q&A How to protect the git respository for a public_html folder on a Linux server?

On a Linux server, if you leave the .git folder unprotected in the public_html folder, its possible that someone could download the folder and then gain access to your files. There are two ways I h...

2 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by Charlie Brumbaugh‭  ·  last activity 4y ago by .                                                .‭

Question git linux
+2 −0
Q&A How to protect the git respository for a public_html folder on a Linux server?

If you can, have the repository locally and/or in a Git server. Use rsync to deploy updates to public_html. If the repository still needs to live in that same server, same applies (rsync, just loca...

posted 4y ago by .                                                .‭  ·  edited 4y ago by .                                                .‭

+2 −0
Q&A Nodejs wrap async function in synchronous function

What are my options here? Do I need to switch the module I'm using to access the db? Do I need to write C code? Or is there a really clever technique to directly solve this problem, using only nod...

posted 4y ago by Moshi‭

+2 −0
Q&A In a stored procedure, is it possible to get the total number or rows updated by different statements?

This is possible in SQL Server using the built-in @@ROWCOUNT variable. Something like this DECLARE @rows INT = 0; -- INSERT ... SET @rows = @rows + @@ROWCOUNT; -- UPDATE ... SET @rows = @rows + @...

posted 4y ago by ShowMeBillyJo‭  ·  edited 4y ago by ShowMeBillyJo‭

+2 −0
Meta How can I fill in tag information?

I've just lowered the reputation requirement for both Edit and Edit Tag from 250 to 200. If folks here want it to be lower -- young communities have different needs, after all -- please make a met...

posted 4y ago by Monica Cellio‭

+2 −0
Q&A Can regex be used to check if input conforms to a very strict subset of HTML?

Okay, I'll be the contrarian. For this case, yes, I think a regex-based approach can be used to validate these properties. This approach will not guarantee that the provided input is valid HTML; in...

posted 4y ago by r~~‭

+2 −0
Q&A Is concatenation a logical AND?

I think your edited post merits a new answer! You're right that you can make some sort of connection between addition, concatenation, and logical ‘and’—these are all operators that can be considere...

posted 4y ago by r~~‭

+2 −0
Q&A How can I reduce the size of .svn folder?

svn cleanup --vacuum-pristines can be used to clean up the pristine copies that might take a lot of space (version 1.10+). In Windows, TortoiseSVN client has the option Vacuum pristine copies to ge...

posted 4y ago by Alexei‭

+2 −0
Q&A How to perform LINQ joins with multiple fields in a single join?

Note: this is an aggregate of the answer provided for this question. I want to get the LINQ equivalent of the following from SQL: SELECT .. FROM entity1 e1 JOIN entity2 e2 ON e1.field1 = e2.fie...

1 answer  ·  posted 4y ago by Alexei‭  ·  last activity 4y ago by Alexei‭

Question c# linq join
+2 −0
Q&A How to perform LINQ joins with multiple fields in a single join?

The quickest way is to make an equal join on two anonymous objects: var result = from x in entity join y in entity2 on new { x.field1, x.field2 } equals new { y.field1, y.field2 } Ano...

posted 4y ago by Alexei‭

+2 −0
Q&A Can regex be used to check if input conforms to a very strict subset of HTML?

Can regex be used to check if input conforms to a very strict subset of HTML? The theoretical answer is Yes. The Javascript regex language is more than powerful enough to parse a recursive gramm...

posted 4y ago by Stephen C‭  ·  edited 4y ago by Stephen C‭

+2 −0
Q&A In a stored procedure, is it possible to get the total number or rows updated by different statements?

One rather complicated way to get what you want (may be extended to multiple calls of statements and/or procedures) is through usage of MySQL Row-Based Binary Logs as explained here. This allows fo...

posted 4y ago by Alexei‭

+2 −0
Meta Adding a parent to a tag crashes on the server side (500)

Cross posted to Meta: If I try to provide a parent to a tag, it crashes with 500. Error Id = 6bd06f30-539d-4b88-8743-eca32a8465cd Tag to edit = htt...

0 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by Alexei‭  ·  edited 2y ago by Monica Cellio‭

+2 −0
Q&A In MySQL, is it possible to disable triggers for only certain queries or users?

Almost every table in my DB has triggers that fire on INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and write the changes to a separate read only DB. This makes it possible to track changes and undo things well after the...

1 answer  ·  posted 4y ago by Charlie Brumbaugh‭  ·  edited 4y ago by Alexei‭

+4 −1
Meta Do we want a wiki (or similar) alongside Q&A?

I hear the walk-before-we-run argument. I think this would be a good thing to try once we reach running speed, though. Personally, I don't like self-answered questions; I think they're an awkward f...

posted 4y ago by r~~‭

+6 −2
Meta Give actionable feedback when closing questions

Having had the dubious honor of experiencing the closing process from the perspective of a question author, it seems to me that closing does not adequately communicate why the question was closed, ...

4 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by meriton‭  ·  last activity 4y ago by Mithical‭

Question discussion
+2 −0
Meta Give actionable feedback when closing questions

We rather need to make a close reason for every kind of off-topic reason. In this specific case, the reason could for example be Purely subjective question rather than the old "primarily opinion-ba...

posted 4y ago by Lundin‭
