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Activity for boudewijn21
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Edit | Post #286273 | Initial revision | — | almost 3 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: Console scripts in virtual environment do not output to terminal in git bash A summary of the comment thread with jmathew: The simplest workaround is to use winpty, i.e. write: ```bash $ winpty black version.py ``` The reason this works is that the Python build that I am using and the Python console scripts are expecting a Windows terminal, but Git Bash is not one.... (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #286006 |
Post edited: Replaced pip tag with Windows |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #286006 |
Oh I missed the link in your earlier message. Yes I think that explains it pretty well: the python console scripts expect a windows terminal, but they are not getting that with git-bash, but with winpty they do.
Good idea about the aliases. I've made them work for `black`/`mypy`/`pylint`/`flake8`... (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #286006 |
Hi @#54244, the command with winpty returns output! Another piece of the puzzle pointing to redirection of output. I've now been using the `python -m black version.py` variation, but the variation with winpty is closer to what I would like, plain `black version.py`. (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #286006 | Initial revision | — | almost 3 years ago |
Question | — |
Console scripts in virtual environment do not output to terminal in git bash I have console scripts in my virtual environment in `\env\Scripts`, installed with packages (e.g. black, pytest, coverage). If I try to execute these in Git Bash, the output is not returned to the terminal. If I use the command line tool for e.g. black with a virtual enviroment activated in Git Ba... (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |