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Edit | Post #288089 | Initial revision | — | almost 2 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: Can Matlab packages have subdirectories? Well, minutes after posting my question, I found the disappointing answer: no. Original answer found on https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/184191-can-i-have-subdirectories-in-a-package-directory from Jim Svensson. His suggested workaround is to have multiple packages with the same ... (more) |
— | almost 2 years ago |
Edit | Post #288088 | Initial revision | — | almost 2 years ago |
Question | — |
Can Matlab packages have subdirectories? I'd like to organize my Matlab packages into folders. However, if I try to lay out my code like this ```none +MyPackage |---foo.m |---SubDir |---bar.m ``` then I'm unable to reach bar. For example, if the contents of foo.m are ```matlab function foo disp("foo") bar e... (more) |
— | almost 2 years ago |