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Welcome to Software Development on Codidact!

Will you help us build our independent community of developers helping developers? We're small and trying to grow. We welcome questions about all aspects of software development, from design to code to QA and more. Got questions? Got answers? Got code you'd like someone to review? Please join us.

Activity for matthewsnyder‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Answer A: How should open source forks, with a mix of upstreamable and non-upstreamable commits, be maintained?
The ideal way is to separate the upstreamable and non-upstreamable changes. For example you could maintain two branches: `public` and `private`. All upstreamable changes are cherry picked to public and this is what you send back to the upstream. All your non-upstreamable changes would be in privat...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289748 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: Alternatives to `EXPLAIN ANALYZE` for queries that won't complete
You can try to break up the query into CTEs, and then see if any of the individual CTEs are unusually slow. I am guessing the query is not just one select, but probably has subqueries, window functions, aggregations, joins and so on. All of these can be split into CTEs pretty easily (if you have q...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289725 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Question Is there a text version of pickle?
Is there a Python serialization format that has capabilities similar to Pickle, but is text based? The problem I always have with pickle is that it's binary, so I can't manually view or edit the data. The standard library includes `json`, but that requires a tedious converting of types at read ...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289633 While this makes sense, it seems a bit strange. 1) Isn't it bad to use exceptions for flow control? 2) Wouldn't this be surprising to a user who expects that `Ctrl+C` will *terminate* the program?
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289605 Post edited:
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289605 No, just checking between calls is enough.
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289605 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Question Listen for key events in a CLI app
I have a Python program like this: ```python done = False while u and not done: i = u.pop() print(f"Processing {i}") dobigtask(i) finishup() ``` Since this takes a long time, the user might get tired of waiting. I want the program to also continually listen for a keystroke, s...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289588 Why don't you just try changing it and see if it runs slower?
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289589 Post edited:
over 1 year ago
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over 1 year ago
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over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289589 Post edited:
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289589 The two previous questions explain the issue in more detail, but I'm adding my own summary in the hopes that it will be useful to other readers.
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289589 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: What is the point of pipx?
Dependency conflicts are the problem pipx aims to solve, in the context of installing CLI programs. When you install a Python package, by default pip will also install their dependent packages so that you don't get `ImportError`s when trying to use the package. These dependencies are explicitly co...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289575 Thank you! That actually does answer my question.
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289575 First, it's more accurate to say that `pip` is for installing python *packages*. When you say "dependencies", that makes it sound as if it can't install "tools", when in fact it can install any package. I am not aware of pip being specced specifically as to exclude installing non-dependencies. This i...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289566 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: How should I organize material about text encoding in Python into questions?
Much of this is already covered in various sources like Although there are issues with relying on links, I figure official documentation is probably fair game. I would start with two types of question: "Where can I find detailed information about t...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289514 Didn't know about `at` - seems like what I was looking for. Is this better [than systemd-run](
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289509 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Question How can a Python program send itself to the background?
Is it possible for a Python program to send itself in the background? For example, on Linux you can do `nohup somecmd &` and any program will run in the background. Some programs also support switches like `-d` (daemonize) to run in the background without `nohup`/`&`. How can a Python program do t...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289508 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Question How can I schedule a later task in Python?
I want my CLI Python program to schedule a task, and then exit. After some times has passed (say 10 minutes) the task should execute. The task can be a Python method or a shell command, whatever is easier. I can convert my use case to accommodate it. This would be on Linux only. How can I sc...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289484 Post edited:
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289506 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: Clone .git repo into current dir, without touching files
One way to do it is to simply clone the repo elsewhere and move the .git file to the current one.
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289505 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Question Clone .git repo into current dir, without touching files
I have git repo where the .git is deleted. I didn't realize it until after I made some changes to the code. I want to re-create the `.git` by cloning. However I don't want it to touch the files that I already have. When the `.git` is cloned, I will run git checkout and it will detect my changes as...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #280700 This is a very transactional way to look at it. Taken to its logical conclusion, it implies there's no point contributing to open source at all. I understand that some people choose to provide their work for free and resent the fact that they don't get more money out of it. Not all FOSS devs are l...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289486 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: Git: How to clone only a few recent commits?
This is called a shallow clone and it's supported by a git-clone argument: ``` git clone --depth 5 ```
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289484 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Question Git: How to clone only a few recent commits?
How do I clone the repository with only part of the history? For example, let's say I want to download only the last 5 commits out of thousands.
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289445 Post edited:
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289443 I agree on that as well. "How pipx works" is interesting and useful, but it's not pertinent information. It should be in a separate post.
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289443 This has some information but it seems a bit too biased in favor of pipx. The first three paragraphs don't add anything. There's some speculation about features that are not actually part of pipx. In the bulleted list, IMO 3, 4 and 6 are already things you get in pip. That said, there are some reason...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289445 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: Is it wrong to demand features in open-source projects?
"Demanding features" falls under an umbrella called "design". Design work doesn't show up directly in the commits (unless you maintain a design doc) but it is work nonetheless. Suggesting features is volunteer design work. In principle, the maintainer should welcome such work just as they would w...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289427 @#56342 But look what we get if we follow your logic: pip, pipx, apt, brew, cargo (and probably Julia, which I don't know) can all install packages in system locations. Then saying that "pipx is like apt or brew because it installs packages" makes no sense, because pip does that too. So why would you...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289427 @#53177 I was thinking of `apt` and `brew`, not `Nuget`. This is because the linked page calls them out as examples. AFAIK `nuget` is basically the pip of C#, which is probably why pipx docs don't use it as an example. Anyways, I was hoping that the question does not require you to guess what I un...
over 1 year ago
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over 1 year ago
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over 1 year ago
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over 1 year ago
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over 1 year ago
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over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289427 Initial revision over 1 year ago