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Posts by Karl Knechtel
There's still time This scenario is not yet a problem for this site, but we will get there, since it's a huge problem for Stack Overflow This topic should be separately addressed, too. At ti...
Looking back at my own Q&A How can I build a string from smaller pieces?, the answer is incredibly long. I'm essentially showing five different ways to solve the problem - because they all exis...
Workarounds Avoiding mutation Because problems are only caused by actually mutating the default argument, the simplest way to avoid problems is to... not do that. Pythonic code obeys command-quer...
Many programming languages either have keywords like or and and used for logic, or equivalent operators such as || or && - which are referred to as "logical or" and "logical and" respective...
We've had discussions before about the site's intended scope (range of permissible topics and questions), but for new users coming from the Stack Exchange network, I think it would be useful to dra...
The term long predates Pytest and is not at all specific to Python. The idea is described on Wikipedia: In the context of software a test fixture (also called "test context") is used to set up s...
Cite good Q&A elsewhere For example: I was saddened to realize that, as of me writing this, a question and/or answer from Software Development has never been submitted on Hacker News. The doma...
A compromise exists between automatically inferring package names (unreliable and potentially dangerous) and writing out an explicit separate requirements.txt file: script-running tools such as pip...
I would support this, but only if it doesn't noticeably distract from implementing other important features. I imagine that MathJax would have a real, but niche use on Software for more theoretical...
Using and and or correctly The left-hand side and right-hand side of these operators should both be valid operands, which should each come from a comparison. Thus, we should repeat the comparison ...
Overview de Morgan's laws are rules of logic that allow you to transform one conditional expression into another, equivalent expression. Because (in Boolean logic) two negations cancel each other ...
While trying to understand logical 'or'/'and', I encountered another problem (I'm writing Python code here, but my question is about the logic, not about any given programming language). I have som...
In Python 3.12, I noticed that some libraries seem to be missing or "deprecated": >>> import asynchat Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>...
General This question and answer are adapted from my original write-up on Stack Overflow, which you may consult for more details. This version is crafted as to be a clear overview, without referri...
Contrary to popular belief, Pip is not part of the Python standard library - although it comes as part of a standard distribution of Python. Pip is developed and maintained by the arms-length Pytho...
Several times now, I've seen advice in tutorials, setup/install instructions for Python-based projects, etc. to use a virtual environment to keep things organized and make it simpler to manage the ...
I have already learned how to tell the Python interpreter to run my code, but the standard approach feels a little unsatisfactory. I want the user experience to be that my program starts with the a...
This answer assumes only installations of the reference "CPython" implementation, as provided by the official website at https://www.python.org. Other installations - such as those provided by th...
I have multiple installations of Python on my machine. When I run Python, what determines which installation is used? How can I control this?
Generallly (assuming no exploit is found) it's not possible to escalate the privileges of an already running process, except via code that itself has kernel level access (running in ring 0 - this i...
The fundamental problem here is that it is already ambiguous where the "end" of the data in the buffer is. Strings can be empty (have zero length as reported by strlen); as such, buffer could equal...
Theory Relative paths are relative to the current working directory of the Python process. This can be checked from within Python using the os.getcwd function and set using the os.chdir function. ...
Root cause ModuleNotFoundError is a kind of ImportError. It occurs when Python code tries to use an absolute import, but can't find the named module - just as the name suggests. (Failed relative i...
Using the write method The write method of a file offers a much more limited interface. It only accepts one argument - a string, for a file opened in text mode - and outputs just what it's given. ...
I know that I can display a single string in the terminal window like print("example") (or similarly with a string in a variable), and I know how to open text files and write to them. I also know ...
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