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Posts by Lundin
It's an unfortunate analogy. Apart from being confusing, it does indeed assume some basic electronics knowledge. In electronics a short circuit (or the common jargon "a short") does not necessarily...
If reading the standard strictly by the letter then you are correct. And therefore both CERT and MISRA are picky with these kind of conversions because they strive to cover all poorly-defined behav...
Design/API Consider hiding all details of the String internals to the caller by implementing opaque type - How to do private encapsulation in C? (As it happens, that post contains a example take...
Given that you don't need the flexibility provided by a char** but rather need efficiency, plus a fairly large amount of items, it does sound like you need a true 2D array allocated on the heap. T...
First of all please note that polymorphism in C is clunky. It won't be pretty. We don't have this pointers, we don't have RAII, we don't have automatic constructors/destructors. Just accept that it...
It is trivial enough to test: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #define KNOWN_GARBAGE ((int*)~0u) int main (void) { int* ptr = KNOWN_GARBAGE; ...
I don't really see what good elementsof would do since sizeof(arr)/sizeof(*arr) is pretty idiomatic C and problem-free given that you know what you are doing, as is the case with most C code. IMO ...
"Black box testing" makes sense when dealing with opaque types so that's the first thing you should be doing and probably the most meaningful test too, so that's where you should put most of yo...
Software design in itself has always been on-topic, as per https://software.codidact.com/help/on-topic. As for system design for a given purpose, I think it is fine within reason. Contrary to popu...
General/program design: I would have expected a public header file with the API for the whole thing, rather than having some main() test case calling static functions from the same file. Sure,...
Categories should be used when the posting rules for certain types of question differ. For example a debugging question posted below Q&A should have a minimal, relevant example. Whereas a code ...
Assuming that there are no alignment problems between the two pointer types (impl-defined), the code is otherwise well-defined. As per the quoted C allows pretty much any form of wild and c...
Yes it is fine and probably encouraged even. I have written several self-answered Q&A here and they were mostly well-received. They aren't all that easy to write though, especially getting the ...
I don't think GNU can be used as a stand-alone tag. Apart from the OS, GNU is also a tool collection of various programs, many used for programming, making is a very ambiguous tag which can't stan...
I don't think there are any formal names for the various versions you list. First of all, please note that output in a programming context most often refers to printing something on a screen or to...
The basics of good vs bad program design All programs are divided in classes. (Or modules/abstract data types/interfaces etc - a rose by any other name.) Each class should only be concerned with i...
Some new tag "software practices" just popped up, no wiki. What's the purpose of this tag and how is it useful? What exactly in software development is not "software practices"? Seems quite superfl...
memcpy(&y.t, &x, sizeof(x)); is a bit fishy since it would have made more sense to copy into &y or &y.s. None of this is necessarily UB however. Regarding strict aliasing, it doesn...
p is assigned a value and then it becomes indeterminate when the pointed at object has reached the end of its lifetime (C17 6.2.4). Pointers may have trap representations (C17 and in ca...
This question was of very poor quality and should have been closed. I closed it but someone disagreed, for reasons unknown. I'm not sure if it's an actual algorithm question or just a request for f...
Pointer conversions and aliasing First of all, C historically allows all manner of crazy pointer conversions (whereas C++ is more restrictive) between compatible and non-compatible pointed-at type...
Generally speaking, comparison callback functions in C are often implemented to return an integer lesser than zero, equal to zero or greater than zero - depending on if the first object is lesser t...
Someone told me that I shouldn't write "NULL pointer" with capital letters, because a null pointer and NULL are different terms. And that NULL is a "null pointer constant". What's the meaning of th...
We rather need to make a close reason for every kind of off-topic reason. In this specific case, the reason could for example be Purely subjective question rather than the old "primarily opinion-ba...