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Activity for milohax‭

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Edit Post #291556 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Answer A: Don't close questions for lack of detail/confusion
I think the problem is in the language of the status. "Closed" is not final, but it does sound like it, and as a new user who is seeking an answer, it can be received as affronting. Can we introduce different wording for it, like "Locked", or "Needs refinement"? Either this, or an explaination ...
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #291539 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Answer A: Docker push fails with message "denied: requested access to the resource is denied"
2024-05-24: I originally wrote [a similar answer in that other Q&A site] Summary: Check: 1. Are you logged in? Look in `/.docker/config.json` for `auths` section 1. The Auth token needs `readrepository` and `writerepository` scopes (OP's answer) 1. Check the container registry visibility. ...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #291294 I'm not familiar with cabal and haskell, only gitlab-ci :) Did you add the updated packages.yml to your project so that it would be cloned into the GitLab runner? Is that enough to make cabal pick it up, or do you need to convert to a project file for cabal? If there is a command to install the d...
about 1 month ago