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Activity for talex
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Edit | Post #292871 | Initial revision | — | 5 months ago |
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A: LocalDate format in fields stored as json via Hibernate It is possible to set custom JSON serializer for hibernate. Here is example: ``` @Configuration public class JsonHibernatePropertiesCustomizerConfig { @Bean HibernatePropertiesCustomizer customizer(ObjectMapper objectMapper) { return map -> map.put(AvailableSettings.JSONFOR... (more) |
— | 5 months ago |
Edit | Post #292870 | Initial revision | — | 5 months ago |
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LocalDate format in fields stored as json via Hibernate Setup I have a database table with field of `JSONB` type. I access said database using `Hibernate`. In hibernate I have entity mapped on said table. Entity contains field marked with `@JdbcTypeCode(SqlTypes.JSON)` annotation. It have type of some DTO. In that DTO I have a field of type `... (more) |
— | 5 months ago |
Edit | Post #292789 | Initial revision | — | 6 months ago |
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Multiple versions of scala libraries detected! While compiling my `scala` project I'm getting following error. ``` org.scala-lang.modules:scala-parser-combinators2.13:2.4.0 requires scala version: 2.13.13 org.scalatest:scalatest2.13:3.2.19 requires scala version: 2.13.10 Multiple versions of scala libraries detected! ``` I understand ... (more) |
— | 6 months ago |
Comment | Post #292715 |
I don't see any flag button on tag page. (more) |
— | 6 months ago |
Edit | Post #292714 | Initial revision | — | 6 months ago |
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What is the difference between `back-end` and `backend` tags? I found two tags: `back-end` and `backend`. Should we merge them? (more) |
— | 6 months ago |
Edit | Post #292651 |
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— | 6 months ago |
Edit | Post #292651 |
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— | 6 months ago |
Edit | Post #292651 | Initial revision | — | 6 months ago |
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Json deserialization of enum, forbid int I have a DTO that contains an `enum` field: ```java @Getter @Setter static class Foo { Bar bar; } enum Bar { X, Y } ``` When I deserialize a JSON, it allows `int` as values: ```java var objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); Foo foo = objectMapper.readValue(""" {"ba... (more) |
— | 6 months ago |
Comment | Post #292647 |
Just to make sure. You have `;` at end of each SQL statement in your scripts? (more) |
— | 6 months ago |
Comment | Post #292546 |
I notice that none of those using `-` is actually child tags. (more) |
— | 7 months ago |
Edit | Post #292549 |
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— | 7 months ago |
Edit | Post #292549 | Initial revision | — | 7 months ago |
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Tag full names. Currently we have composite tag names like `node:stream`. That tag have `Node.js` as its parent. I propose to display child tag with its parent, for example `Node.js:node:stream'. It will require renaming some composite tags and probably forbidding use of `:` (or other separator we decide to us... (more) |
— | 7 months ago |
Comment | Post #292546 |
`java:stream` or `java-stream` will describe it perfectly.
Not sure what is naming convention here. (more) |
— | 7 months ago |
Edit | Post #292545 | Initial revision | — | 7 months ago |
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I created a tag, now it need edit. I created `stream` tag, but can't edit it. It should at least have `java` as parent tag. (more) |
— | 7 months ago |
Edit | Post #292544 | Initial revision | — | 7 months ago |
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Map<?, Optional<T>> to Map<?, T> I have a `Map` with `Optional` values. I want to filter it to remove empty values. ``` Map> input; Map result = input. // here is some code I'm looking for .collect(Collector.toMap(???)); ``` What is easiest way to achieve it? All I can think of requires `Optiona... (more) |
— | 7 months ago |
Edit | Post #292474 | Initial revision | — | 7 months ago |
Answer | — |
A: Execute SQL queries stored in a table I manage to solve my problem with next code: ``` do $$ declare sqltext text; sqllist text[]; begin sqllist := array( select c.sqltext from sqlcommand c ); raise notice 'start'; for sqltext in select unnest(sqllist) loop raise notice '%', sqltext; execute sqltext... (more) |
— | 7 months ago |
Comment | Post #292472 |
I need mass rename primary keys in table (don't ask why, I don't know). So I generated DDL for that. Now I need to execute them. We have several databases, so I want script that easily portable.
I prefer to avoid creation additional stored procedures or functions. (more) |
— | 7 months ago |
Edit | Post #292472 | Initial revision | — | 7 months ago |
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Execute SQL queries stored in a table Let's say I have a table with SQL statements in a column. I want to execute them all. ```sql create table sqlcommand( sqltext text ) ``` I know how to execute one SQL statement using `EXEC`, but I want to do it for all statements in the table. `exec (sqlcommand) from (select sqltext f... (more) |
— | 7 months ago |