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Welcome to Software Development on Codidact!

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Comments on Are code troubleshooting posts allowed?


Are code troubleshooting posts allowed?


I assume "help my code isn't working"/troubleshooting posts - which make up much of SO questions - are allowed. However from reading the FAQ, it's not obvious to me that they are. The "on topic" bullet point that most closely approaches this is "questions about database design, programming, or access through SQL (SQL programming)", but it's not clear to me that "questions about programming" includes "troubleshooting code".

If it is allowed then maybe it should have its own bullet point (near the top) as presumably that's how you will get more participation. If not then it should be added to the "off topic" section.

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General comments (2 comments)

These questions are very helpful to the person asking, and great for driving activity. I think it is good to allow these questions to be asked and to answer them.

At the same time, they are not good for keeping on the site indefinitely. Many years ago, I did not understand what lambdas were and asked a bunch of very specific questions about why this and why that and wherefore syntax error in this piece of spagetti code. This was back in the good old days and people on SO actually helped me understand it. But does it matter now? Would anyone read the question? Another person with the same problem would have trivially different code. But if they are a novice, they would not be able to see past the trivial differences.

Moreover, the real value in troubleshooting is not solving the immediate issue, unless that exact issue is extremely common. The real value is a hands on lesson in learning how to fish.

It would be great if we could find a way to do that. For example, in my lambda example, perhaps the solution would be to close the specific question, and create a new one saying "how to troubleshoot syntax errors [involving lambdas?]"?

I think the Latex community at SE started a great tradition of asking for MWEs. I believe the R community later started adopting this as well. But not every problem can be easily turned into an MWE. However, every troubleshooting/debug problem should reduce to a generic problem solving case study.

So we need a way to handle these questions, but unlike others, simply answering a troubleshooting question does not actually grow the knowledge base of the site. Extracting generalized take-home lessons from the troubleshooting grows it. So the specific problem is not the issue, it's how to approach that type of problem. We need to somehow convert the troubleshooting questions into that type of generalism.

Perhaps some kind of chat function would work for this? We could encourage users to ask for debugging help in chat, and from there point them to or encourage making questions like "how do I troubleshoot errors of X class in Y context?"

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Great answers both answer the localized problem and put it in a wider context. For example by mention... (5 comments)
Great answers both answer the localized problem and put it in a wider context. For example by mention...
Lundin‭ wrote almost 2 years ago

Great answers both answer the localized problem and put it in a wider context. For example by mentioning good and bad practices - how the problem was caused by not following these. Or by dissecting some cryptic compiler message that the OP didn't understand and explain why this particular message appeared for this particular bug. Then the answer becomes interesting to others reading the post in the future, even though the narrow debug question itself might be of limited interest to future readers.

Monica Cellio‭ wrote almost 2 years ago

If we end up with clusters of highly-related questions -- different symptoms, same root cause, none yet has that kind of great comprehensive answer -- then another option is to create a trouble-shooting topic that tackles those commonalities. Codidact supports articles alongside Q&A and also supports multiple categories; Software Dev could have a "reference" or "blog" or "resources" category to hold such posts, if people want that.

Lundin‭ wrote almost 2 years ago

In fact repeated, seemingly localized trouble-shooting posts can act as an "aha experience" to locate FAQs beyond the most obvious and common ones. Something that you don't realize is a FAQ before you read a lot of posts over time and start to recall "hey didn't I answer this some year back". And the next time you hear about that same problem, you realize that perhaps it is more common that you think. At that point you could write a summarizing article/FAQ/blog about it.

matthewsnyder‭ wrote almost 2 years ago

Great answers both answer...

Yes, but IMO a great answer (generalized) is wasted on a specific troubleshooting question, because many people will ignore it because they think they have a different problem, even though the answer applies to them anyway.

My point is that generalized, great answers should be posted in response to generalized questions, so that they are discoverable. They should not be tucked away under questions that sound very specific.

Monica Cellio‭ wrote almost 2 years ago

Or we might be able to use (multiple) specific troubleshooting questions to feed into a general troubleshooting article or canonical question or something, and then point all the specific cases to that. Either approach works; we just want to make sure things are findable. Specific questions might have symptoms that would show up in search results where a general post wouldn't. I'm not disagreeing with anything, just exploring possibilities.