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Comments on A class to access dicts using attribute syntax


A class to access dicts using attribute syntax


I've written a class that allows to access dictionary entries of arbitrary dicts with appropriate string keys through attribute access syntax on an instance of the class.

My questions are:

  1. Is this class a good idea to begin with?

  2. Is there anything that should be done differently?

Here's the class:

class DictProxy: 
    Allow to access a dictionary through attribute access syntax.

    Obviously only dictionary entries whose keys are strings
    conforming to identifier rules can be accessed this way; also,
    identifiers starting with underscore are not delegated to the
    dictionary (thus dictionary entries whose key starts with
    underscore cannot be accessed this way).

    def __init__(self, dictionary):
        Initialize the DictProxy with a dictionary
        self._dictionary = dictionary

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        Redirect non-underscore attribute assignments to dictionary updates
        if name[0] == "_":
            super().__setattr__(name, value)
            self._dictionary[name] = value

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        Redirect non-underscore attribute reads to dictionary reads
        if name[0] == "_":
            return super().__getattr__(name)
                return self._dictionary[name]
            except KeyError as error:
                # hasattr fails if the exception isn't an AttributeError
                raise AttributeError(error)

    def __delattr__(self, name):
        Redirect non-underscore attribute deletes to dictionary deletes
        # the actual code
        if name[0] == "_":
            return super().__delete__(name)
            del self._dictionary[name]

def test():
    dictionary = { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3 }
    proxy = DictProxy(dictionary)

    assert(hasattr(proxy, "a"))
    assert(hasattr(proxy, "b"))
    assert(hasattr(proxy, "c"))
    assert(not hasattr(proxy, "d"))

    assert(proxy.a == 1)
    assert(proxy.b == 2)
    assert(proxy.c == 3)

    proxy.a = 4

    assert(proxy.a == 4)
    assert(dictionary["a"] == 4)

    proxy.d = 5

    assert(hasattr(proxy, "d"))
    assert(proxy.d == 5)
    assert("d" in dictionary)
    assert(dictionary["d"] == 5)

    del proxy.a

    assert(not hasattr(proxy, "a"))
    assert(not "a" in dictionary)

    delattr(proxy, "b")

    assert(not hasattr(proxy, "b"))
    assert(not "b" in dictionary)

    dictionary["a"] = 6

    assert(hasattr(proxy, "a"))
    assert(proxy.a == 6)

    del dictionary["c"]

    assert(not hasattr(proxy, "c"))

if __name__ == '__main__':
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If that's a good idea, it depends on what you need. Is this functionality (syntatic sugar) worth t... (5 comments)

I've used something similar in the past (supporting attribute access as equivalent to dict item access), but I would then always derive the class from dict (or UserDict). This can be useful - but mainly inside your own code, never as library code - if you have sections of the code that otherwise would need a lot of quoting plus square brackets.

It's tricky code, and I'd generally advise not to use it however:

  • If a dictionary is passed in as argument to the class init, then after constructing the object, you have two, entirely separate references to a mutable dict in your code. This easily allows bugs to crawl in. It seems better to derive the class from dict or UserDict to prevent this.
  • "DictProxy" seems a somewhat misleading or confusing name since it's not really a dict proxy: it doesn't add behavior to a class that otherwise behaves like a dict. It's also a bit confusing because the stdlib has various abc.mapping classes (and types.MappingProxy). I think this is yet another reason why it may be better to derive the class from collections.UserDict (or do sth similar).
  • If the class is merely intended as view on the underlying dict data, I would make sure that instances of it are immutable (derive the class from Mapping or MappingView for instance).
  • There seems to be an implicit assumption that the underlying dict will not have keys that are not valid Python attribute identifiers. This assumption could also lead to trouble (since certain keys will not be representable as attributes).
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Response to your first two points (1 comment)
Response to your first two points
celtschk‭ wrote 10 months ago

If a dictionary is passed in as argument to the class init, then after constructing the object, you have two, entirely separate references to a mutable dict in your code.

I'm not sure what you mean with "entire separate" here; the class referencing and modifying the original dict is the whole purpose. Basically, the class is not owning the dict, it merely references it (Python unfortunately has no way to denote that difference). That's why the class has "Proxy" in its name.

"DictProxy" seems a somewhat misleading or confusing name since it's not really a dict proxy: it doesn't add behavior to a class that otherwise behaves like a dict.

That seems to be a terminology mismatch; I would call a class that adds behaviour to another class a decorator. A proxy in my mind is something that provides access to something else.

Is the use of "Proxy" you use standard Python terminology? Then I guess the classabove should be renamed (to what?)