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Comments on New elementsof() operator


New elementsof() operator


Original problem:

Arrays in C are problematic. They are transformed into pointers too easily. Especially when they are function parameters (they decay to pointers just after the function parameter list). It's hard to get the number of elements of an array in a safe and portable way, and many projects still hardcode the usual sizeof division, which can be problematic.

I'm implementing a new operator in GCC that yields the number of elements of an array, and have also submitted a proposal to WG14 (ISO C committee) to add that operator to the standard.

I'm interested in hearing feedback about this operator.

Below is a plain-text version of the same paper I submitted earlier today:

n3313 (WG14)                Proposal for C2y               n3313 (WG14)

     n3313 - New elementsof() operator (v2)
     Feature (keyword; operator).
     Alejandro  Colomar  Andres;  maintainer  of  the  Linux  man-pages

     GNU Compiler Collection
     Martin Uecker
     Xi Ruoyao
     Xavier Del Campo Romero
     Joseph Myers
     Gabriel Ravier
     Jakub Jelinek
     Kees Cook
     Qing Zhao
     Jens Gustedt
     David Brown
     Florian Weimer
     Andreas Schwab
     Timm Baeder
     "A. Jiang"
     Eugene Zelenko
     Aaron Ballman
     Paul Koning
     n2529  v1; 2020‐06‐04; authored by Xavier.

            New pointer‐proof keyword to determine array length

     n3313  v2; 2024‐08‐15.

            New elementsof() operator (v2)
     This operator yields the number of elements of an array.
Problem description
     Prior to C23 it was impossible to do this portably, but since  C23
     it  is possible to portably write a macro that determines the num‐
     ber of elements of an array, that is, the number  of  elements  in
     the array.

            #define must_be(e)                                      \
            (                                                       \
                0 * (int) sizeof(                                   \
                    struct {                                        \
                        static_assert(e);                           \
                        int ISO_C_forbids_a_struct_with_no_members; \
                    }                                               \
                )                                                   \
            #define is_array(a)                                     \
            (                                                       \
                _Generic(&(a),                                      \
                    typeof((a)[0]) **:  0,                          \
                    default:            1                           \
                )                                                   \
            #define sizeof_array(a)  (sizeof(a) + must_be(is_array(a)))
            #define nitems(a)        (sizeof_array(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))

     While  diagnostics  could be better, with good helper‐macro names,
     they are decent.
   Type names
     This nitems() macro is not ideal, since it only works with expres‐
     sions but not with type names.  However, for most use cases that’s
     The usual sizeof division evaluates the operand and results  in  a
     run‐time  value  in  cases where it wouldn’t be necessary.  If the
     top‐level array number of elements is  determined  by  an  integer
     constant  expression,  but an internal array is a VLA, sizeof must

            int  a[7][n];
            int  (*p)[7][n];

            p = &a;
     With a elementsof operator, this would result in an  integer  con‐
     stant expression of value 7.
   Double evaluation
     With  the sizeof‐based implementation from above, the example from
     above causes double evaluation of *p++.
     Having more constant expressions would allow for  increased  diag‐
     nostics, which would result in safer code.  For example:

            $ cat f.c
            #define nitems(a)  (sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a)))

            void f(char (*a)[3][*], int (*b)[elementsof(*a)]);
            void g(char (*a)[3][*], int (*b)[nitems(*a)]);

                 int   i5[5];
                 char  c35[3][5];

                 f(&c35, &i5);
                 g(&c35, &i5);

            $ /opt/local/gnu/gcc/elementsof/bin/gcc f.c
            f.c: In function ‘main’:
            f.c:12:17: error: passing argument 2 of ‘f’ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
               12 |         f(&c35, &i5);
                  |                 ˆ˜˜
                  |                 |
                  |                 int (*)[5]
            f.c:3:31: note: expected ‘int (*)[3]’ but argument is of type ‘int (*)[5]’
                3 | void f(char (*a)[3][*], int (*b)[elementsof(*a)]);
                  |                         ˜˜˜˜˜˜ˆ˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜
Proposal description
     Add  a  new keyword named elementsof which evaluates to the number
     of elements of an array operand, that is, the number  of  elements
     in the array.  The syntax should be similar to sizeof.

     The  operand must be a parenthesized complete array type or an ex‐
     pression of such a type.  It is a  constraint  violation  to  pass
     something else.  For example:

            int  a[n];

            elementsof(a);           // returns n
            elementsof(int [7][3]);  // returns 7

            elementsof(int);         // constraint violation
            elementsof(n);           // constraint violation

     The result of this operator is an integer constant expression, un‐
     less  the top‐level array is a variable‐length array.  The operand
     is only evaluated if the top‐level array is a variable‐length  ar‐
     ray.  For example:

            elementsof(int [7][n++]);  // integer constant expression
            elementsof(int [n++][7]);  // run‐time value; n++ is evaluated
Design choices
   Prior art
            It is common in C programs to get the number of elements of
            an  array  via  the  usual sizeof division and wrap it in a
            macro.  Common names include:

            •  ARRAY_SIZE()
            •  NELEM()
            •  NELEMS()
            •  NITEMS()
            •  NELTS()
            •  elementsof()
            •  lengthof()
            In C++, there are several standard  features  to  determine
            the number of elements of an array:

            std::size()   (since C++17)
            std::ssize()  (since C++20)
                   The usage of these is the same as the usual C macros
                   named above.

                   It’s  a  bit different, since it’s a general purpose
                   sizing template, which works on non‐array types too,
                   with different semantics.

                   But when applied to an array, it has the same seman‐
                   tics as the macros above.

            std::extent  (since C++23)
                   The syntax of this is quite different.   It  uses  a
                   numeric index as a second parameter to determine the
                   dimension  in which the number of elements should be

                   C arrays are much simpler than C++’s many array‐like
                   types, and I don’t see a reason why  we  would  need
                   something  as  complex  as  std::extent  in C.  Cer‐
                   tainly, existing projects have not developed such  a
                   macro, even if it is technically possible:

                          #define DEREFERENCE(a, n)  DEREFERENCE_ ## n (a, c)
                          #define DEREFERENCE_9(a)   (*********(a))
                          #define DEREFERENCE_8(a)   (********(a))
                          #define DEREFERENCE_7(a)   (*******(a))
                          #define DEREFERENCE_6(a)   (******(a))
                          #define DEREFERENCE_5(a)   (*****(a))
                          #define DEREFERENCE_4(a)   (****(a))
                          #define DEREFERENCE_3(a)   (***(a))
                          #define DEREFERENCE_2(a)   (**(a))
                          #define DEREFERENCE_1(a)   (*(a))
                          #define DEREFERENCE_0(a)   ((a))
                          #define extent(a, n)       nitems(DEREFERENCE(a, n))

                   If any project needs that syntax, they can implement
                   their  own  trivial  wrapper  macro, as demonstrated

            Existing prior art in C seems to favour a design that  fol‐
            lows the syntax of other operators like sizeof.
     It  is tradition in C to name operators (and operator‐like macros)
     with an *of termination, and in lower case:

     •  sizeof
     •  alignof
     •  typeof
     •  offsetof

     It seems reasonable to use a similar syntax to indicate users that
     they can expect similar syntax and semantics from such  an  opera‐

     n3187 attempts to standardize the term length to refer to the num‐
     ber  of elements in an array.  However, length might generate con‐
     fusion: there’s the length of a string (number of non‐zero charac‐
     ters) and the length of an array (the total number of elements  in
     the  array),  and both a string and an array often coexist.  It is
     common to use ’n’ for a variable that holds the number of elements
     of an array and ’len’ for a variable that holds the  length  of  a

     "Number of elements of an array" is an expression commonly used in
     the  standard.   Thus, elements is a term that programmers are al‐
     ready familiar with.
   Backwards compatibility
     A code search  on  large  online  platforms  revealed  that  while
     elementsof  is  already  in  use by existing projects, all of them
     seem to be compatible with our proposal, by expanding to the usual
     sizeof division.

     lengthof is in use with incompatible semantics.
     alignof requires that the operand is a type name.   However,  some
     compilers  allow  passing  an expression as an extension, and they
     don’t require parentheses, just like with sizeof.  For example:

            $ cat s.c
            #include <stdalign.h>

                 int  *x;

                 return alignof *x;
            $ gcc ‐Wall ‐Wextra s.c
            $ ./a.out; echo $?

     Some compilers may want to require parentheses for simplicity.  It
     is left as a quality‐of‐implementation detail if an implementation
     allows unparenthesized expressions.  In GCC, not requiring  paren‐
     theses resulted in a simpler implementation.

     We  recommend  that  ISO  C deprecates unparenthesized expressions
     from sizeof if that is not wanted in newer operators.  That  would
     result  in  a  simpler language.  However, that’s out‐of‐scope for
     this proposal.
     C23 seems to have shifted away from uglified keywords.  This  pro‐
     posal  defaults  to providing the keyword directly, since it’s se‐
     mantically compatible with existing code.
Future directions
     elementsof could be extended to support  function  parameters  de‐
     clared  with array notation.  Here’s an example borrowing notation
     from n3188:

            wchar_t *
            wmemset(wchar_t wcs[.n], wchar_t wc, size_t n)
                for (size_t i = 0; i < elementsof(wcs); i++)
                    wcs[i] = wc;

                return wcs;
     •  Should this new keyword accept an expression without  parenthe‐
        ses (like sizeof does)?  Or should it require parentheses?

     •  What name should we use for it?

     •  Should we use an uglyfied name plus a header providing a macro?
        Or just the nice name directly?
Proposed wording Lvalues, arrays, and function designators

             Except when it is the operand of the sizeof operator,
            +or the elementsof operator,
             or the typeof operators,
             or the unary & operator,
             or is a string literal used to initialize an array,
             an expression that has type "array of type"
             is converted to an expression with type "pointer to type"
             that points to the initial element of the array object
             and is not an lvalue.

     Forward references

             prefix increment and decrement operators (,
            -the sizeof and alignof operators (,
            +the sizeof, elementsof, and alignof operators (,
             structure and union members (

   6.4.1 Keywords
     Syntax (p1)


   6.5.4 Unary operators
     Syntax (p1)

                  ++ unary‐expression
                  -- unary‐expression
                  unary‐operator cast‐expression
                  sizeof unary‐expression
                  sizeof ( type‐name )
            +    elementsof ( type‐name )
                  alignof ( type‐name ) The sizeof and alignof operators

            -The sizeof and alignof operators
            +The sizeof, elementsof, and alignof operators

     Constraints (p1)

             or to an expression that designates a bit‐field member.
            +The elementsof operator shall not be applied to an expression that
            +has an incomplete type or
            +does not have array type,
            +or to the parenthesized name of such a type.
             The alignof operator shall not be applied to
             a function type or an incomplete type.

     Semantics (pX; insert as p2)

            +The elementsof operator yields the number of elements
            +of its operand.
            +The number of elements is determined from the type of the operand.
            +The result is an integer.
            +If the number of elements of the array type is variable,
            +the operand is evaluated;
            +the operand is not evaluated and the result is an integer constant.

     EXAMPLE 2 (p7)
            -Another  use  of the sizeof operator is
            +A use of the elementsof operator is
             to compute the number of elements in an array
            -    sizeof array / sizeof array[0]
            +    elementsof array

   6.6 Constant expressions
     Semantics (p8)

             An integer constant expression117) shall have integer type
             and shall only have operands that are
             integer constants,
             named and compound literal constants of integer type,
             character constants,
            -sizeof expressions whose results are integer constants,
            +sizeof or elementsof expressions whose results are integer constants,
             alignof expressions,
             and floating, named, or compound literal constants of arithmetic type
             that are the immediate operands of casts.
             Cast operators in an integer constant expression
             shall only convert arithmetic types to integer types,
             except as part of an operand to the typeof operators,
             sizeof operator,
            +elementsof operator,
             or alignof operator.

     Footnote 115)

             The operand of a
             typeof (,
             or alignof operator
             is usually not evaluated (

     Semantics (p10)

             An arithmetic constant expression
             shall have arithmetic type
             and shall only have operands that are
             integer constants,
             floating constants,
             named or compound literal constants of arithmetic type,
             character constants,
            -sizeof expressions whose results are integer constants,
            +sizeof or elementsof expressions whose results are integer constants,
             and alignof expressions.
             Cast operators in an arithmetic constant expression
             shall only convert arithmetic types to arithmetic types,
             except as part of an operand to the typeof operators,
             sizeof operator,
            +elementsof operator,
             or alignof operator.

   6.7.2 Storage‐class specifiers
     Footnote 128)

             The implementation can treat any register declaration simply
             as an auto declaration.
             whether or not addressable storage is used,
             the address of
             any part of an object declared with storage‐class specifier register
             cannot be computed,
             either explicitly
             (by use of the unary & operator as discussed in
             or implicitly
             (by converting an array name to a pointer as discussed in
            -the only operator
            +the only operators
             that can be applied to
             an array declared with storage‐class specifier register
            -is sizeof
            +are sizeof,
             and the typeof operators. Array declarators
     Semantics (p5)

             Where a size expression is part of
             the operand of a typeof or sizeof operator
             and changing the value of the size expression
             would not affect the result of the operator,
             it is unspecified whether or not the size expression is evaluated.
            +Where a size expression is part of
            +the operand of a elementsof operator
            +and changing the value of the size expression
            +would not affect the result of the operator,
            +the size expression is not evaluated.
             Where a size expression is part of
             the operand of an alignof operator,
             that expression is not evaluated.

   6.9.1 General
     Constraints (p3)

             •  part of the operand of a sizeof operator
                 whose result is an integer constant;
            +•  part of the operand of a elementsof operator
                 whose result is an integer constant;
             •  part of the operand of an alignof operator
                 whose result is an integer constant;

     Semantics (p5)

             An external definition is
             an external declaration that is also a definition of
             a function (other than an inline definition)
             or an object.
             If an identifier declared with external linkage
             is used in an expression
             (other than as
             part of the operand of a typeof operator
             whose result is not a variably modified type,
             part of the controlling expression of a generic selection,
             part of the expression in a generic association
             that is not the result expression of its generic selection,
            -or part of a sizeof or alignof operator
            +or part of a sizeof, elementsof, or alignof operator
             whose result is an integer constant expression),
             somewhere in the entire program
             there shall be exactly one external definition for the identifier;
             otherwise, there shall be no more than one.191)

   6.10.2 Conditional inclusion
     EXAMPLE 5 (p22)

            -    return (int)(meow[0] + meow[(sizeof(meow) / sizeof(*meow)) - 1]);
            +    return (int)(meow[0] + meow[elementsof(meow) - 1]); #embed preprocessing directive
     EXAMPLE 1 (p16)

            -    have_you_any_wool(baa_baa, sizeof(baa_baa));
            +    have_you_any_wool(baa_baa, elementsof(baa_baa));

     EXAMPLE 4 (p19)

            -    const size_t f_size = sizeof(embed_data);
            +    const size_t f_n = elementsof(embed_data);
            -    unsigned char f_data[f_size];
            +    unsigned char f_data[f_n];
                 FILE* f_source = fopen("data.dat", "rb");
                 if (f_source == nullptr)
                      return 1;
                 char* f_ptr = (char*)&f_data[0];
            -    if (fread(f_ptr, 1, f_size, f_source) != f_size) {
            +    if (fread(f_ptr, 1, f_n, f_source) != f_n) {
                      return 1;

            -    int is_same = memcmp(&embed_data[0], f_ptr, f_size);
            +    int is_same = memcmp(&embed_data[0], f_ptr, f_n); limit parameter
     EXAMPLE 1 (p5)

            -    static_assert((sizeof(sound_signature) / sizeof(*sound_signature)) == 4,
            -         "There should only be 4 elements in this array.");
            +    static_assert(elementsof(sound_signature) == 4);

     EXAMPLE 2 (p6)

            -    static_assert((sizeof(sound_signature) / sizeof(*sound_signature)) == 4,
            -         "There should only be 4 elements in this array.");
            +    static_assert(elementsof(sound_signature) == 4); prefix parameter
     EXAMPLE (p4)

            -    int is_good = (sizeof(whl) == 1 && whl[0] == ' ')
            +    int is_good = (elementsof(whl) == 1 && whl[0] == ' ')
                 || (whl[0] == '\xEF' && whl[1] == '\xBB'
            -    && whl[2] == '\xBF' && whl[sizeof(whl) - 1] == ' ');
            +    && whl[2] == '\xBF' && whl[elementsof(whl) - 1] == ' ');

   A.2.2 Keywords


   A.3.1 Expressions

                  ++ unary‐expression
                  -- unary‐expression
                  unary‐operator cast‐expression
                  sizeof unary‐expression
                  sizeof ( type‐name )
            +    elementsof ( type‐name )
                  alignof ( type‐name )

   J.2 Undefined behavior

             An expression that is required to be an integer constant expression
             does not have an integer type;
             has operands that are not integer constants,
             named constants,
             compound literal constants,
             enumeration constants,
             character constants,
             predefined constants,
            -sizeof expressions
            +sizeof or elementsof expressions
             whose results are integer constants,
             alignof expressions,
             or immediately‐cast floating constants;
             or contains casts
            -(outside operands to sizeof and alignof operators)
            +(outside operands to sizeof, elementsof, and alignof operators)
             other than conversions of arithmetic types to integer types (6.6).


             An arithmetic constant expression does not have arithmetic type;
             has operands that are not integer constants,
             floating constants,
             named and compound literal constants of arithmetic type,
             character constants,
             predefined constants,
            -sizeof expressions
            +sizeof or elementsof expressions
             whose results are integer constants,
             or alignof expressions;
             or contains casts
            -(outside operands to sizeof or alignof operators)
            +(outside operands to sizeof, elementsof, or alignof operators)
             other than conversions of arithmetic types to arithmetic types (6.6).

   J.6.3 Particular identifiers or keywords


   K. The fscanf_s function
     EXAMPLE 2 (p8)

            -    n = fscanf_s(stdin, "%s", s, sizeof s);
            +    n = fscanf_s(stdin, "%s", s, elementsof(s));

   K. The strtok_s function
     EXAMPLE (p10)

            -    rsize_t max1 = sizeof(str1);
            -    rsize_t max2 = sizeof(str2);
            +    rsize_t max1 = elementsof(str1);
            +    rsize_t max2 = elementsof(str2);

   K. The wcrtomb_s function
     Description (p4)

            -    wcrtomb_s(&retval, buf, sizeof buf, L’ ’, ps)
            +    wcrtomb_s(&retval, buf, elementsof(buf), L’ ’, ps)
See also
     The discussion of a patch set implementing an __elementsof__ oper‐
     ator in GCC.  It also discusses drafts of this paper.

ISO/IEC 9899                   2024‐08‐15                  n3313 (WG14)
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1 comment thread

Syntax highlighting (3 comments)
Syntax highlighting
trichoplax‭ wrote 7 months ago

At present the syntax highlighting that has been automatically applied to the code blocks (plain text sections) has somewhat helpful colour and weight applied to sections that are code, but somewhat distracting colour and weight applied to sections that are not code. Removing the syntax highlighting would remove the distraction from the non-code parts, at the cost of also removing the helpful aspects.

I haven't made a suggested edit because I don't know whether you would prefer to keep or remove the syntax highlighting, so instead the following comment is just information.

trichoplax‭ wrote 7 months ago

If you want a code block to be plain text with no syntax highlighting, you can specify a language string that is not recognised by the syntax highlighter. For example, I specify "text", and this results in no colour or weight being applied.

Without specifying "text":

The word double and a (parenthetical remark).

This gives:

The word double and a (parenthetical remark).

With specifying "text":

The word double and a (parenthetical remark).

This gives:

The word double and a (parenthetical remark).
alx‭ wrote 7 months ago

Thanks! I've changed most blocks into text. I've kept formatting in a few where it was useful.