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A couple of year ago a user of Super User reported difficulties with summing values purporting to be Euros imported to LibreOffice Calc in CSV format. In the Q the user does not mention the locale...
#1: Initial revision
Summing values formatted for a different locale
A couple of year ago a user of Super User reported difficulties with summing values purporting to be Euros imported to LibreOffice Calc in CSV format. In the [Q](https://superuser.com/questions/1353973/summing-euro-amounts-in-libreoffice-calc) the user does not mention the locale settings, but did write "*I've used the LEFT function to get just the number part, though that still leaves me with a string.*" Some sample data was provided, but not its location so assuming the following:  and `,` to separate thousands, `.` for decimal, how to determine the sum of the above text-format amounts?