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Q&A Is this a known design pattern: a piece of code is responsible for acting as a central proxy for data distributed in various places?

I have several classes (C_1...C_n) and their instances (I_1....I_m). I have a "Registry" R of these. There are several pieces of data (d_1...d_k) spread across various instances. This much is set ...

1 answer  ·  posted 4y ago by peey‭  ·  last activity 4y ago by Alexei‭

Question design-patterns
#2: Post edited by user avatar peey‭ · 2021-05-05T14:07:32Z (almost 4 years ago)
Clarify by adding an example
  • I have several classes (`C_1`...`C_n`) and their instances (`I_1`....`I_m`). I have a "Registry" `R` of these.
  • There are several pieces of data (`d_1`...`d_k`) spread across various instances. This much is set in stone, i.e. I consider the data being spread across the instances as appropriate design.
  • Now while writing the code in `C_i`, each class does know how to access the data that it's responsible for (among the `d_j`), but I wouldn't like it to have that knowledge for the data in other classes / instances.
  • I'm thinking of achieving this by declaring a singleton class `X` which has access to this registry, and it acts as a proxy between the actual location of the data (in `I_j`) and the name of the data `d_k`.
  • So using `X`, anywhere in my program I can write `X.get_d2()` and I'll get `d2`, without worrying about where it came from.
  • Is this a known design pattern? If not, then are there any obvious pitfalls with this design that some other patterns are known to mitigate?
  • I have several classes (`C_1`...`C_n`) and their instances (`I_1`....`I_m`). I have a "Registry" `R` of these.
  • There are several pieces of data (`d_1`...`d_k`) spread across various instances. This much is set in stone, i.e. I consider the data being spread across the instances as appropriate design.
  • ```
  • class Server { // C1
  • public String host; // d_i
  • public String port;
  • //....
  • }
  • class Administrator { // C2
  • public String username; // d_j
  • public String hashed_password;
  • public Server belongs_to;
  • //....
  • }
  • // ....
  • class SomethingElse { // Cn
  • // more of this later
  • }
  • class RegistryOfWellKnownInstances {
  • getServers(); // I_j
  • getAdministrators(); // I_k
  • // ...
  • }
  • ```
  • Now while writing the code in `C_i`, each class does know how to access the data that it's responsible for (among the `d_j`), but I wouldn't like it to have that knowledge for the data in other classes / instances.
  • ```
  • /**
  • * Let's say there's a concept of certain well-known instances with the Registry. There are servers "testing" and "prod" and we want access to the host name (d_i) and admin usernames (d_j) for them.
  • * This class doesn't have too much knowledge about the `Server` class or `Administrator` class. They are complex classes, and perhaps managed by another set of programers. It doesn't even care about how/where these instances are created and how it'll have access to those instances.
  • */
  • class SomethingElse {
  • // ...
  • }
  • ```
  • I'm thinking of achieving this by declaring a singleton class `X` which has access to this registry, and it acts as a proxy between the actual location of the data (in `I_j`) and the name of the data `d_k`.
  • ```
  • // I could directly encode logic for getting the data from the registry in the class "SomethingElse", but it's actually needed by others as well, so let's define something common
  • class X {
  • // NOTE: I'm aware that I can parametrize this with "prod" or "testing" but for sake of example let's say these are simple getters without a parameter.
  • // These methods would work by essentially getting instance from registry and just invoking appropriate getters / accessing appropriate fields
  • get_prod_hostname() // d1
  • get_testing_hostname() // d2
  • get_prod_admins() // d3
  • get_testing_admins() // d4
  • // ....
  • }
  • ```
  • So using `X`, anywhere in my program I can write `X.get_d2()` and I'll get `d2`, without worrying about where it came from.
  • Is this a known design pattern? If not, then are there any obvious pitfalls with this design that some other patterns are known to mitigate?
#1: Initial revision by user avatar peey‭ · 2021-05-05T11:46:59Z (almost 4 years ago)
Is this a known design pattern: a piece of code is responsible for acting as a central proxy for data distributed in various places?
I have several classes (`C_1`...`C_n`) and their instances (`I_1`....`I_m`). I have a "Registry" `R` of these. 

There are several pieces of data (`d_1`...`d_k`) spread across various instances. This much is set in stone, i.e. I consider the data being spread across the instances as appropriate design.

Now while writing the code in `C_i`, each class does know how to access the data that it's responsible for (among the `d_j`), but I wouldn't like it to have that knowledge for the data in other classes / instances.

I'm thinking of achieving this by declaring a singleton class `X` which has access to this registry, and it acts as a proxy between the actual location of the data (in `I_j`) and the name of the data `d_k`. 

So using `X`, anywhere in my program I can write `X.get_d2()` and I'll get `d2`, without worrying about where it came from. 

Is this a known design pattern? If not, then are there any obvious pitfalls with this design that some other patterns are known to mitigate?