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How does storing replaced strings in the node variable makes a change in the text appearing to the end user? In your case, you're changing the textContent property. When accessed, it returns t...
#4: Post edited
- > *How does storing replaced strings in the `node` variable makes a change in the text appearing to the end user?*
- In your case, you're changing the [`textContent` property](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/textContent). When accessed, it returns the text content of a node, concatenated with the text content of its descendants, and changing its value will change the element's contents.
- For example, let's suppose I have this HTML:
- ```html
- <p id="content">
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- ```
- This is displayed as:
- <blockquote>
- <p>
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- The same as an image, rendered in my browser (Chrome):
- Note that inside the paragraph there are other tags (`span`, `b` and `a`). But if I get the paragraph's `textContent`, only the text is returned:
- ```javascript
- const p = document.querySelector('#content');
- console.log(p.textContent); // A man walks into a bar and gets a beer
- ```
- Because `textContent` is a string that contains only the text content of the paragraph and its descendants. It doesn't return any child tags that the element might have, only their text contents.
- Being a string, you can manipulate it as you'd do with any other string. So calling `replace` returns another string with the result:
- ```
- console.log(p.textContent.replace('a', 'b'));
- ```
- This prints `A mbn walks into a bar and gets a beer` (because `replace('a', 'b')` only replaces the first ocurrence of "a" for "b").
- But note that it doesn't change the paragraph, because `replace` returns another string, leaving the original untouched. Only if you set this another string to `textContent`, the DOM is updated:
- ```javascript
- // changes DOM, page is updated
- p.textContent = p.textContent.replace('a', 'b');
- ```
- When you set `textContent`, the paragraph's contents are changed to the modified text. One important detail is that all the paragraph's descendant nodes (`span`, `b` and `a`) are removed, and now the paragraph contains only the text returned by `replace`:
- > <p>A mbn walks into a bar and gets a beer</p>
- Anyway, when you set an element's `textContent` to some text, the element will be changed to contain only that text, and all the child tags that the element had will be removed.
- ---
- Regarding `createTreeWalker`, [we can check in the docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/createTreeWalker) that it creates a [`TreeWalker`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TreeWalker), which is an object that represents a document subtree (the `document` is a tree that contains all the page's elements; think of `TreeWalker` as a subset of it: a subtree that contains only some elements).
- The first argument is the starting point, the element from where you'll start searching for the others: in your case you used `document.body`, so it'll return all elements inside `document.body` that satisfies the criteria.
- And the criteria is determined by the second argument. In your case, you used `NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT`, which tells the function to return only [text nodes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Text). Therefore, the result is a `TreeWalker` that contains only the text nodes inside `document.body` (which is basically "all text nodes of the document").
- To understand what text nodes are, let's consider the same HTML:
- ```html
- <p id="content">
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- ```
- If I get all the text nodes from this paragraph:
- ```javascript
- const p = document.querySelector('#content');
- const walker = document.createTreeWalker(
- p, // ** Getting only for p, instead of whole document.body **
- NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT
- );
- let node;
- while ((node = walker.nextNode())) {
- console.log(`node=${node.textContent}`);
- }
- ```
- It'll print:
- ```none
- node=
- A man
- node=walks
- node=into a
- node=bar
- node= and gets a beer
- node=
- ```
- Note that each "independent" chunk of text is a separate text node (including line breaks between tags). "A man" is a text between the opening tag `<p>` and the opening tag `<span>`, "walks" is the text between `<span>` and `<b>` and so on.
- One important detail is that text nodes don't have child nodes, so changing their `textContent` doesn't cause the problem we saw above (it won't remove any child nodes, because there aren't any).
- Hence, if you run your code:
- ```javascript
- while ((node = walker.nextNode())) {
- node.textContent = node.textContent.replace('a', 'b');
- }
- ```
If will perform the replace in all text nodes and preserve the paragraph's child nodes. The result will be:- <blockquote>
- <p>
- A mbn <span>wblks <b>into b <a href="#">bbr</a></b> bnd gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- ---
- So your code is basically getting all text nodes in the document, and for each of those nodes, it's replacing the first "a" for "b". I ran the code in Codidact's page and this was the result:
- ---
- As a final note, `replace('a', 'b')` changes only the first ocurrence of "a". If you want to change all ocurrences, you could use `replaceAll('a', 'b')` or `replace(/a/g, 'b')`.
- > *How does storing replaced strings in the `node` variable makes a change in the text appearing to the end user?*
- In your case, you're changing the [`textContent` property](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/textContent). When accessed, it returns the text content of a node, concatenated with the text content of its descendants, and changing its value will change the element's contents.
- For example, let's suppose I have this HTML:
- ```html
- <p id="content">
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- ```
- This is displayed as:
- <blockquote>
- <p>
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- The same as an image, rendered in my browser (Chrome):
- Note that inside the paragraph there are other tags (`span`, `b` and `a`). But if I get the paragraph's `textContent`, only the text is returned:
- ```javascript
- const p = document.querySelector('#content');
- console.log(p.textContent); // A man walks into a bar and gets a beer
- ```
- Because `textContent` is a string that contains only the text content of the paragraph and its descendants. It doesn't return any child tags that the element might have, only their text contents.
- Being a string, you can manipulate it as you'd do with any other string. So calling `replace` returns another string with the result:
- ```
- console.log(p.textContent.replace('a', 'b'));
- ```
- This prints `A mbn walks into a bar and gets a beer` (because `replace('a', 'b')` only replaces the first ocurrence of "a" for "b").
- But note that it doesn't change the paragraph, because `replace` returns another string, leaving the original untouched. Only if you set this another string to `textContent`, the DOM is updated:
- ```javascript
- // changes DOM, page is updated
- p.textContent = p.textContent.replace('a', 'b');
- ```
- When you set `textContent`, the paragraph's contents are changed to the modified text. One important detail is that all the paragraph's descendant nodes (`span`, `b` and `a`) are removed, and now the paragraph contains only the text returned by `replace`:
- > <p>A mbn walks into a bar and gets a beer</p>
- Anyway, when you set an element's `textContent` to some text, the element will be changed to contain only that text, and all the child tags that the element had will be removed.
- ---
- Regarding `createTreeWalker`, [we can check in the docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/createTreeWalker) that it creates a [`TreeWalker`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TreeWalker), which is an object that represents a document subtree (the `document` is a tree that contains all the page's elements; think of `TreeWalker` as a subset of it: a subtree that contains only some elements).
- The first argument is the starting point, the element from where you'll start searching for the others: in your case you used `document.body`, so it'll return all elements inside `document.body` that satisfies the criteria.
- And the criteria is determined by the second argument. In your case, you used `NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT`, which tells the function to return only [text nodes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Text). Therefore, the result is a `TreeWalker` that contains only the text nodes inside `document.body` (which is basically "all text nodes of the document").
- To understand what text nodes are, let's consider the same HTML:
- ```html
- <p id="content">
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- ```
- If I get all the text nodes from this paragraph:
- ```javascript
- const p = document.querySelector('#content');
- const walker = document.createTreeWalker(
- p, // ** Getting only for p, instead of whole document.body **
- NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT
- );
- let node;
- while ((node = walker.nextNode())) {
- console.log(`node=${node.textContent}`);
- }
- ```
- It'll print:
- ```none
- node=
- A man
- node=walks
- node=into a
- node=bar
- node= and gets a beer
- node=
- ```
- Note that each "independent" chunk of text is a separate text node (including line breaks between tags). "A man" is a text between the opening tag `<p>` and the opening tag `<span>`, "walks" is the text between `<span>` and `<b>` and so on.
- One important detail is that text nodes don't have child nodes, so changing their `textContent` doesn't cause the problem we saw above (it won't remove any child nodes, because there aren't any).
- Hence, if you run your code:
- ```javascript
- while ((node = walker.nextNode())) {
- node.textContent = node.textContent.replace('a', 'b');
- }
- ```
- It will perform the replace in all text nodes and preserve the paragraph's child nodes. The result will be:
- <blockquote>
- <p>
- A mbn <span>wblks <b>into b <a href="#">bbr</a></b> bnd gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- ---
- So your code is basically getting all text nodes in the document, and for each of those nodes, it's replacing the first "a" for "b". I ran the code in Codidact's page and this was the result:
- ---
- As a final note, `replace('a', 'b')` changes only the first ocurrence of "a". If you want to change all ocurrences, you could use `replaceAll('a', 'b')` or `replace(/a/g, 'b')`.
#3: Post edited
> *How does storing replaced strings in a variable makes a change to the end user*It depends on what variable you're changing. In your case, [`textContent` is a property](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/textContent) that returns the text content of a node, concatenated with the text content of its descendants, and changing its value will change the element's contents.- For example, let's suppose I have this HTML:
- ```html
- <p id="content">
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- ```
- This is displayed as:
- <blockquote>
- <p>
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- The same as an image, rendered in my browser (Chrome):
- Note that inside the paragraph there are other tags (`span`, `b` and `a`). But if I get the paragraph's `textContent`, only the text is returned:
- ```javascript
- const p = document.querySelector('#content');
- console.log(p.textContent); // A man walks into a bar and gets a beer
- ```
- Because `textContent` is a string that contains only the text content of the paragraph and its descendants. It doesn't return any child tags that the element might have, only their text contents.
- Being a string, you can manipulate it as you'd do with any other string. So calling `replace` returns another string with the result:
- ```
- console.log(p.textContent.replace('a', 'b'));
- ```
- This prints `A mbn walks into a bar and gets a beer` (because `replace('a', 'b')` only replaces the first ocurrence of "a" for "b").
- But note that it doesn't change the paragraph, because `replace` returns another string, leaving the original untouched. Only if you set this another string to `textContent`, the DOM is updated:
- ```javascript
- // changes DOM, page is updated
- p.textContent = p.textContent.replace('a', 'b');
- ```
- When you set `textContent`, the paragraph's contents are changed to the modified text. One important detail is that all the paragraph's descendant nodes (`span`, `b` and `a`) are removed, and now the paragraph contains only the text returned by `replace`:
- > <p>A mbn walks into a bar and gets a beer</p>
- Anyway, when you set an element's `textContent` to some text, the element will be changed to contain only that text, and all the child tags that the element had will be removed.
- ---
- Regarding `createTreeWalker`, [we can check in the docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/createTreeWalker) that it creates a [`TreeWalker`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TreeWalker), which is an object that represents a document subtree (the `document` is a tree that contains all the page's elements; think of `TreeWalker` as a subset of it: a subtree that contains only some elements).
- The first argument is the starting point, the element from where you'll start searching for the others: in your case you used `document.body`, so it'll return all elements inside `document.body` that satisfies the criteria.
- And the criteria is determined by the second argument. In your case, you used `NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT`, which tells the function to return only [text nodes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Text). Therefore, the result is a `TreeWalker` that contains only the text nodes inside `document.body` (which is basically "all text nodes of the document").
- To understand what text nodes are, let's consider the same HTML:
- ```html
- <p id="content">
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- ```
- If I get all the text nodes from this paragraph:
- ```javascript
- const p = document.querySelector('#content');
- const walker = document.createTreeWalker(
- p, // ** Getting only for p, instead of whole document.body **
- NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT
- );
- let node;
- while ((node = walker.nextNode())) {
- console.log(`node=${node.textContent}`);
- }
- ```
- It'll print:
- ```none
- node=
- A man
- node=walks
- node=into a
- node=bar
- node= and gets a beer
- node=
- ```
- Note that each "independent" chunk of text is a separate text node (including line breaks between tags). "A man" is a text between the opening tag `<p>` and the opening tag `<span>`, "walks" is the text between `<span>` and `<b>` and so on.
- One important detail is that text nodes don't have child nodes, so changing their `textContent` doesn't cause the problem we saw above (it won't remove any child nodes, because there aren't any).
- Hence, if you run your code:
- ```javascript
- while ((node = walker.nextNode())) {
- node.textContent = node.textContent.replace('a', 'b');
- }
- ```
- If will perform the replace in all text nodes and preserve the paragraph's child nodes. The result will be:
- <blockquote>
- <p>
- A mbn <span>wblks <b>into b <a href="#">bbr</a></b> bnd gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- ---
- So your code is basically getting all text nodes in the document, and for each of those nodes, it's replacing the first "a" for "b". I ran the code in Codidact's page and this was the result:
- ---
- As a final note, `replace('a', 'b')` changes only the first ocurrence of "a". If you want to change all ocurrences, you could use `replaceAll('a', 'b')` or `replace(/a/g, 'b')`.
- > *How does storing replaced strings in the `node` variable makes a change in the text appearing to the end user?*
- In your case, you're changing the [`textContent` property](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/textContent). When accessed, it returns the text content of a node, concatenated with the text content of its descendants, and changing its value will change the element's contents.
- For example, let's suppose I have this HTML:
- ```html
- <p id="content">
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- ```
- This is displayed as:
- <blockquote>
- <p>
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- The same as an image, rendered in my browser (Chrome):
- Note that inside the paragraph there are other tags (`span`, `b` and `a`). But if I get the paragraph's `textContent`, only the text is returned:
- ```javascript
- const p = document.querySelector('#content');
- console.log(p.textContent); // A man walks into a bar and gets a beer
- ```
- Because `textContent` is a string that contains only the text content of the paragraph and its descendants. It doesn't return any child tags that the element might have, only their text contents.
- Being a string, you can manipulate it as you'd do with any other string. So calling `replace` returns another string with the result:
- ```
- console.log(p.textContent.replace('a', 'b'));
- ```
- This prints `A mbn walks into a bar and gets a beer` (because `replace('a', 'b')` only replaces the first ocurrence of "a" for "b").
- But note that it doesn't change the paragraph, because `replace` returns another string, leaving the original untouched. Only if you set this another string to `textContent`, the DOM is updated:
- ```javascript
- // changes DOM, page is updated
- p.textContent = p.textContent.replace('a', 'b');
- ```
- When you set `textContent`, the paragraph's contents are changed to the modified text. One important detail is that all the paragraph's descendant nodes (`span`, `b` and `a`) are removed, and now the paragraph contains only the text returned by `replace`:
- > <p>A mbn walks into a bar and gets a beer</p>
- Anyway, when you set an element's `textContent` to some text, the element will be changed to contain only that text, and all the child tags that the element had will be removed.
- ---
- Regarding `createTreeWalker`, [we can check in the docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/createTreeWalker) that it creates a [`TreeWalker`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TreeWalker), which is an object that represents a document subtree (the `document` is a tree that contains all the page's elements; think of `TreeWalker` as a subset of it: a subtree that contains only some elements).
- The first argument is the starting point, the element from where you'll start searching for the others: in your case you used `document.body`, so it'll return all elements inside `document.body` that satisfies the criteria.
- And the criteria is determined by the second argument. In your case, you used `NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT`, which tells the function to return only [text nodes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Text). Therefore, the result is a `TreeWalker` that contains only the text nodes inside `document.body` (which is basically "all text nodes of the document").
- To understand what text nodes are, let's consider the same HTML:
- ```html
- <p id="content">
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- ```
- If I get all the text nodes from this paragraph:
- ```javascript
- const p = document.querySelector('#content');
- const walker = document.createTreeWalker(
- p, // ** Getting only for p, instead of whole document.body **
- NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT
- );
- let node;
- while ((node = walker.nextNode())) {
- console.log(`node=${node.textContent}`);
- }
- ```
- It'll print:
- ```none
- node=
- A man
- node=walks
- node=into a
- node=bar
- node= and gets a beer
- node=
- ```
- Note that each "independent" chunk of text is a separate text node (including line breaks between tags). "A man" is a text between the opening tag `<p>` and the opening tag `<span>`, "walks" is the text between `<span>` and `<b>` and so on.
- One important detail is that text nodes don't have child nodes, so changing their `textContent` doesn't cause the problem we saw above (it won't remove any child nodes, because there aren't any).
- Hence, if you run your code:
- ```javascript
- while ((node = walker.nextNode())) {
- node.textContent = node.textContent.replace('a', 'b');
- }
- ```
- If will perform the replace in all text nodes and preserve the paragraph's child nodes. The result will be:
- <blockquote>
- <p>
- A mbn <span>wblks <b>into b <a href="#">bbr</a></b> bnd gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- ---
- So your code is basically getting all text nodes in the document, and for each of those nodes, it's replacing the first "a" for "b". I ran the code in Codidact's page and this was the result:
- ---
- As a final note, `replace('a', 'b')` changes only the first ocurrence of "a". If you want to change all ocurrences, you could use `replaceAll('a', 'b')` or `replace(/a/g, 'b')`.
#2: Post edited
- > *How does storing replaced strings in a variable makes a change to the end user*
- It depends on what variable you're changing. In your case, [`textContent` is a property](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/textContent) that returns the text content of a node, concatenated with the text content of its descendants, and changing its value will change the element's contents.
- For example, let's suppose I have this HTML:
- ```html
- <p id="content">
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- ```
- This is displayed as:
- <blockquote>
- <p>
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- The same as an image, rendered in my browser (Chrome):
- Note that inside the paragraph there are other tags (`span`, `b` and `a`). But if I get the paragraph's `textContent`, only the text is returned:
- ```javascript
- const p = document.querySelector('#content');
- console.log(p.textContent); // A man walks into a bar and gets a beer
- ```
- Because `textContent` is a string that contains only the text content of the paragraph and its descendants. It doesn't return any child tags that the element might have, only their text contents.
- Being a string, you can manipulate it as you'd do with any other string. So calling `replace` returns another string with the result:
- ```
- console.log(p.textContent.replace('a', 'b'));
- ```
- This prints `A mbn walks into a bar and gets a beer` (because `replace('a', 'b')` only replaces the first ocurrence of "a" for "b").
- But note that it doesn't change the paragraph, because `replace` returns another string, leaving the original untouched. Only if you set this another string to `textContent`, the DOM is updated:
- ```javascript
- // changes DOM, page is updated
- p.textContent = p.textContent.replace('a', 'b');
- ```
- When you set `textContent`, the paragraph's contents are changed to the modified text. One important detail is that all the paragraph's descendant nodes (`span`, `b` and `a`) are removed, and now the paragraph contains only the text returned by `replace`:
- > <p>A mbn walks into a bar and gets a beer</p>
- Anyway, when you set an element's `textContent` to some text, the element will be changed to contain only that text, and all the child tags that the element had will be removed.
- ---
- Regarding `createTreeWalker`, [we can check in the docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/createTreeWalker) that it creates a [`TreeWalker`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TreeWalker), which is an object that represents a document subtree (the `document` is a tree that contains all the page's elements; think of `TreeWalker` as a subset of it: a subtree that contains only some elements).
- The first argument is the starting point, the element from where you'll start searching for the others: in your case you used `document.body`, so it'll return all elements inside `document.body` that satisfies the criteria.
- And the criteria is determined by the second argument. In your case, you used `NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT`, which tells the function to return only [text nodes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Text). Therefore, the result is a `TreeWalker` that contains only the text nodes inside `document.body` (which is basically "all text nodes of the document").
- To understand what text nodes are, let's consider the same HTML:
- ```html
- <p id="content">
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- ```
- If I get all the text nodes from this paragraph:
- ```javascript
- const p = document.querySelector('#content');
- const walker = document.createTreeWalker(
- p, // ** Getting only for p, instead of whole document.body **
- NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT
- );
- let node;
- while ((node = walker.nextNode())) {
- console.log(`node=${node.textContent}`);
- }
- ```
- It'll print:
- ```none
- node=
- A man
- node=walks
- node=into a
- node=bar
- node= and gets a beer
- node=
- ```
- Note that each "independent" chunk of text is a separate text node (including line breaks between tags). "A man" is a text between the opening tag `<p>` and the opening tag `<span>`, "walks" is the text between `<span>` and `<b>` and so on.
- One important detail is that text nodes don't have child nodes, so changing their `textContent` doesn't cause the problem we saw above (it won't remove any child nodes, because there aren't any).
- Hence, if you run your code:
- ```javascript
- while ((node = walker.nextNode())) {
- node.textContent = node.textContent.replace('a', 'b');
- }
- ```
- If will perform the replace in all text nodes and preserve the paragraph's child nodes. The result will be:
- <blockquote>
- <p>
- A mbn <span>wblks <b>into b <a href="#">bbr</a></b> bnd gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- ---
- So your code is basically getting all text nodes in the document, and for each of those nodes, it's replacing the first "a" for "b". I ran the code in Codidact's page and this was the result:
- ---
- As a final note, `replace('a', 'b')` changes only the first ocurrence of "a". If you want to change all ocurrences, you could use `replaceAll('a', 'b')` or `replace(/a/g, 'b')`.
- > *How does storing replaced strings in a variable makes a change to the end user*
- It depends on what variable you're changing. In your case, [`textContent` is a property](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/textContent) that returns the text content of a node, concatenated with the text content of its descendants, and changing its value will change the element's contents.
- For example, let's suppose I have this HTML:
- ```html
- <p id="content">
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- ```
- This is displayed as:
- <blockquote>
- <p>
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- The same as an image, rendered in my browser (Chrome):
- Note that inside the paragraph there are other tags (`span`, `b` and `a`). But if I get the paragraph's `textContent`, only the text is returned:
- ```javascript
- const p = document.querySelector('#content');
- console.log(p.textContent); // A man walks into a bar and gets a beer
- ```
- Because `textContent` is a string that contains only the text content of the paragraph and its descendants. It doesn't return any child tags that the element might have, only their text contents.
- Being a string, you can manipulate it as you'd do with any other string. So calling `replace` returns another string with the result:
- ```
- console.log(p.textContent.replace('a', 'b'));
- ```
- This prints `A mbn walks into a bar and gets a beer` (because `replace('a', 'b')` only replaces the first ocurrence of "a" for "b").
- But note that it doesn't change the paragraph, because `replace` returns another string, leaving the original untouched. Only if you set this another string to `textContent`, the DOM is updated:
- ```javascript
- // changes DOM, page is updated
- p.textContent = p.textContent.replace('a', 'b');
- ```
- When you set `textContent`, the paragraph's contents are changed to the modified text. One important detail is that all the paragraph's descendant nodes (`span`, `b` and `a`) are removed, and now the paragraph contains only the text returned by `replace`:
- > <p>A mbn walks into a bar and gets a beer</p>
- Anyway, when you set an element's `textContent` to some text, the element will be changed to contain only that text, and all the child tags that the element had will be removed.
- ---
- Regarding `createTreeWalker`, [we can check in the docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/createTreeWalker) that it creates a [`TreeWalker`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TreeWalker), which is an object that represents a document subtree (the `document` is a tree that contains all the page's elements; think of `TreeWalker` as a subset of it: a subtree that contains only some elements).
- The first argument is the starting point, the element from where you'll start searching for the others: in your case you used `document.body`, so it'll return all elements inside `document.body` that satisfies the criteria.
- And the criteria is determined by the second argument. In your case, you used `NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT`, which tells the function to return only [text nodes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Text). Therefore, the result is a `TreeWalker` that contains only the text nodes inside `document.body` (which is basically "all text nodes of the document").
- To understand what text nodes are, let's consider the same HTML:
- ```html
- <p id="content">
- A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- ```
- If I get all the text nodes from this paragraph:
- ```javascript
- const p = document.querySelector('#content');
- const walker = document.createTreeWalker(
- p, // ** Getting only for p, instead of whole document.body **
- NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT
- );
- let node;
- while ((node = walker.nextNode())) {
- console.log(`node=${node.textContent}`);
- }
- ```
- It'll print:
- ```none
- node=
- A man
- node=walks
- node=into a
- node=bar
- node= and gets a beer
- node=
- ```
- Note that each "independent" chunk of text is a separate text node (including line breaks between tags). "A man" is a text between the opening tag `<p>` and the opening tag `<span>`, "walks" is the text between `<span>` and `<b>` and so on.
- One important detail is that text nodes don't have child nodes, so changing their `textContent` doesn't cause the problem we saw above (it won't remove any child nodes, because there aren't any).
- Hence, if you run your code:
- ```javascript
- while ((node = walker.nextNode())) {
- node.textContent = node.textContent.replace('a', 'b');
- }
- ```
- If will perform the replace in all text nodes and preserve the paragraph's child nodes. The result will be:
- <blockquote>
- <p>
- A mbn <span>wblks <b>into b <a href="#">bbr</a></b> bnd gets a beer</span>
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- ---
- So your code is basically getting all text nodes in the document, and for each of those nodes, it's replacing the first "a" for "b". I ran the code in Codidact's page and this was the result:
- ---
- As a final note, `replace('a', 'b')` changes only the first ocurrence of "a". If you want to change all ocurrences, you could use `replaceAll('a', 'b')` or `replace(/a/g, 'b')`.
#1: Initial revision
> *How does storing replaced strings in a variable makes a change to the end user* It depends on what variable you're changing. In your case, [`textContent` is a property](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/textContent) that returns the text content of a node, concatenated with the text content of its descendants, and changing its value will change the element's contents. For example, let's suppose I have this HTML: ```html <p id="content"> A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span> </p> ``` This is displayed as: <blockquote> <p> A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span> </p> </blockquote> The same as an image, rendered in my browser (Chrome):  Note that inside the paragraph there are other tags (`span`, `b` and `a`). But if I get the paragraph's `textContent`, only the text is returned: ```javascript const p = document.querySelector('#content'); console.log(p.textContent); // A man walks into a bar and gets a beer ``` Because `textContent` is a string that contains only the text content of the paragraph and its descendants. It doesn't return any child tags that the element might have, only their text contents. Being a string, you can manipulate it as you'd do with any other string. So calling `replace` returns another string with the result: ``` console.log(p.textContent.replace('a', 'b')); ``` This prints `A mbn walks into a bar and gets a beer` (because `replace('a', 'b')` only replaces the first ocurrence of "a" for "b"). But note that it doesn't change the paragraph, because `replace` returns another string, leaving the original untouched. Only if you set this another string to `textContent`, the DOM is updated: ```javascript // changes DOM, page is updated p.textContent = p.textContent.replace('a', 'b'); ``` When you set `textContent`, the paragraph's contents are changed to the modified text. One important detail is that all the paragraph's descendant nodes (`span`, `b` and `a`) are removed, and now the paragraph contains only the text returned by `replace`: > <p>A mbn walks into a bar and gets a beer</p> Anyway, when you set an element's `textContent` to some text, the element will be changed to contain only that text, and all the child tags that the element had will be removed. --- Regarding `createTreeWalker`, [we can check in the docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/createTreeWalker) that it creates a [`TreeWalker`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TreeWalker), which is an object that represents a document subtree (the `document` is a tree that contains all the page's elements; think of `TreeWalker` as a subset of it: a subtree that contains only some elements). The first argument is the starting point, the element from where you'll start searching for the others: in your case you used `document.body`, so it'll return all elements inside `document.body` that satisfies the criteria. And the criteria is determined by the second argument. In your case, you used `NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT`, which tells the function to return only [text nodes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Text). Therefore, the result is a `TreeWalker` that contains only the text nodes inside `document.body` (which is basically "all text nodes of the document"). To understand what text nodes are, let's consider the same HTML: ```html <p id="content"> A man <span>walks <b>into a <a href="#">bar</a></b> and gets a beer</span> </p> ``` If I get all the text nodes from this paragraph: ```javascript const p = document.querySelector('#content'); const walker = document.createTreeWalker( p, // ** Getting only for p, instead of whole document.body ** NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT ); let node; while ((node = walker.nextNode())) { console.log(`node=${node.textContent}`); } ``` It'll print: ```none node= A man node=walks node=into a node=bar node= and gets a beer node= ``` Note that each "independent" chunk of text is a separate text node (including line breaks between tags). "A man" is a text between the opening tag `<p>` and the opening tag `<span>`, "walks" is the text between `<span>` and `<b>` and so on. One important detail is that text nodes don't have child nodes, so changing their `textContent` doesn't cause the problem we saw above (it won't remove any child nodes, because there aren't any). Hence, if you run your code: ```javascript while ((node = walker.nextNode())) { node.textContent = node.textContent.replace('a', 'b'); } ``` If will perform the replace in all text nodes and preserve the paragraph's child nodes. The result will be: <blockquote> <p> A mbn <span>wblks <b>into b <a href="#">bbr</a></b> bnd gets a beer</span> </p> </blockquote> --- So your code is basically getting all text nodes in the document, and for each of those nodes, it's replacing the first "a" for "b". I ran the code in Codidact's page and this was the result:  --- As a final note, `replace('a', 'b')` changes only the first ocurrence of "a". If you want to change all ocurrences, you could use `replaceAll('a', 'b')` or `replace(/a/g, 'b')`.