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Server-side solution If you can customize the server-side search functionality, you could add some logging information there. The advantages in this case are: store the data in a useful format ...
#1: Initial revision
### Server-side solution If you can customize the server-side search functionality, you could add some logging information there. The advantages in this case are: - store the data in a useful format and avoid parsing general-purpose logs - you can also store some metadata related to the found results (e.g. a particular search returned only two results) ### Client-side solution If the search operation navigates the user to a URL that contains the search items, Google Analytics should store the different URLs. I am not sure about how is easy to actually grap the useful information from the results though. You can have more control over what Google Analytics receives through [its API](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/) (Google Analytics Measurement Protocol). [This SO Q&A](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12653239/manually-sending-data-to-google-analytics) provides more information. Personally, I would go with the server-side solution if possible.