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I have to keep reminding myself that a Giraffe project plugs into the ASP.NET Core pipeline or is itself an ASP.NET Core application , so if I can't find answers to my questions in the Giraff...
#1: Initial revision
I have to keep reminding myself that > a Giraffe project plugs into the [ASP.NET Core][1] pipeline or is itself an [ASP.NET Core][1] application , so if I can't find answers to my questions in the [Giraffe docs][2], then it is probably because it is an [ASP.NET Core][1] topic (or an F# / .NET / etc. one). ### How to create and serve a Giraffe project Steps 0. to 5. follow the [Get started with F# with command-line tools (.NET | Microsoft Learn)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fsharp/get-started/get-started-command-line) article. 0. (_OPTIONAL_) **Create a new solution**. ``` dotnet new sln -o SampleSolution ``` 1. **Enter the solution's directory**. ``` cd SampleSolution ``` 2. **Create an empty [ASP.NET Core][1] project**. ``` dotnet new web -lang "F#" -o src/GiraffeWebExample ``` > INFO The available `dotnet new` templates are available on the links below. (Both seem to list them all, but not sure which one is more up-to-date.) > + \[Microsoft Learn]\[.NET CLI] [.NET default templates for `dotnet new`](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-new-sdk-templates) > + \[Microsoft Learn]\[.NET CLI] [`dotnet new <TEMPLATE>`](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-new) 3. (_OPTIONAL_) **Add new project to solution**. ``` dotnet sln add src/GiraffeWebExample/GiraffeWebExample.fsproj ``` 4. **Enter the project's directory**. ``` cd src/GiraffeWebExample/ ``` 5. **Install dependencies**. ``` dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.App dotnet add package Giraffe ``` > NOTE I got a warning below when adding Giraffe, so just pasting it here for completeness' sake: > ``` > /usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk/8.0.202/Sdks/Microsoft.NET.Sdk/targets/Microsoft.NET.Sdk.DefaultItems.Shared.targets(111,5): > warning NETSDK1080: A PackageReference to Microsoft.AspNetCore.App is not > necessary when targeting .NET Core 3.0 or higher. If Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web > is used, the shared framework will be referenced automatically. Otherwise, > the PackageReference should be replaced with a FrameworkReference. > [/Users/toraritte/dev/shed/dotnet/giraffe/ByHand/src/ByHand/ByHand.fsproj] > ``` 6. **Add the "entry point"**. > NOTE Still haven't figured out what other ways .NET has to set up a web project, but the `EntryPoint` attribute is covered in the [[Microsoft Learn][F# Guide] Console Applications and Explicit Entry Points](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fsharp/language-reference/functions/entry-point) article. I chose to simply copy one of the sample codes from the [Doing it manually](https://giraffe.wiki/#doing-it-manually) section; I prefer the more functional approach, so here it is the second one: ``` open System open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting open Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting open Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection open Giraffe let webApp = choose [ route "/ping" >=> text "pong" route "/" >=> htmlFile "/pages/index.html" ] let configureApp (app : IApplicationBuilder) = // Add Giraffe to the ASP.NET Core pipeline app.UseGiraffe webApp let configureServices (services : IServiceCollection) = // Add Giraffe dependencies services.AddGiraffe() |> ignore [<EntryPoint>] let main _ = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder() .ConfigureWebHostDefaults( fun webHostBuilder -> webHostBuilder .Configure(configureApp) .ConfigureServices(configureServices) |> ignore) .Build() .Run() 0 ``` 7. **Run / serve project**. ``` dotnet watch run ``` > INFO Started with the [Get started with ASP.NET Core](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/getting-started/) article in the ASP.NET Core docs. [1]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/ [2]: https://giraffe.wiki/docs