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Q&A What does Nixpkgs' `callPackage` do?

For the record, this write-up is not better than any of the resources listed in the question; writing it simply helped me better understand callPackage. Level 0. Poor, but short callPackage f att...

posted 2mo ago by toraritte‭  ·  edited 2mo ago by toraritte‭

#2: Post edited by user avatar toraritte‭ · 2024-08-12T00:25:46Z (2 months ago)
  • <sup>For the record, this write-up is **not** better than any of the resources listed in the question; writing it simply helped me better understand `callPackage`.</sup>
  • ### Level 0. Poor, but short
  • `callPackage f attr_set` will
  • + call function `f` with inputs automatically supplied from `attr_set` and [Nixpkgs][1]
  • + make the resulting [attribute set][2] overridable.
  • `callPackage` is used overwhelmingly with functions that produce a derivation. Building a project can require a lot of dependencies that won't have to be specified manually this way, and `callPackage` also makes it possible to configure "Nix derivation expressions" after `callPackage` has been called using [overrides][3]. ([This email][4] goes has the full rationale.)
  • <sup>"_Nix derivation expression_" is just a personal term, not an official one, that I use to refer to an [attribute set][2] that represents a [store derivation][5] in terms of the Nix language before [instantiation][6]. </sup>
  • ### Level 1. Wordier and still inexact
  • `callPackage` accepts 2 inputs:
  • 1. a **function** that takes as input an [attribute set][2]
  • <sup>e.g., `{ stdenv, miez, lofa ? 27 }: { inherit stdenv miez lofa; }`</sup>
  • 2. an **[attribute set][2]** that must be a subset of the input function's input attribute set
  • <sup>e.g., in the case of the example in item 1., this would be ok: `{ miez = 7; lofa = 9; }`</sup>
  • `callPackage` will
  • 1. call the input function with an [attribute set][2] whose attributes are supplied from
  • + the [attribute set][2] in `callPackage`'s 2<sup>nd</sup> argument
  • + a subset of the [Nixpkgs][1] package (attribute) set<sup><b>1</b></sup>
  • 2. make the resulting [attribute set][2] overridable.
  • ### Level 2. More precise but also more abstruse
  • ```
  • callPackage :: ( attr_set_function | path_to_file_with_attr_set_function )
  • -> constrained_attr_set
  • -> ( overridable_attr_set | arbitrary_nix_value )
  • attr_set_function :: input_attr_set -> attr_set
  • ```
  • <sup><b>The Nix language is [dynamically typed][7], so this is just a personal notation.</b></sup>
  • where
  • + `input_attr_set` is a regular [attribute set][2] with caveats depending on whether its attributes are [Nixpkgs][1] or not:
  • + **IN [Nixpkgs][1]**
  • If the attribute names match attributes in the limited subset of [Nixpkgs][1] package set<sup><b>1</b></sup>, then these won't have to be specified in `constrained_attr_set` as `callPackage` will auto-populate them.
  • + **NOT in [Nixpkgs][1]**
  • These either must have a default value or have to be specified in `constrained_attr_set`.
  • + `constrained_attr_set` is an [attribute set][2] that can only be a subset of `attr_set_function`'s input [attribute set][2].
  • + `overridable_att_set` - See [this section][3] of the `` tutorial.
  • ### Level 3. Source
  • ```
  • splicedPackagesWithXorg = splicedPackages // builtins.removeAttrs splicedPackages.xorg [
  • "callPackage"
  • "newScope"
  • "overrideScope"
  • "packages"
  • ];
  • # ...
  • callPackage = pkgs.newScope { };
  • callPackages = ...;
  • newScope = extra: lib.callPackageWith (splicedPackagesWithXorg // extra);
  • ```
  • <sup>`callPackages` (note the extra `s`!) is also defined here, but omitted it, lest I muddy the waters even more.</sup>
  • [`callPackageWith`][8] is quite long and the resources in the question explain the nitty-gritty, but the gist is this line:
  • ```nix
  • callPackage = f: args:
  • f ((builtins.intersectAttrs (builtins.functionArgs f) pkgs) // args);
  • ```
  • <sup> ... and [this is an email from 2009][4] that introduces it.</sup>
  • ### Examples
  • > NOTE
  • > The term `pkgs` below will refer to the [Nixpkgs][1] package set. Such as the result of any of the following calls in [`nix repl`][9]:
  • >
  • > * `pkgs = import `[`<nixpkgs>`](` {}`
  • > * `pkgs = import (fetchTarball "") {}`
  • > * ... and so on
  • * ✅
  • ```
  • pkgs.callPackage ({ lib, stdenv }: { ... }) {}
  • ```
  • `lib` and `stdenv` are valid attributes in [Nixpkgs][1], so these will be auto-populated from there. Roughly equivalent to:
  • `pkgs.callPackage ({ lib, stdenv }: ... }) { lib = pkgs.lib; stdenv = pkgs.stdenv; }`
  • * ✅
  • ```
  • pkgs.callPackage ({ lib, stdenv, lofa ? 27 }: { ... }) {}
  • ```
  • Same things apply as in the previous item, except that [Nixpkgs][1] has no `lofa` attribute, but there is a default value provided for it, so it will work.
  • * ✅
  • ```
  • ( pkgs.callPackage
  • ({ lib, stdenv, lofa }: { inherit lofa lib; })
  • { lofa = 27; lib = "whatever"; }
  • )
  • ```
  • Same as in previous item, but attributes `lofa` and `lib` are explicitly provided.
  • * ✅
  • ```
  • let
  • id = x: x;
  • in
  • pkgs.callPackage id {}
  • ```
  • `callPackage`'s input function (1st parameter) is called with an [attribute set][2], so this still works.
  • * ❌
  • ```
  • pkgs.callPackage (i: i + 2) {}
  • ```
  • `callPackage` will choke because `i` will be an [attribute set][2] and the `+` operator will try to coerce it into a string.
  • * ❌
  • ```
  • pkgs.callPackage ({ lib, stdenv, lofa }: { inherit lofa; }) {}
  • ```
  • will raise `error: Function called without required argument "lofa"`.
  • * ✅
  • ```
  • $ echo "{lib, stdenv, lofa ? 27}: {inherit lofa;}" > f.nix
  • $ nix repl
  • nix-repl> pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}
  • nix-repl> pkgs.callPackage ./f.nix {}
  • ```
  • Providing a valid file system path containing a Nix expression (that conforms to what `callPackage` is accepting) works too as the file will be automatically imported first.
  • The result of `attr_set_function` is usually a Nix derivation expression (which is an attribute set denoting a derivation - or something like it; look this up).
  • ---
  • \[1]:
  • [1]:
  • [2]:
  • [3]:
  • [4]:
  • [5]:
  • [6]:
  • [7]:
  • [8]:
  • [9]:
  • <sup>For the record, this write-up is **not** better than any of the resources listed in the question; writing it simply helped me better understand `callPackage`.</sup>
  • ### Level 0. Poor, but short
  • `callPackage f attr_set` will
  • + call function `f` with inputs automatically supplied from `attr_set` and [Nixpkgs][1]
  • + make the resulting [attribute set][2] overridable.
  • `callPackage` is used overwhelmingly with functions that produce a derivation. Building a project can require a lot of dependencies that won't have to be specified manually this way, and `callPackage` also makes it possible to configure "Nix derivation expressions" after `callPackage` has been called using [overrides][3]. ([This email][4] goes has the full rationale.)
  • <sup>"_Nix derivation expression_" is just a personal term, not an official one, that I use to refer to an [attribute set][2] that represents a [store derivation][5] in terms of the Nix language before [instantiation][6]. </sup>
  • ### Level 1. Wordier and still inexact
  • `callPackage` accepts 2 inputs:
  • 1. a **function** that takes as input an [attribute set][2]
  • <sup>e.g., `{ stdenv, miez, lofa ? 27 }: { inherit stdenv miez lofa; }`</sup>
  • 2. an **[attribute set][2]** that must be a subset of the input function's input attribute set
  • <sup>e.g., in the case of the example in item 1., this would be ok: `{ miez = 7; lofa = 9; }`</sup>
  • `callPackage` will
  • 1. call the input function with an [attribute set][2] whose attributes are supplied from
  • + the [attribute set][2] in `callPackage`'s 2<sup>nd</sup> argument
  • + a subset of the [Nixpkgs][1] package (attribute) set<sup><b>1</b></sup>
  • 2. make the resulting [attribute set][2] overridable.
  • ### Level 2. More precise but also more abstruse
  • ```
  • callPackage :: ( attr_set_function | path_to_file_with_attr_set_function )
  • -> constrained_attr_set
  • -> ( overridable_attr_set | arbitrary_nix_value )
  • attr_set_function :: input_attr_set -> attr_set
  • ```
  • <sup><b>The Nix language is [dynamically typed][7], so this is just a personal notation.</b></sup>
  • where
  • + `input_attr_set` is a regular [attribute set][2] with caveats depending on whether its attributes are [Nixpkgs][1] or not:
  • + **IN [Nixpkgs][1]**
  • If the attribute names match attributes in the limited subset of [Nixpkgs][1] package set<sup><b>1</b></sup>, then these won't have to be specified in `constrained_attr_set` as `callPackage` will auto-populate them.
  • + **NOT in [Nixpkgs][1]**
  • These either must have a default value or have to be specified in `constrained_attr_set`.
  • + `constrained_attr_set` is an [attribute set][2] that can only be a subset of `attr_set_function`'s input [attribute set][2].
  • + `overridable_att_set` - See [this section][3] of the `` tutorial.
  • ### Level 3. Source
  • ```
  • splicedPackagesWithXorg = splicedPackages // builtins.removeAttrs splicedPackages.xorg [
  • "callPackage"
  • "newScope"
  • "overrideScope"
  • "packages"
  • ];
  • # ...
  • callPackage = pkgs.newScope { };
  • callPackages = ...;
  • newScope = extra: lib.callPackageWith (splicedPackagesWithXorg // extra);
  • ```
  • <sup>`callPackages` (note the extra `s`!) is also defined here, but omitted it, lest I muddy the waters even more.</sup>
  • [`callPackageWith`][8] is quite long, so only posting the link, but the resources in the question explain the nitty-gritty - and the core of it is this line:
  • ```nix
  • callPackage = f: args:
  • f ((builtins.intersectAttrs (builtins.functionArgs f) pkgs) // args);
  • ```
  • <sup> ... and [this is an email from 2009][4] that introduces it.</sup>
  • ### Examples
  • > NOTE
  • > The term `pkgs` below will refer to the [Nixpkgs][1] package set. Such as the result of any of the following calls in [`nix repl`][9]:
  • >
  • > * `pkgs = import `[`<nixpkgs>`](` {}`
  • > * `pkgs = import (fetchTarball "") {}`
  • > * ... and so on
  • * ✅
  • ```
  • pkgs.callPackage ({ lib, stdenv }: { ... }) {}
  • ```
  • `lib` and `stdenv` are valid attributes in [Nixpkgs][1], so these will be auto-populated from there. Roughly equivalent to:
  • `pkgs.callPackage ({ lib, stdenv }: ... }) { lib = pkgs.lib; stdenv = pkgs.stdenv; }`
  • * ✅
  • ```
  • pkgs.callPackage ({ lib, stdenv, lofa ? 27 }: { ... }) {}
  • ```
  • Same things apply as in the previous item, except that [Nixpkgs][1] has no `lofa` attribute, but there is a default value provided for it, so it will work.
  • * ✅
  • ```
  • ( pkgs.callPackage
  • ({ lib, stdenv, lofa }: { inherit lofa lib; })
  • { lofa = 27; lib = "whatever"; }
  • )
  • ```
  • Same as in previous item, but attributes `lofa` and `lib` are explicitly provided.
  • * ✅
  • ```
  • let
  • id = x: x;
  • in
  • pkgs.callPackage id {}
  • ```
  • `callPackage`'s input function (1st parameter) is called with an [attribute set][2], so this still works.
  • * ❌
  • ```
  • pkgs.callPackage (i: i + 2) {}
  • ```
  • `callPackage` will choke because `i` will be an [attribute set][2] and the `+` operator will try to coerce it into a string.
  • * ❌
  • ```
  • pkgs.callPackage ({ lib, stdenv, lofa }: { inherit lofa; }) {}
  • ```
  • will raise `error: Function called without required argument "lofa"`.
  • * ✅
  • ```
  • $ echo "{lib, stdenv, lofa ? 27}: {inherit lofa;}" > f.nix
  • $ nix repl
  • nix-repl> pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}
  • nix-repl> pkgs.callPackage ./f.nix {}
  • ```
  • Providing a valid file system path containing a Nix expression (that conforms to what `callPackage` is accepting) works too as the file will be automatically imported first.
  • The result of `attr_set_function` is usually a Nix derivation expression (which is an attribute set denoting a derivation - or something like it; look this up).
  • ---
  • \[1]:
  • [1]:
  • [2]:
  • [3]:
  • [4]:
  • [5]:
  • [6]:
  • [7]:
  • [8]:
  • [9]:
#1: Initial revision by user avatar toraritte‭ · 2024-08-12T00:23:47Z (2 months ago)
<sup>For the record, this write-up is **not** better than any of the resources listed in the question; writing it simply helped me better understand `callPackage`.</sup>

### Level 0. Poor, but short

`callPackage f attr_set` will

+ call function `f` with inputs automatically supplied from `attr_set` and [Nixpkgs][1]
+ make the resulting [attribute set][2] overridable.

`callPackage` is used overwhelmingly with functions that produce a derivation. Building a project can require a lot of dependencies that won't have to be specified manually this way, and `callPackage` also makes it possible to configure "Nix derivation expressions" after `callPackage` has been called using [overrides][3]. ([This email][4] goes has the full rationale.)

<sup>"_Nix derivation expression_" is just a personal term, not an official one, that I use to refer to an [attribute set][2] that represents a [store derivation][5] in terms of the Nix language before [instantiation][6]. </sup>

### Level 1. Wordier and still inexact

`callPackage` accepts 2 inputs:

1. a **function** that takes as input an [attribute set][2]  
   <sup>e.g., `{ stdenv, miez, lofa ? 27 }: { inherit stdenv miez lofa; }`</sup>

2. an **[attribute set][2]** that must be a subset of the input function's input attribute set  
   <sup>e.g., in the case of the example in item 1., this would be ok: `{ miez = 7; lofa = 9; }`</sup>

`callPackage` will

1. call the input function with an [attribute set][2] whose attributes are supplied from

   + the [attribute set][2] in `callPackage`'s 2<sup>nd</sup> argument
   + a subset of the [Nixpkgs][1] package (attribute) set<sup><b>1</b></sup>

2. make the resulting [attribute set][2] overridable. 

### Level 2. More precise but also more abstruse

callPackage ::    ( attr_set_function | path_to_file_with_attr_set_function )
               -> constrained_attr_set
               -> ( overridable_attr_set | arbitrary_nix_value )

attr_set_function :: input_attr_set -> attr_set
<sup><b>The Nix language is [dynamically typed][7], so this is just a personal notation.</b></sup>


+ `input_attr_set` is a regular [attribute set][2] with caveats depending on whether its attributes are [Nixpkgs][1] or not:

  + **IN [Nixpkgs][1]**  
    If the attribute names match attributes in the limited subset of [Nixpkgs][1] package set<sup><b>1</b></sup>, then these won't have to be specified in `constrained_attr_set` as `callPackage` will auto-populate them.

  + **NOT in [Nixpkgs][1]**  
    These either must have a default value or have to be specified in `constrained_attr_set`.

+ `constrained_attr_set` is an [attribute set][2] that can only be a subset of `attr_set_function`'s input [attribute set][2].

+ `overridable_att_set` - See [this section][3] of the `` tutorial.

### Level 3. Source

  splicedPackagesWithXorg = splicedPackages // builtins.removeAttrs splicedPackages.xorg [

  # ...

  callPackage = pkgs.newScope { };
  callPackages = ...;
  newScope = extra: lib.callPackageWith (splicedPackagesWithXorg // extra);
<sup>`callPackages` (note the extra `s`!) is also defined here, but omitted it, lest I muddy the waters even more.</sup>

[`callPackageWith`][8] is quite long and the resources in the question explain the nitty-gritty, but the gist is this line:

callPackage = f: args:
  f ((builtins.intersectAttrs (builtins.functionArgs f) pkgs) // args);
<sup> ... and [this is an email from 2009][4] that introduces it.</sup>

### Examples

> NOTE  
> The term `pkgs` below will refer to the [Nixpkgs][1] package set. Such as the result of any of the following calls in [`nix repl`][9]:
> * `pkgs = import `[`<nixpkgs>`](` {}`
> * `pkgs = import (fetchTarball "") {}`
> * ... and so on

* ✅ 
  pkgs.callPackage ({ lib, stdenv }: { ... }) {}
  `lib` and `stdenv` are valid attributes in [Nixpkgs][1], so these will be auto-populated from there. Roughly equivalent to:  
  `pkgs.callPackage ({ lib, stdenv }: ... }) { lib = pkgs.lib; stdenv = pkgs.stdenv; }`

* ✅ 
  pkgs.callPackage ({ lib, stdenv, lofa ? 27 }: { ... }) {}
  Same things apply as in the previous item, except that [Nixpkgs][1] has no `lofa` attribute, but there is a default value provided for it, so it will work.

* ✅ 
  ( pkgs.callPackage 
      ({ lib, stdenv, lofa }: { inherit lofa lib; })
      { lofa = 27; lib = "whatever"; }
  Same as in previous item, but attributes `lofa` and `lib` are explicitly provided.

* ✅
     id = x: x;
     pkgs.callPackage id {}
  `callPackage`'s input function (1st parameter) is called with an [attribute set][2], so this still works.

* ❌ 
  pkgs.callPackage (i: i + 2) {}
  `callPackage` will choke because `i` will be an [attribute set][2] and the `+` operator will try to coerce it into a string.

* ❌ 
  pkgs.callPackage ({ lib, stdenv, lofa }: { inherit lofa; }) {}
  will raise `error: Function called without required argument "lofa"`.

* ✅ 
  $ echo "{lib, stdenv, lofa ? 27}: {inherit lofa;}" > f.nix
  $ nix repl
  nix-repl> pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}
  nix-repl> pkgs.callPackage ./f.nix {}
  Providing a valid file system path containing a Nix expression (that conforms to what `callPackage` is accepting) works too as the file will be automatically imported first.

The result of `attr_set_function` is usually a Nix derivation expression (which is an attribute set denoting a derivation - or something like it; look this up).


