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Q&A How can I interact with the target widget from a drop event

I'm trying to update a ListBox widget after dropping some files on it. This is the relevant part of my current code: fn on_file_drop(target: &DropTarget, value: &Value, ...

1 answer  ·  posted 2mo ago by GeraldS‭  ·  last activity 2mo ago by GeraldS‭

#2: Post edited by user avatar GeraldS‭ · 2024-08-15T07:47:15Z (2 months ago)
fixed swapped words in the title
  • How can I interact with target the widget from a drop event
  • How can I interact with the target widget from a drop event
#1: Initial revision by user avatar GeraldS‭ · 2024-08-15T07:16:34Z (2 months ago)
How can I interact with target the widget from a drop event
I'm trying to update a ListBox widget after dropping some files on it.

This is the relevant part of my current code:

fn on_file_drop(target: &DropTarget,
                value: &Value,
                _x: f64,
                _y: f64) -> bool {
    if let Ok(file_list) = value.get::<FileList>() {
        let list_box = target.widget().unwrap();
        //  ^^^^^^^^ this becomes a Gtk::Widget instead of Gtk::ListBox
        for file in file_list.files() {
            let basename = file.basename();
            let path = file.path();
            println!("{path:?} {basename:?}");
        return true

fn build_ui(app: &Application) {
    // more UI

    let files_list = ListBox::builder()
    let files_drop_target = DropTarget::builder()

    // more UI

The problem is, that I don't understand (and can't find anything concrete in [documentation]( or examples) on how to interact with the widget that is associated with the DropTarget.

When I try to explicitly convert the widget to a ListBox like this I get an error:

let list_box: ListBox = target.widget().unwrap().into();

> the trait bound `gtk4::ListBox: From<gtk4::Widget>` is not satisfied required for `gtk4::Widget` to implement `Into<gtk4::ListBox>`

I can't implement this example:, the functions `.drag_dest_set()` and `.connect_drag_data_received()` don't even exist on my instanciated widgets.

How can I get a ListBox out of the `target` argument, so I can interact with it? Or would I make my life much easier by implementing everything in a struct instead of just plain functions?