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Spring Boot application not excluding Jdbi bean when running tests using WebFluxTest


I have a simple Spring Boot 3.x reactive application that exposes a RESTful API. The application uses Jdbi in the persistence layer, and the configuration for Jdbi is straightforward:

@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
@EnableJdbiRepositories(basePackages = "tld.domain.persistence")
public static class PersistenceConfig {
  public Jdbi jdbi(final DataSource dataSource) {
    return Jdbi.create(new SpringConnectionFactory(dataSource))
        .installPlugin(new SqlObjectPlugin())
        .setSqlLogger(new Slf4JSqlLogger());

The issue I'm facing occurs when testing the application. I use the WebFluxTest annotation to test the layer that exposes the resources — as it avoids instantiating unrelated Spring beans. However, the jdbi bean is still being instantiated, and the application fails because there is no DataSource available in the test context.

I've tried using various ConditionalOn* annotations to try to prevent this but the application doesn't start correctly. I also attempted to isolate the configuration in an auto-configuration class, but that didn't resolve the issue either.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this? I would prefer not to use a separate profile for testing, as that isn't a feasible solution in this case.

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