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Q&A Unable to use conditional Must term in C# NEST client for Elastic Search

Hello, a a late update, mainly to help others facing the problem in the future. it turns out that the latest version of NEST could not handle conditionLess values, and it also fails if you iterate...

posted 10d ago by hest‭

#1: Initial revision by user avatar hest‭ · 2024-10-08T11:26:08Z (10 days ago)
Hello, a a late update, mainly to help others facing the problem in the future. 

it turns out that the latest version of NEST could not handle conditionLess values, and it also fails if you iterate over possible values, since that would return a empty object - which Elastic won't accept. 

So instead my solution to the problem was to create separate lists for my different filter conditions, populate with possible values and insert the finished list in the query creation. 

not in any way pretty code, but it does work, without duplicating JSON attributes all over the place, so its something.

Code example:

        public async Task<IEnumerable<DataClass>> GetData(string firstName, string? lastName, string? MiddleName, List<string> eventsFilter, List<string> allowedIds,
            CancellationToken cancellation = default)
            var events = new ReadOnlyCollection<FieldValue>(eventsFilter.ConvertAll(x => (FieldValue)x));

            var must = new List<Action<QueryDescriptor<DataClass>>>();
            var mustNot = new List<Action<QueryDescriptor<DataClass>>>();
            var should = new List<Action<QueryDescriptor<DataClass>>>();

            must.Add(q => q.Term(t => t.Field(f => f.FirstName).Value(firstName)));
            must.Add(q => q.Terms(ts => ts.Field(f => f.EventName).Term(new TermsQueryField(events))));

            mustNot.Add(q => q.Term(t => t.Field(f => f.EventPayload!.Fraud).Value(0)));
            mustNot.Add(q => q.Term(t => t.Field(f => f.EventPayload!.IncorrectTransit).Value(0)));

            if (lastName is not null)
                must.Add(q => q.Term(t => t.Field(f => f.lastName).Value(lastName)));
                mustNot.Add(q => q.Exists(e => e.Field(f => f.MiddleName)));

            if (MiddleName is not null)
                must.Add(q => q.Term(t => t.Field(f => f.MiddleName).Value(MiddleName)));
                mustNot.Add(q => q.Term(t => t.Field(f => f.MyId).Value("NOT_FOUND")));

            should.AddRange(allowedIds.Select(id => (Action<QueryDescriptor<DataClass>>)(q => q.Term(t => t.Field(f => f.MyId).Value(id)))));

            var query2 = new SearchRequestDescriptor<DeviceEvent>()
                .Sort(s => s.Field(f => f.Timestamp, new FieldSort
                    Order = SortOrder.Desc
                .Query(q => q
                    .Bool(b => b
                        .Filter(filter => filter.Bool(fb => fb

            var result = await _client.SearchAsync(query2, cancellation);
            return result.Documents;

