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Will you help us build our independent community of developers helping developers? We're small and trying to grow. We welcome questions about all aspects of software development, from design to code to QA and more. Got questions? Got answers? Got code you'd like someone to review? Please join us.
Post History
Sure, I'll step up for this, since nobody else has yet. I think my credentials speak for themselves, but just in case: I'm an accomplished Python developer with a long history of helping people ou...
#1: Initial revision
Sure, I'll step up for this, since nobody else has yet. I think my credentials speak for themselves, but just in case: I'm an [accomplished](https://github.com/zahlman/) Python developer with a long history of helping people out with Python on the Internet in various forms and places (including via [self-answered Q&A](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76105218); I'm active [on Stack Overflow meta](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/); and I'm a big [believer in Codidact](https://zahlman.github.io/pages/codidact/) as a platform.