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SE user M Oehm provided with the following answer, as it can be found here. The condition i >= 0 is always true if i is an unsigned type. Decrementing an unsigned zero will not produce a nega...
#1: Initial revision
_SE user [M Oehm](https://stackoverflow.com/users/2979617) provided with the following answer, as it can be found [here](https://stackoverflow.com/a/35570694/5397930)._ <hr /> The condition `i >= 0` is always true if `i` is an unsigned type. Decrementing an unsigned zero will not produce a negative value, but the counter will wrap to the maximum representable number for the given type. C represents ranges with an inclusive lower bound and an exclusive upper bound. For example, an array of `N` elements has indices `0` through `N - 1`. The upper bound itself isn't a valid array index. This convention means that _you use a value before incrementing it, but decrement it before using it_. Consider a simple stack: stack[nstack++] = x; // push a value x = stack[--nstack]; // pop a value The same logic goes for loops: When you move forwards, use the value before you increment it: for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) { use(i); } When you move backwards, decrement first and then use it: for (var i = N; i-- > 0; ) { use(i); } This loop is equivalent to your `while`. The update section, which happens after processing the body, is empty here. The check is performed on the value before entering the loop; the loop body has the updated value. This backwards loop might look awkward with the empty update section, but in other ways it is orthogonal to the forward version: * It uses the actual bounds; there's no need to start with `N - 1`; * It works equally well for arbitrary bounds as long as they follow the convention of inclusive lower and exclusive upper bound; * The test is a pure inequality, not a greater/less-then-or equal comparison.