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This is solved in 2 steps: Find rows matching remove conditions Do anti-left-join on the the composite key (Die, Cell) To filter out the rows: # Read in the data df = pd.read_csv("data.csv...
I use git submodule foreach git pull to update my submodules. There's quite a few and it appears that foreach is updating them one by one, instead of in parallel. How can I do it in parallel?
Meaning This error happens on context mismatch and is specific to container-bound scripts. The reason for the error is attempting to call a method only available in one document type (usually, ge...
SQL is as good as it gets, generally speaking. The best engine for a small project is SQLite. If you need more, the next step is Postgres. Postgres is very capable and it's unlikely that you'll nee...
You are correct, my_user is only returned when you supply the auth parameter. It looks like you're getting the JWT with no issues, based on your response to /api/v3/user/login, but you must be pas...
How to use static functions in ColdFusion? How to import component? How to call a static function using both tag and script syntaxes? Adobe added support for static functions in ColdFusion...
Temporary notice: this is part of an ongoing project of transferring and splitting my canonical from Stack Overflow on common errors in Google Apps Script. As soon as the Q&As are finalized, ...
Meaning If the script is using any of the advanced services, they must be enabled first. If the service is not enabled, it will not be added to the global scope (as a value of a global variable), ...
It seems like changing the window handle to null in PeekMessageW solved the issue: BOOL bret = PeekMessageW(&msg, null, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE); Then I can still get the window handle source like ...
I'm currently writing an input and output handling library for the D language, and I'm not getting any kind of input language change messages when the language is being toggled with hotkeys, and on...
Is it possible to add listeners via VBScript/ JS directly into a SRSS report? Goal: Track changes of input fields and key press inside the wrapper React based on the events Directly in the...
I wrote this in a comment on the GitHub issue and would be interested in input: I can think of two fixes, both in the reaction-handling code: Check for an existing thread (as it does now) and...
I am using ClosedXML library to generate an Excel containing thousands of hyperlinks using cell's Hyperlink property: cell.SetValue(text).Hyperlink = new XLHyperlink(url); Such a call takes abo...
One faster alternative is to use a formula to create the hyperlink. An example is provided below: public static IXLCell SetHyperLink(this IXLCell cell, string url, string text = "link") { if (s...
Getting the following error only when I call a post API through Nginx [0m[31m12:48:35,903 ERROR [io.acurio.hub.api.rest.impl.DesignsResource] (default task-16) Failed to invoke workflow: com.masha...
I don't know how to prove or discover this, but anyway. This error happens when Jenkins job is interrupted while the P4 plugin is doing what it calls "reconcile". A "reconcile" is a special form o...
A note on first impressions: I really like that popup windows like when you click "react" are closed by clicking "react" again, not just anywhere else on the screen. This makes the site feel sol...
I don't think this is possible using just the Pandas plotting API. You can use the lower-level Matplotlib API to do just about anything you can imagine: ax = df.plot.bar() vlines = [2.5, 5.5] # x...
You should just be able to alter the MAT_DATE_LOCALE provider by adding something like { provide: MAT_DATE_LOCALE, useValue: 'en-AU' } to your module's providers array. Angular Material's docs are...
Just as an additional information: If you are writing Python code, there's the useful package appdirs that provides a platform-agnostic interface to user-specific application data directories. For ...
This question which is tagged with table tag. I am trying to find a better replacement for it since there are multiple types of tables such as HTML tables or data tables. The question seems to re...
To get a value from an assoc and provide a default value if the value does not exist, I am using the following definition: :: at-def ( key assoc default -- value ) key assoc ?at [ drop default ] w...
To be a "better" site with helping people learn and grow and figure things out for themselves (instead of only giving them the answers, ready to copy-paste), it is my wish the site offers more he...
(Full code available for cloning here) I've run into some odd behavior of EF-core's Find method. It seems like the returned entity doesn't include the rest of the data. MWE Models using Micro...
For example: I have noticed that this does not work for any vocabulary's tests. What is the alternate way to USE: these test vocabularies? EDIT: The test word appears to run all tests alongside...