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If you are using .NET Core 5.0 or more you should be able to write something like the following (not tested): var data = context.TblOrder .OrderBy(o => o.OrderDate) .Select(o => ne...
Hi, so I solved this issue, I first ran my container in -it mode, went to this path- etc/crypto-policies/back-ends and made following changes to these files- openssl.config- replaced "DEFAULT"...
So im trying to do RUN update-crypto-policies --set LEGACY in my Dockerfile as I was getting an error "Failed to load certificate from file 'client-rsa.pem':''ee key too small". But when I build...
Yes there are references and pass-by-reference in C, though the language has no explicit syntax item called "reference" like C++. In a C context, it is irrelevant that C++ happens to have something...
Here's a relevant bit from the standard (C89, section 7.20.3): The pointer returned if the allocation succeeds is suitably aligned so that it may be assigned to a pointer to any type of object...
Can anyone help me, I'm currently learning pointers, this is the code I wrote to try and insert a node at the beginning of the list. However at the part where I included the comment of "error at th...
Every URL served by your web site is recorded in your web server logs. You could brute-force your way through it by grepping for whatever the prefix is for your search URLs (for example, /search?q...
Per man gitignore there are four sources of patterns for ignoring files. Command-line arguments are probably too much hassle; .gitignore is itself version-controlled (unless you include .gitignore ...
forcing the GC collection after each operation - this can be done using GC.Collect(), but it is not recommended to do so ...unless you have good reason. Here you have good reason. The oth...
Instead of reinventing the wheel, I would use SpaceInfo, a nice little command line tool to retrieve the current space number.
I couldn't access the history due to having $wgActions['history'] = false; # Complete history lockup; In the web application root's LocalSettings.php file. After I have commented this command,...
In MediaWiki 1.36.1 with Skin:Timeless, the following JavaScript code doesn't work. I get in browser console: Your skin is incompatible with VisualEditor. See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Exte...
Used to work with PhantomJS. Want to upgrade to Puppeteer. Started with some code: "use strict"; const puppeteer = require("puppeteer"); const capture = async () => { let browser; try {...
OK, I found the issue. It was to do with the tags. It seems that you can't have a Condition based on ResourceTags for the ReceiveMessage and SendMessage operations - the ResourceTag selector may on...
According to the documentation, the hasAttribute method expects only one argument (the attribute's name), and it tells only if that attribute is present, regardless of its value. Hence, the return ...
I see that Klutt has explained why integers should be used, but there is more that the programmer must keep in mind. Consider the number of bits the integer needs. For US currency, you'd use cent...
I was trying to show transition on activity changes. I had followed two method from SO. I lost those link so I can't add them here. My first method was I had used overridePendingTransition on onCr...
I have a simple HTML-PHP-CSS contact form (no JavaScript) with an input type="url" field. Currently in 30/03/2021, the default behavior of input type="url" (by W3C design I guess) is to obligate t...
I consider to make my website's contact form totally javascriptless (only HTML-PHP-CSS --- no JavaScript at all). No modals or alerts No prevent default No AJAX/AJAX/XHR/JHR No form disappear...
I was installing Java yesterday. I had faced lot of problem. I had fixed most of them. But I had changed Hash that's what I think. I don't remember which command I had executed since I had executed...
I have a .html file containing only the following data, and I keep that file on top of my website's directory. <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/mobile_general_structure.css"></link> ...
I wanted to print to browser console the number of li list items of a given ul list. This didn't work (console output was undefined): console.log(document.querySelectorAll(".example").length); ...
I develop an HTML-CSS-JavaScript-PHP contact form and I have a large HTML file which is very long and very wide (lots of horizontal scrolling due to nesting) and it's hard for me personally to work...
Note: This question and its answer are an aggregate of the most up to date information about this topic from here. I have noticed that .svn folder has grown a lot and I want to reduce it. How can ...
You need to assign the result to a variable as follows (pay attention to the double less than sign) meanFUN <- function(x) { gvar <<- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) }