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I have a variable defined using const keyword. function Text() { const variable = "Hello!"; } console.log(variable); When I try to access this variable, I get: Uncaught ReferenceError...
You could use fgets to read from STDIN. And to print the message, just use the short tag (<?= whatever, which is a shorthand to <?php echo whatever; ?>): <?='Hello, '.fgets(STDIN).'!'...
Try It Online! is an online interpreter for many supported languages, including PHP. I'm trying to solve coding challenges using the language, specifically "Hello, {name}!". In PHP, you can litera...
I work for an IoT company. We recently got secure boot to work for a customer-visible product. For secure boot to work, the images we generate must be signed. Obviously, we want customer-visible sy...
While compiling the code for production in Tailwind CLI using: npx tailwindcss -m -o ./build/tailwind.css --purge "./**/*.html" I get: node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:941 const err = new ...
How to get image of contact list? I was using cursor to get contact list. Here how it looks like. ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> contactList = new ArrayList<>(); Has...
It's possible to use Angular 8 http.get to get a page from the frontend itself ? My local frontend url: I tried in a service: test(): Observable<string> { ret...
See https://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/ContactsContract.Contacts.Photo There's PHOTO_URI in ContactsContract.class. Fetch it following way. String photo = c.getString(c.getC...
const is block-scoped. Which means that const can be only accessed inside the block-scope that it were declared in. Block-scope means code enclosed by Curly braces {}. Functions are also blocks. ...
Before posting this on the help pages, I will compile the feedback in a separate answer. Generally speaking, comments should be helpful feedback and the following are not exhaustive lists. Can in...
I had seen 3 "related" question for this : Office suites category ~ proposed by @Lundin (My answer) Software Recommendations Category ~ proposed by @Moshi (My answer) Site for office suites ~ ...
I have recently an issue at work after upgrading an ASP.NET Core 3.1 application to .NET 5. It worked correctly on all environments (e.g. PreProd, Prod) when targeting 3.1, but failed on Prod only ...
fastest and most efficient method (time and memory-wise) Time and memory go against each other in a simple way: amount of jobs divides the time (up to amount of cores, sans the overhead, assum...
I don't think there is a formal definition on what constitutes a "authentication" module. It's just a term for defining a part of a system where you identify yourself and the security part of the ...
Actually, It was happening for mariadb wasn't installed. So, I simply was trying to install mysqld directly (Some websites said to install mysqld). But, there was no mysqld package. So, I had wrote...
Why ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Event.START_DATE always returning contact number. The number is available in Google Contacts. Here what I am doing... Cursor c; if (contactID==""...
At first you have to add maven { url "jitpack.io" } in settings.gradle. I was facing the issue after adding that line also. When I had reboot my system it's working fine then. You can try to cl...
Could not find com.github.Kunzisoft:Android-SwitchDateTimePicker:1.9. Required by: project :app Search in build.gradle files I was trying to use the library. I had searched for 2.1, 2.0 a...
I was trying to install Netbeans in Xubuntu. I had installed Netbeans using Snapd. sudo snap install netbeans --classic I was trying to start Netbeans then I got an error which was looking like...
You can use Array.GetUpperBound method Gets the index of the last element of the specified dimension in the array. and Array.GetLowerBound one accordingly. var arr = new int[,]{ { 1, 2 ...
What is pathData? I was thinking to convert SVG to XML. I found it. In the code, I had seen that android:pathData="M 64 2 C 98.2416544895 2 126 29.7583455105 126 64 C 126 98.2416544895 98.2416544...
It depends. Regarding "grouping functions/methods": as a general rule, you should group things that make sense to be together. Yes, it's a very broad and generic rule, and somewhat subjective. How...
Read the documentation for SQLite CREATE TABLE clauses, not questions about Netbeans JavaDB. In particular, if you expand column-def and column-constraint you'll see the correct syntax for what yo...
In the code below, the value of order variable should change according to i's value: String order; switch (i){ case 0: order = CallLog.Calls.DATE + " DESC "; contactViewAda...
First, I would warn you that using JavaScript here isn't best practice. It won't work for people without JavaScript and it will slow down the site some even for people with JavaScript. If you can d...