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Use fetch() to request the HTML file from the server. Call .text() on the Response object you get from the fetch in order to get the HTML contents as a string. You can then insert the string into a...
This is the worst bug I have ever seen.. I was fetching CallLogs following way. ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> callLog= new ArrayList<>(); HashMap<String, Strin...
Strings in D can be assigned either as char[] or string. Both have .length with them, which can be added at the end of the variable's name after assignment. import std.stdio; void main(stri...
Strings in D have .length property which is used to calculate the number of characters in a string. Note: Spaces are calculated. Here is an example: import std.stdio; void main() { s...
I am struggling to do a save button in C# Windows Form Application where I have a GridView and I want to save all modifications I do in GridView Table(I connected it to SQL). This is the data sourc...
I was reading the post. It said that we can react in post answer. I had answered on my question. But, I didn't get anyway to react on my answer. Why? In this post "reaction" had been suggested. I d...
On a CentOS Apache-MySQL-PHP environment I have a website with a simple HTML-PHP-CSS contact form; the contact form itself is working. This is how I backendly redirect a user from the contact form...
As a non PHP programmer I have tried to program some basic PHP mail() function code to send Right To Left (RTL) contact form messages to my local email client (i.e. an email client which is affilia...
I Just tried to post a comment to this answer: https://software.codidact.com/posts/281493#answer-281493 But it didn't work. I could click "Post" but no comment appeared. I tried different senten...
I want to conditionally disabled or not (enabled) a bunch of reactive form controls. However, I have noticed that neither enable or disable function has a boolean parameter to nicely conditionally ...
I’m struggling to get timeit working correctly but this is faster in my limited tests: l = [123456789, 23456789012, 34567890123] result = [0, 0, 0] for idx, row in enumerate(l): i = f"{r...
Besides the aforementioned solutions, Web components might be useful (can be reused in multiple contexts). Examples: in Drupal in ButterCMS in Backdrop CMS in WordPress However, if your fo...
I have a list of 11-digit numbers stored in one single column in Excel, and I need to separate the digits according to this pattern: 2-2-1-3-3. Example: 00002451018 becomes 00 00 2 451 018. How c...
XSL and XSLT is a good way to provide a theme or stylesheet to XML files including RSS and Atom feeds. By the way Atom is so much better than RSS and RSS as a feed standard sucks. I think there wa...
I believe this should be answered by the downvoters on a case by case basis. Only they know the particular reason they downvoted that particular question. I am not a fan of canned feedback, becaus...
You need the "Edit Tag" ability. It's requirements may vary from site to site and are detailed at https://software.codidact.com/abilities/edit_tags
See the first example in this section: const form = new FormData(document.getElementById('login-form')); fetch('/login', { method: 'POST', body: form }); To adapt this example to your c...
Since this is pretty clearly a homework exercise, and the point of those is for you to learn, I'm going to be evil and not spoon-feed the answer to you. However, I will give you some pointers. Fi...
One way to do this is to launch a Task at application startup as soon as possible (the DI is configured). The only hard part is to make DI available in the prewarm functionality. The following imp...
This question most often comes up in relation to C++. That language has something that is called reference in the standard. They work like pointers, with a few differences. They have to be initi...
I am caching some very static information (changes once per day) in my ASP.NET Core application. This is normally done when needed ("lazy"). One such cache item is a 50K list of items that are tak...
The formulas for encryption and decryption require a positive value of the modulo operation. However, this is not guaranteed for all implementations of the modulo operator. For instance, in Python ...
Here's what I'd do, hope it still helps someone: import pandas as pd t1 = [123,456,789,101,133] t1_descr = ['Description' + str(i) for i in t1] table1 = pd.DataFrame({'name': t1, 'descripti...
Solved this æons ago actually... [Assumes Bash shell]. If the DST difference is for instance an hour (or 60 minutes, or 3600 seconds), change: --modify-window=3 To: --modify-window=$((3 + 60...
A watertight mesh is one which does not have holes, and for which each face has a designated inside and outside. Such a mesh can be "tetrahedralized", has a defined volume, and can be an operand in...