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Activity for Olin Lathropâ€
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Edit | Post #286375 |
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— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #286375 | Initial revision | — | almost 3 years ago |
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A: Explaining the result of an arithmetic expression in JavaScript Now, (x != 42) which is false yields 0 OK so far. so I have expected to get in console "-42" No. As you say, the expression evolves: (x == 42) -1 + (x != 42) x (1) -1 + (0) x -1 + 0 Negative one plus zero is negative one. (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #283440 |
Shouldn't the first example result in uninitialized variable warning? (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #286189 |
My point wasn't about the family part, but the functions themselves. I don't even have clue off the top of my head what atoi, strtol, strtof, etc, do. Anyone else that does C only occasionally probably doesn't either. (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #286189 |
A short one-line description of the functions you mention would be useful. I'm probably not the only one that doesn't write a lot of C code, and isn't intimately familiar with the standard libraries. For example, I don't know what the "atoi family of functions" is without looking them up, which is ... (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #286193 | Initial revision | — | almost 3 years ago |
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A: Should I check if pointer parameters are null pointers? As with most everything in engineering, how much call arguments to a subroutine should be validated is a tradeoff. There is no single universal right answer. Note that checking for null pointers is only one instance of validating information from elsewhere before acting on it. Advantages of data... (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #286041 |
Much better. +1 now. (more) |
— | about 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #286041 |
That animated picture is seriously annoying and distracting! (more) |
— | about 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #285840 | Initial revision | — | about 3 years ago |
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A: Measuring arithmetic overflow checking overhead in C# Most general purpose computing operating systems can't be counted on for accurate timing as short at 1 to 2 ms. Any test case should run for a few seconds at least. Those runs should then be repeated a few times to get a sense for how much noise is on the data. Either increase the complexity of ... (more) |
— | about 3 years ago |
Suggested Edit | Post #285813 |
Suggested edit: (more) |
declined | about 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #285728 | Initial revision | — | about 3 years ago |
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A: Why object-oriented instead of class-oriented? Object and Class aren't necessarily the same thing. Back in the 1980's when object oriented programming started to be talked about by practicing software engineers writing real production code, the word "class" didn't come up much. That got popularized by C++ and Java, where class actually has a sp... (more) |
— | about 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #285368 |
@Monica: I would probably write the script to completely re-create .gitignore each time. It wouldn't bloat, but the list of other files you want in .gitignore would have to be know to the script. You could code them into the script, but I'd probably create a file like .myignore. The script would s... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #285368 | Initial revision | — | over 3 years ago |
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A: Conditionally ignore files in git I'm not familiar with Latex, but it seems the PDFs are generated from the Latex files. It then seems the real problem is that you are trying to keep source and objects derived from that source in the GIT repository. Ideally, a GIT repository is only for the actual source files (those directly edi... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #285298 |
What are you trying to tell us by showing the question in a quote block? Text copied from elsewhere requires attribution. Also, you should trim off the pointless time-wasting fluff like <I>"Hey I have a questions"</i> and <i>"Thank you"</i>. Just because the other person said that doesn't mean you... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #285243 |
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— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #285243 | Initial revision | — | over 3 years ago |
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A: Behavior of Pointer Arithmetic on the Stack I'm able to access a, since b is below a on the stack. No, it's not! You have no guarantee in what order the compiler allocates temporary variables on the stack, and even whether it does so at all. You don't even have a guarantee which way (towards high or low addresses) the stack grows. Diff... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #284998 | Initial revision | — | over 3 years ago |
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A: Questions easily answered by studying a beginner-level book Downvote them for now. If it becomes a common problem, then create a close reason of no-research, and close them. Such questions should not be "answered" in comments. First, comments aren't for content. Using a comment to answer subverts the peer-review process. Real information on this site s... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #284178 | Initial revision | — | over 3 years ago |
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A: Why is it considered bad practice to use float for representing currency? I see that Klutt has explained why integers should be used, but there is more that the programmer must keep in mind. Consider the number of bits the integer needs. For US currency, you'd use cents (1/100 of a dollar). On many machines, integers are only 32 bits wide unless you specifically ask f... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #278571 |
Rounding towards 0, whether the input value is positive or negative, is simply a truncation. (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #281719 |
Thanks. I've tried to look at the standard before, but it's usually written in dense language with lots of references to terms defined elsewhere. It only seems useful if you already know everything except the one small thing you are trying to look up. I'll look more at this MDN thing you and Moshi... (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #281660 |
Thanks for the answer. The HTML isn't being generated from something else, I'm typing it in directly to write a simple document. Columns in tables holding the same data, and therefore requiring the same formatting seems common, and surprising there is no easy default. I didn't know about nth-child... (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #281659 | Initial revision | — | almost 4 years ago |
Question | — |
How to set text-align for whole column of HTML table? To start off, here is the complete HTML of a simple example table: <html lang="en-US"> <head> <title>Title</title> <style> table { width: 20em; table-layout: fixed; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: center; } ... (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #281552 |
Sigh. It was so much simpler when all valid input was 7-bit ASCII. (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #281418 |
You claim to be asking about data compression, but then your examples don't have anything to do with compression, your description of what data compression means makes no sense, and certainly isn't about data compression. Compression is about reducing the size of data by eliminating redundancy. (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #281255 |
It just happened to me on the EE site after editing an answer I wrote a few hours earlier. This is rather annoying, since I was already logged in. Even worse, it made me do it twice (click on all the pictures containing a boat). Some of the pictures were hard to see, and maybe I missed one on the ... (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #280694 |
You miss the point. The difference is between *demand* and *request*. Pointing out a problem is useful. Requesting a fix is OK. Demanding something from people that would do it for free is just plain rude. (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #280694 |
It should be clear that demanding anything of volunteers is at least rude. (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280681 |
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— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280681 | Initial revision | — | about 4 years ago |
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A: Interpreted language: What is its benefit for being written in that way ? Some additional advantages of interpreted languages: Interpreted programs are basically scripts run by the interpreter. The interpreter can be embedded into other applications that want to provide some user-defined logic. As long as this is not expected to get large or require high speed, then i... (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #280529 |
Even more important than auto-complete is to be able to abbreviate the names. On SE, for example, all you needed was the first 3 letters. That was very useful. (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #279252 |
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— | over 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #279072 |
*"At that point we're already altering history"*. Exactly. That's the real problem you need to fix. (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #279252 |
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— | over 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #279252 | Initial revision | — | over 4 years ago |
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A: How can I make --reset-author the default? Here's the problem: Wednesday I make the changes, git commit --amend them Just do a normal commit. You are trying to re-write, or cover up, history. That's generally bad. The record should reflect what really happened: You submitted a patch, it was rejected for xxx reason, you changed the ... (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #277249 |
@Lundin: Right. Many user-level questions about single-board computers are off topic on Electronics. See https://electrical.codidact.com/help/arduino where we specifically address this regarding Arduinos (historically the worst offender). (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #277249 |
*" Electrical is purely for hardware questions"*. Firmware questions are on topic. See https://electrical.codidact.com/help/topics. However, they need to not be ordinary software questions. How to write a loop in C isn't on topic just because the code will run in a microcontroller. To be on topi... (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #277218 |
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— | over 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #277218 |
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— | over 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #277218 | Initial revision | — | over 4 years ago |
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