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Posts by Trevor
Using Vim, I am trying to search for all instances of a specific string, except for those that fall somewhere in between two other specific strings. For example, I want to determine all instances ...
Note: I asked this question on TopAnswers a couple weeks ago, but didn't get any response, so I figured I'd ask it here. I am currently learning C++. I have a parent class (Vehicle) and two subc...
I think I found a solution myself. Instead of using the between() function, you can use the gte() (greater than or equal to) function. So the command above would be: ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vf "yadif...
Note: This is a general question about Markdown formatting for any Markdown renderer (e.g., Gitlab, Github, Codidact). So this is not just a question about Codidact's renderer. When displaying she...
I am trying to join some video files and have an issue. I have boiled down the problem to the following minimal working example. I create a 2-second mp4 with a silent audio stream: $ ffmpeg -f l...
Suppose I have the following directory structure: folder/ aaa/ f.txt bbb/ f.txt I want to compare the file f.txt as it is common to both directories. So in zsh I type this: % d...
I would like to have an empty line in the cell of a table in reStructuredText. Consider the following example: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - aaa - bbb * - ccc - ddd ...
In tmux I have the following command in my .tmux.conf, which will save a double-clicked line to the file /tmp/tmux_line.txt: bind-key -n DoubleClick1Pane select-pane \; copy-mode -M \; send-keys -...
I'm using ffmpeg to apply a filter in between two time points. I am using the between() operator to specify the times. For example, to apply the yadif filter between 30 and 90 seconds I run: ffmpe...