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Activity for Iizukiā€­

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Edit Post #293544 Initial revision 17 days ago
Answer A: Best practices for designing a central gateway/hub for microservices communication
GraphQL instead of gRPC Assuming you do decide to implement a gateway, I'd consider implementing it as a GraphQL API instead of plain gRPC. I feel like your usecase is almost exactly what it's intended for. It too suports streaming, plus it's just a pleasure to work with in general. Easy to docume...
17 days ago
Edit Post #293542 Initial revision 17 days ago
Answer A: Best practices for designing a central gateway/hub for microservices communication
How about a library instead? The traditional way of reducing code duplication among separate software packages is to wrap the common bits in a library and use it where ever the functionality is needed. Each microservice would still be talking directly to the external service, but most of the co...
17 days ago
Edit Post #293462 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Answer A: How to disable jobs in GitLab CI after they are successfully executed
I don't think there exists a straightforward solution. Likely you can achieve this with `rules` but you'll have to define and finetune them on each of the jobs. (template jobs may help a bit here.) I.e. configure some jobs to only run on merges and others only on commits etc. The last resort wo...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #293412 Right so you mean following situation? 1. A commit is pushed to branch A and a pipeline is triggered. 2. The branch gets merged to `main` and the pipeline is triggered again. 3. (optionally) a tag gets pushed to the repository, triggering yet another pipeline.
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #293452 Post edited:
Added one more example
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #293452 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Question Are email addresses case-sensitive?
Does the case of an email address make a difference? I.e. would sending emails to these addresses all lead to the same inbox? ``, `ACCOUNT@EXAMPLE.ORG`, ``, `` ...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #293412 In what situation you find that your jobs are rerun needlessly? I can think of several possibilities: commit, retrying failed pipeline, manually triggered pipeline...
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #293353 Initial revision about 2 months ago
Answer A: Keep failed CronJob Pods around in Kubernetes
There are a few fields that play into this, but the gist of it is to set the Pod's `restartPolicy` to `Never`. This doesn't mean that the Job only tries once. Rather, instead of restarting the container inside the Pod on failure, a new Pod will get scheduled until the Job's `backoffLimit` is reached ...
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #293352 Initial revision about 2 months ago
Question Keep failed CronJob Pods around in Kubernetes
It seems like pods created by a Kubernetes CronJob (or rather Job) are deleted as soon as they fail. This makes it difficult to figure out what went wrong (unless you have Prometheus or some other log aggregator in use). Is there a way to keep the pods of the failed Jobs around for a while to faci...
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #293248 Post edited:
Revision is the correct term
3 months ago
Edit Post #293249 Initial revision 3 months ago
Answer A: Helm delete old release revisions
You don't need to do anything. Helm prunes old release secrets once their number exceeds 10. More specifically, `helm upgrade` command has an integer option `--history-max`, that allows you to specify the max amount of revisions to keep around. It defaults to 10.
3 months ago
Edit Post #293248 Initial revision 3 months ago
Question Helm delete old release revisions
Helm keeps track of releases and their revisions by creating a kubernetes `Secret` each time a chart is installed, upgraded etc. These are of course useful in case you want to rollback, but they do pile up. How to prune old helm chart revisions from a cluster, when you're confident you no longer w...
3 months ago
Edit Post #293242 Initial revision 3 months ago
Answer A: List charts in a helm repository
You have to search the repo without any filters: ```commandline $ helm search repo myrepo NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION myrepo/mychart 1.0.0 1.0.0 Example helm chart ``` Also remember to update the repositories first: ```co...
3 months ago
Edit Post #293241 Initial revision 3 months ago
Question List charts in a helm repository
How to list all available helm charts in a helm repository, preferrably using the native `helm` CLI tool? This command lists the repos themselves, but I've yet to discover how to list their contents. ```commandline $ helm repo list ```
3 months ago
Edit Post #292748 Post edited:
Comment suggestions
6 months ago
Comment Post #292748 You seem to know way more about this than I do. Go ahead and edit this answer (or just post another one)
6 months ago
Edit Post #292748 Initial revision 6 months ago
Answer A: Why not call nullptr NULL?
Probably just backwards compatibility with past C++ versions, where `NULL = 0`.
6 months ago
Edit Post #292680 Initial revision 6 months ago
Answer A: What does an exclamation mark mean in a GraphQL schema?
It's a type modifier that means that the field is non-nullable. That is, when uploading these types you must provide values for these fields, and in turn the server promises to always populate the field in query responses (or return an error if it cannot be done). Official docs.
6 months ago
Edit Post #292679 Initial revision 6 months ago
Question What does an exclamation mark mean in a GraphQL schema?
Types are often followed by exclamation marks in GraphQL schemas. What do they mean? ```graphql type User { id: Int! email: String! name: String! updatedAt: String! createdAt: String! } ```
6 months ago
Edit Post #292678 Initial revision 6 months ago
Question Differences between Haskell tools Stack and Cabal?
Haskell tooling can be confusing. Both `Stack` and `Cabal` appear to be build tools with similar goals. How do they differ? Why should you pick one over the other?
6 months ago
Edit Post #291580 Initial revision 10 months ago
Answer A: UID of nonroot user in distroless container images
You don't actually need the UID in that particular example. A more elegant solution would be to use the `--chown` option of the COPY directive. ```containerfile FROM bash:latest as builder RUN adduser adduser \ --disabled-password \ --gecos "" \ --home "/nonexistent" \ --shell "...
10 months ago
Edit Post #291575 Initial revision 10 months ago
Answer A: UID of nonroot user in distroless container images
The UID of `nonroot` user is 65532. This is by convention. I failed to find a reputable source for this, but looking around image internals, it seems to hold.
10 months ago
Edit Post #291574 Initial revision 10 months ago
Question UID of nonroot user in distroless container images
Distroless images use a user called `nonroot` by convention. What's the UID (User ID) of this user? This is relevant in multi-stage image builds: ```containerfile FROM bash:latest as builder RUN adduser adduser \ --disabled-password \ --gecos "" \ --home "/nonexistent" \ --shell...
10 months ago
Comment Post #285050 This is a prime example of creating confusion with keyword overloading. Hopefully newer languages keep this in mind.
10 months ago
Comment Post #291267 I'm indeed using rancher, but it's really more a part of the answer than the question. This is mostly a question about understanding what can cause such an error message. There could be other non-rancher-related causes too.
12 months ago
Edit Post #291268 Initial revision 12 months ago
Answer A: Kubectl exec: "Error from server (BadRequest): Upgrade request required"
Ok I got it working again. The issue was that I had updated my kubeconfig file, and the `current-context` setting had changed. This setting essentially selects which cluster kubectl targets. Now the cluster wasn't a wrong one per se, it just wasn't a direct route. This is a `rancher` managed cl...
12 months ago
Edit Post #291267 Initial revision 12 months ago
Question Kubectl exec: "Error from server (BadRequest): Upgrade request required"
I'm getting an error when trying to open a shell to a pod. This used to work. ```shell $ kubectl exec --tty --stdin --namespace my-ns my-pod -- sh Error from server (BadRequest): Upgrade request required ``` What does it mean?
12 months ago
Edit Post #291234 Post edited:
missing word
12 months ago
Edit Post #291237 Initial revision 12 months ago
Answer A: Simplest way of getting failure notification emails from kubernetes
The simplest solution I managed to find is robusta. It still has a bunch of unnecessary features, but with the correct configuration it's possible to disable these. As a bonus, it nicely adds some extra info to the notifications (called enrichments). It's intended to run alongside prometheus, b...
12 months ago
Edit Post #291235 Post edited:
12 months ago