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Welcome to Software Development on Codidact!

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Activity for GeraldS‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Comment Post #292275 I want to do test the functionality completely, including proper DB queries. I also plan to set up proper front end testing, but from what I gathered so far this is a) far more complex to set up and b) takes a lot longer, so it is recommended to do unit testing with pytest or similar tools for every ...
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292283 Initial revision 2 months ago
Answer A: How can I interact with the target widget from a drop event
I managed to do this by changing my `onfiledrop()` function into a closure and adding the `glib::clone!` macro: > Macro `glib::clone` > Macro for passing variables as strong or weak references into a closure. > > This macro can be useful in combination with closures, e.g. signal handlers, to...
2 months ago
Edit Post #292275 Post edited:
corrected argument, still not working
2 months ago
Edit Post #292275 Initial revision 2 months ago
Question how can I run pytest on Flask routes?
I'm trying to implement pytest for one of my Python Flask projects. The application is instanciated like this in `` ```python def createapp(): app = Flask(name) app.config.frompyfile("settings.cfg") jinjapartials.registerextensions(app) app.wsgiapp = ProxyFix(app....
2 months ago
Edit Post #292262 Post edited:
fixed swapped words in the title
2 months ago
Edit Post #292262 Initial revision 2 months ago
Question How can I interact with the target widget from a drop event
I'm trying to update a ListBox widget after dropping some files on it. This is the relevant part of my current code: ```rust fn onfiledrop(target: &DropTarget, value: &Value, x: f64, y: f64) -> bool { if let Ok(filelist) = value.get::() {...
2 months ago
Edit Post #292183 Post edited:
added code formatting
2 months ago
Edit Post #292184 Post edited:
code formatting
2 months ago
Suggested Edit Post #292183 Suggested edit:
added code formatting
helpful 2 months ago
Suggested Edit Post #292184 Suggested edit:
code formatting
helpful 2 months ago
Edit Post #292179 Initial revision 2 months ago
Answer A: PHP for simple HTML-PHP-CSS contact form --- aimed solely for RTL websites
general improvements Move everything that is directly related for the submission inside the `if ... 'POST'` condition. ```php if ($SERVER['REQUESTMETHOD'] == 'POST') { $to = ''; $subject = 'הודעה חדשה מאת: ' . $name; include 'message.php'; $headers[] = 'M...
2 months ago
Comment Post #292177 You currently have a document that is hard to read. You are creating another document that is equally hard to read, just a little easier to navigate. Most readers will only need either the current state of the document, or the state of a document at a specific point in time. Having each of the ...
2 months ago
Edit Post #292177 Initial revision 2 months ago
Answer A: How to establish a relationship between HTML elements (tags)? (i.e., how can one element refer to another one)
I wouldn't try to create another single document from this. I'd rather create one document per version, store it along with the version date and provide means to show diffs between versions. Any Wiki software should provide everything you need.
2 months ago
Comment Post #292153 Thank you very much for the extensive explanations. It helped a lot in understanding the concept.
3 months ago
Edit Post #292149 Post edited:
added additional code for a (somewhat) working example.
3 months ago
Comment Post #292149 It's a simplified example. Currently I'm only interested on how to modify it.
3 months ago
Edit Post #292149 Initial revision 3 months ago
Question How can I create and modify a struct over iterations of a loop?
How can I have a mutable object (for example a vector) that is created inside a loop iteration and needs to be updated in later iterations of said loop? As a concrete example, consider parsing something similar to an ini file. ```ini [section1] entry1 entry2 [section2] entry3 entry4 ``...
3 months ago
Comment Post #292061 The actual input file has 1000 lines, but they are structured exactly as in the example. I can link to my original input file if needed, but I don't think it makes a difference if 100 or only a couple of lines are used.
3 months ago
Edit Post #292061 Initial revision 3 months ago
Question Parsing numbers from a text file
This is my solution to the first task of the Advent of Code 2023. The task description is: > On each line, the calibration value can be found by combining the first digit and the last digit (in that order) to form a single two-digit number. > > For example: > > 1abc2 > pqr3stu8vw...
3 months ago