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Comments on how can I run pytest on Flask routes?


how can I run pytest on Flask routes?


I'm trying to implement pytest for one of my Python Flask projects.

The application is instanciated like this in

def create_app():
    app = Flask(__name__)
    app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app, x_for=1, x_proto=1, x_host=1, x_prefix=1)
    babel = Babel(app, locale_selector=get_locale)
    return app contains, among other test functions this:

import pytest
from appname import *

def client():
    app = create_app()
        "TESTING": True,

    with app.app_context():
        with app.test_client() as client:
            yield client

def test_index(client):
    response = client.get("/")
    assert response.status_code == 200

def test_search(client):
    response = client.get("/search", query_string={"search": "someone"})
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert False

Calling app functions directly from the test functions works fine and I can assert the expected results. But I have trouble testing the responses from the routes of the Flask app with the client.get() function.

All I get is a 404 response for every route.

What am I missing?

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1 comment thread

Mock server or run it for real? (2 comments)
Mock server or run it for real?
matthewsnyder‭ wrote about 2 months ago

Are you trying to run your whole server, and test the routes "realistically"? So for example if /search is supposed to do a DB query, will your test also set up that DB and check for a correct response? Or do you want to ignore Flask and its @app.get etc decorators, and only check that the method you wrote is returning the correct thing?

I'm probably less knowledgeable than you on this, but from what I've seen pytest is good for unit tests where you look at a few methods in isolation. To do integration tests where you check if the whole server is working, it makes more sense to just spin up a test instance of that server and hit its API. You could still use pytest, but it would be just making naive API calls with requests and doing asserts on the response, without getting into the internals of your Flask code.

GeraldS‭ wrote about 2 months ago

I want to do test the functionality completely, including proper DB queries. I also plan to set up proper front end testing, but from what I gathered so far this is a) far more complex to set up and b) takes a lot longer, so it is recommended to do unit testing with pytest or similar tools for every commit and do the longer running tests only before doing releases.

Apart from that, Flask does provide the means to do theses tests so I would like to know how to utilize them properly.