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Comments on After git fetch, how to fast forward my branch?


After git fetch, how to fast forward my branch?


I did git fetch to quickly get latest commits. I did this instead of git pull so I could deal with merge conflicts offline. But my repository is still stuck on the old commit, and now git pull fails because I can no longer connect to the internet. How do I "activate" the changes that I fetched?

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git merge origin/branch_name

Or rebase instead of merge.
I'm also assuming your remote's name is "origin" (which usually is, for most cases). But of course this explanation is valid for any remotes you might have configured, and you just need to change its name in the command line.

Long answer

When your local repository has one or more remotes configured, there are special branches that the documentation calls "remote-tracking branches".

Basically, those branches serve "as bookmarks, to remind you where the branches in your remote repositories were the last time you connected to them". Their names follow the format "remote_name/branch_name".

Example: let's say there is some remote repository, which has just the branch main. After cloning it (git clone remote-url), the repositories will be like this:

All previous commits... <- commit A (main)

Local (after git clone)
All previous commits... <- commit A (main, origin/main)

Your local repository has the local branch main, and the remote-tracking branch origin/main (both pointing to the same commit A). The latter indicates the state of the branch main in the remote repository when you cloned it.

Now let's say someone else pushed to the remote repository, while you also changed your local one:

Remote (someone else pushed commit B)
All previous commits... <- commit A <- commit B (main)

Local (you added commit C)
All previous commits... <- commit A (origin/main) <- commit C (main)

Note that the changes you made locally affected only your local branch main. The remote-tracking branch origin/main still points to commit A, because that's the status it got the last time you synchronized with the remote (in this case, when you cloned it). Your local repository is still unaware of commit B.

You can't move remote-tracking branches. They are moved by Git when you synchronize with the remote repository (when you clone, fetch, pull or push).

So let's get the new commits from the remote, by running git fetch. The result will be:

All previous commits... <- commit A <- commit B (main)

Local (after git fetch)
All previous commits... <- commit A <- commit C (main)
                           commit B (origin/main)

After fetching, your local repository is updated with the current status of the remote repository.

In this case, the only change is: "branch main in the remote repository is pointing to commit B, whose parent is commit A". That's why origin/main in the local repository now points to commit B.

Therefore, in order to update your local branch main, you just need to merge it with origin/main (either by using git merge or git rebase, depending on your preferences or specific project workflow, etc).

By the way, the documentation says:

"git pull runs git fetch with the given parameters and then depending on configuration options or command line flags, will call either git rebase or git merge to reconcile diverging branches".

Which means that, when you fetched, you already did the first part of git pull, and a simple merge or rebase is enough to complete it.

But there's a corner case. Let's say you fetch, review and merge, but while you were reviewing, someone else pushed new commits. If you just merge instead of pulling, you won't get those new commits, as you're merging only the ones you've got when you fetched. But of course you could pull (or fetch+merge) again to get the remaining commits.

As pointed out in the comments, instead of git merge origin/branch_name, you could also use git merge branch_name@{u}.

The @{u} shortcut refers to the upstream branch which branch_name is tracking.

You can also ommit the branch name (git merge @{u}), and in this case the current branch will be used.

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"origin" footnote (3 comments)
"origin" footnote
Michael‭ wrote 3 months ago

I would 100% use the syntax from the top of this answer, but it is possible to generalize it.

git merge branch_name@{u}
hkotsubo‭ wrote 3 months ago

Michael‭ I forgot about the @{u} syntax, as it's something I don't use very often. I've added that to the answer, thanks!

Michael‭ wrote 3 months ago

Haha. And I forgot that if you omit the branch name, it just assumes you mean your HEAD. Good reminder!

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