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Welcome to Software Development on Codidact!

Will you help us build our independent community of developers helping developers? We're small and trying to grow. We welcome questions about all aspects of software development, from design to code to QA and more. Got questions? Got answers? Got code you'd like someone to review? Please join us.

Comments on Growing software.codidact


Growing software.codidact


I've been thinking about how the community might bring more contributors to software.codidact. One of the ways is to simply pitch codidact in questions, answers, and comments in stackoverflow. I'm not sure if that is explicitly forbidden there, or frowned upon. Is making explicit pitches for software.codidact on stackoverflow a good idea?

The underlying premise is that this community wants to grow this site more rapidly. The alternative is what I'll call natural growth, where people find codidact by themselves. Obviously there needs to be a balance of people who only ask questions and knowledgable people willing to answer them, and I think natural growth is likely more likely to provide that balance. Do we want to grow software.codidact more rapidly than natural growth provides? If yes, what are some other ideas for growing the site?

Obviously these questions can apply to all the codidact sites, but I'm personally most interested in software.codidact.

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Speaking personally (not as a Codidact admin):

One low-key way to promote this community there is to cite it in answers. If you see a question there that you want to answer, see if it's here too. Maybe there's already an answer here, or maybe you want to write an answer. You can then write an answer on SO that quotes and links to the Codidact answer, same as you would if you were quoting from documentation or a tech blog or anywhere else. Don't be a spammer, but do cite when it's legitimate.

Many years ago, Joel blogged about using this same approach to promote SO (then new) in other parts of the net. I don't know how much Joel's precedents matter at SO today, but it's where I got this idea.

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General comments (2 comments)
General comments

Ok, sounds good. I can game that by seeing an SO question I want to answer, asking a similar question here and answering it myself, then quoting my answer here in my answer there.

Andreas demands justice for humanity‭ wrote 3 months ago · edited 3 months ago

Just make sure you don't plagiarize the question. Besides, if you do this often enough, it may seem like you are stealing questions from SO, which doesn't exactly lead to a good reputation.