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How do I share a type between a client and server, but make a specific field optional for one and required for the other?
Let's say I have a client/server application with a data structure on the server side:
type User = {
name: string;
superSecretGovernmentIdNumber: string;
These fields are both non-nullable; all users in this system have a name
and a superSecretGovernmentIdNumber
, and the server always knows what both are.
On the client, I'd like to be able to use this same type, with non-nullable name
, but depending on whether the user you're viewing is yourself or another person, you may or may not be able to see that user's superSecretGovernmentIdNumber
. That is, I would like the same type to be this on the client:
type User = {
name: string;
superSecretGovernmentIdNumber?: string;
There is Partial<T>
, which would make everything optional, but I still want name
to be required.
Is this expressible in TypeScript? How?
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The existing answer is fine, but you can achieve similar results in many ways using some of TypeScript's utility types.
While you cannot use (only) Partial
to do this, TypeScript provides the opposite Required
as well - so if one of your types requires all properties, you can start by defining the one with some optional ones:
type UserForClients = {
name: string;
superSecretGovernmentIdNumber?: string;
type UserForServers = Required<UserForClients>;
and (Omit<T, K>
or Pick<T, K>
Going in the other direction, starting with a "base" type and making some properties optional. Partial
makes everything optional, but by combining it with parts of the base type that still require some properties, we can "cancel" the optionality:
type UserForServers = {
name: string;
superSecretGovernmentIdNumber: string;
type UserForClients = Partial<UserForServers> & Omit<UserForServers, "superSecretGovernmentIdNumber">;
// Or, equivalently
type UserForClients = Partial<UserForServers> & Pick<UserForServers, "name">;
Custom Utility types
We can create some utility types of our own to handle these cases if they are frequent:
type WithOptional<T, K extends keyof T> = Partial<T> & Omit<T, K>;
type UserForServer = {
name: string;
superSecretGovernmentIdNumber: string;
type UserForClient = WithOptional<UserForServer, "superSecretGovermentIdNumber">;
// Or, equivalently
type RequireOnly<T, K extends keyof T> = Partial<T> & Required<Pick<T, K>>;
type UserForServer = {
name: string;
superSecretGovernmentIdNumber: string;
type UserForClient = RequireOnly<UserForServer, "name">;
// Or, equivalently
type WithRequired<T, K extends keyof T> = T & Required<Pick<T, K>>;
type UserForClient = {
name: string;
superSecretGovernmentIdNumber?: string;
type UserForServer = WithRequired<UserForClient, "superSecretGovernmentIdNumber">;
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This can be done using conditional types.
I defined these helper types:
enum Role { server, client };
type PossiblyHiddenFromClients<R extends Role, T> =
T | (R extends Role.client ? undefined : never);
When R is server
, this type reduces to T
(via T | never
); when R is client
, it is T | undefined
can then be defined as:
type User<R extends Role> = {
name: string;
superSecretGovernmentIdNumber: PossiblyHiddenFromClients<R, string>;
There are now two types, User<Role.server>
representing a full unredacted user, and User<Role.client>
representing one that may or may not have information missing. The client should always use the latter; the server uses the former internally and converts to the latter (redacting as required) when returning data to the client.
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