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Eclipse Custom Errors for Annotation Processing
In Eclipse, is it possible to setup custom errors or markers in the editor, for annotation processing?
For example, the standard squiggly lines with descriptions.
This question is not important. -- just asking out of curiosity.
After some failed research into this topic, there seem to be different packages available, but I haven't seen any working implementations of them.
I have a Maven project in Eclipse, where I had some help successfully setting up annotation processing. Errors and Warnings from the processor can be seen within the terminal, which is great. Just curious if it was possible to see those errors and warnings in the Java editor as well (just for convenience), so it can highlight the lines of code generating those errors.
~ ChatGPT insists it's "Easy" to setup, and only requires clicking a few buttons (buttons that don't exist in the projects properties).
~ There are also some forum postings that seem to suggest it is possible.
I do think it's possible to have "custom errors and warnings" in Eclipse editors,, buttt, I don't think it is "Easy".
I wanted to reach out here, and ask-- is it possible? (Before giving up on trying to set it up, because I'm happy with my setup regardless).
If it is possible, this question really has 2 topics:
- how "custom errors and warnings" or "markers" are setup
- how "annotation processing" is linked to to the error/ warning software
*in general
Thank you for your time!
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