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Using sqlline, how do you filter/find tables using the !tables command


I need to filter/find and list tables using the sqlline !tables command.

For example, these are the type of queries i wish to fire

  1. Find out all the tables in a particular schema s1
  2. All tables that start with t0
  3. All tables whose schema name ends with 20 and whose table name start with x
  4. All the "table", not "views" in a particular schema s19
  5. Get all the views in the system

All i see in the documentation is the following

tables — List all the tables in the database, schema, by pattern

Synopsis !tables

It mentions "by pattern" but no information on the pattern

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From the source code it seems the following is possible.

!tables <table name pattern>
!tables <schema name pattern> <table name pattern>
!tables <schema name pattern> <table name pattern> (<table type name>)*

So for the examples quoted above, this is how it would be done

  1. !tables "s1" "%"
  2. !tables "t0%"
  3. !tables "%20" "x%"
  4. !tables "s19" "%" "TABLE"
  5. !tables "%" "%" "VIEW"

Note that filtering by the Catalog or Database doesn't seem to be possible.

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