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Welcome to Software Development on Codidact!

Will you help us build our independent community of developers helping developers? We're small and trying to grow. We welcome questions about all aspects of software development, from design to code to QA and more. Got questions? Got answers? Got code you'd like someone to review? Please join us.

Activity for trichoplax‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Comment Post #288060 I also like the fact that the question is not complaining about the difference in behaviour between `if` and `for`, but actively seeking understanding and asking about a potential explanation.
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #288060 I don't see the question as asking why Python doesn't have the same syntax as JavaScript. The author understands that the parentheses are not required in Python. The question is why is it OK to add redundant parentheses to an `if` statement, but not to a `for` statement. Until the reason is unders...
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #288464 I agree questions are useful at all levels. The answer might seem obvious after it is discovered, but it was not obvious before it was discovered, so it will not be obvious to the next person either.
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #288321 Codidact is already set up to have multiple categories per community, so I think it just needs an admin to add it (if the community indicates support for it).
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #288321 Would the community benefit from a separate category for software recommendations (like the code reviews category)?
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288173 Post edited:
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288173 Post edited:
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288173 Post edited:
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288173 Initial revision almost 2 years ago
Answer A: Queries to count points lying on arbitrary line
Some answer-specific terminology to make describing things simpler: - I will refer to the N points as candidate points. - I will refer to the integer points inside the [bounding box] of the N points as lattice points. Two approaches There are two ways to approach this question: - Check w...
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #288170 Are the N points known to be distinct, or can some of them be duplicates (several points with the same x and y values)?
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #288170 When you use the notation `O(N)` are you looking for an improvement to the worst case performance or the average case performance? My first impression is that your suggestion of a quadtree (or even just a regular grid) is likely to improve the average case, but not necessarily the worst case. I ha...
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288152 Post edited:
Fix backticks so syntax highlighting will work, fix typo in title
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288154 Initial revision almost 2 years ago
Answer A: Are there other reasons why useEffect might not be defined apart from not importing it?
Including the full file in the question The question states that `useState` has been imported, but the codeblock does not include `import { useState } from 'react';`. Is this the full file or just an excerpt? It may be difficult to say for certain what is wrong from an excerpt, if the problem turns ...
almost 2 years ago
Suggested Edit Post #288152 Suggested edit:
Fix backticks so syntax highlighting will work, fix typo in title
helpful almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #288098 One way would be to use singular `LogRecord` for the record type, and plural `log_records` for the dictionary variable name.
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288148 Initial revision almost 2 years ago
Answer A: How do I return ISO day of week in Redshift?
Quick answer ```sql (DATEPART(dayofweek, mydatetime) + 6) % 7 ``` Slow answer For avoidance of doubt, here is what I believe you currently have (assuming an input called `mydatetime`): ```sql DATEPART(dayofweek, mydatetime) ``` Or its abbreviated equivalent: ```sql DATEPART(dow...
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #288062 Really glad to hear that you found it helpful. Thanks for the tip on using `export` to allow testing from another file.
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288062 Post edited:
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #288060 This is an interesting question, exploring why an error occurs as part of gaining familiarity with the language. I would not expect it to be easy to find the answer by searching documentation or online without already knowing what explanation to search for. The asker clearly knows how to solve ...
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288062 Initial revision almost 2 years ago
Answer A: Vanilla JS Functions Review
Without seeing the HTML and CSS for the page I'm going to be making assumptions about the effects that the JavaScript has. Feel free to include the other files if the lack of context leads me to incorrect conclusions. ```js const quoteText = document.getElementById("quote-text"); const quoteAuth...
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288060 Post edited:
Add tag and fix typos
almost 2 years ago
Suggested Edit Post #288060 Suggested edit:
Add tag and fix typos
helpful almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288061 Post edited:
Make examples consistent with the question example
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288061 Initial revision almost 2 years ago
Answer A: Why can parentheses cause exceptions in Python when using for loops?
A single element tuple has a trailing comma Note that the example in the question does not form a tuple, as there is a special syntax for single element tuples. A single element tuple has a trailing comma after its single element. This is necessary to distinguish the single element tuple from an exp...
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #287918 Post edited:
Add missing space
about 2 years ago
Suggested Edit Post #287918 Suggested edit:
Add missing space
helpful about 2 years ago
Edit Post #284872 Post edited:
about 2 years ago
Suggested Edit Post #284872 Suggested edit:
helpful about 2 years ago
Edit Post #287782 Post edited:
Use markdown footnote which is clickable and includes a clickable return link at the end
about 2 years ago
Suggested Edit Post #287782 Suggested edit:
Use markdown footnote which is clickable and includes a clickable return link at the end
helpful about 2 years ago
Suggested Edit Post #287666 Suggested edit:
Typos and tidying
helpful about 2 years ago
Edit Post #287635 Post edited:
Add missing word
over 2 years ago
Suggested Edit Post #287635 Suggested edit:
Add missing word
helpful over 2 years ago
Edit Post #287600 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Answer A: Can I repost here the answers to questions I get answered elsewhere?
Your own questions If the original question was your own, then you own it and there is no restriction on also posting it to Codidact. Other people's answers For a question or answer posted by someone else, you may need their permission before posting here, depending on how it is licensed, and ...
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #287454 Post edited:
Suppress code syntax highlighting by marking the code block as text
over 2 years ago
Suggested Edit Post #287454 Suggested edit:
Suppress code syntax highlighting by marking the code block as text
helpful over 2 years ago
Comment Post #287313 I can see that you have put thought into this and you have an idea of how you want it to work, but the question doesn't currently show us what you require. Can you explain why you want this, rather than how it should work? That might make it easier to understand the requirements you describe, and ...
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #287297 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Answer A: Should asking about book recommendations directly connected to software development be on-topic?
Here is a slightly different suggestion, that may avoid the problems with open ended book recommendations. Book lists? No I'm not entirely against opinion based questions, but I am against opinions that are not attached to any meaning. It doesn't help me to know that one book has more votes than ...
over 2 years ago